Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 726

If you want to make achievements, you need to have a certain confidence first.

In other words, how capable you are and how big things you can do. If Shen Hao wants to make achievements that can brighten the eyes of xuanqingwei\'s senior management, he needs to make a "breakthrough".

Before Liao Chengfeng suffered, it was another matter. It was an act of standing in line to show his identity. Pang ban was just trying to publicize his position by killing people. Therefore, the internal rectification of Xuanqing Wei rarely involves people at the level of thousands of officials.

Therefore, if Shen Hao wants Jiang Cheng to shine, he must be different from the past. He has experience in making knives. The sharper he is, the more popular he is. Of course, he is loved by the person holding the handle, and the person facing the tip of the knife is just the opposite.

In fact, although Shen Hao began to plan this strategy after being informed by Jiang Cheng, this idea is not unique.

Including the Blackwater plan, in fact, the expansion is for everyone, whether it is xuanqingwei, local yamen or merchants. Shen Hao\'s initial plan was to spread an all pervasive net. It\'s just that xuanqingwei\'s internal cleaning up has been put forward separately in the general plan. In fact, it has not deviated from his original intention of casting a net.

Write down your strategy bit by bit. These are to be reported so that Jiang has become the goal.

At the beginning of Xu, Shen Hao saw that the time was almost up, then opened the masking array in the public room, and then pasted himself with an Qi calming talisman. Finally, he cast Tu Dun and directly left the public room, avoiding the perception of the three guards outside.

In the past, it was difficult for Shen Hao to get rid of the three people. Now, with the improvement of his cultivation, he can easily do it with the help of Dharma array and talisman.

After pretending to cover up his appearance in the alley, Shen Hao entered the transmission array and went all the way to Haocheng. There are more than one houses that Feilong secretly bought here.

Shen Hao came once before. One of the main spy training venues in Heishui is in Haocheng.

Avoiding the eyes of the three bodyguards is also that Shen Hao doesn\'t want them to know too much about Blackwater\'s secret. Even Jiang Cheng and Pang ban have to hide some things as much as possible. The fewer people know, the safer it is for Blackwater.

Following the memory, I found an alley in Hao city. After entering, I can sense at least five secret sentries. Shen Haoliang\'s waist token will naturally be unimpeded all the way, otherwise this seemingly ordinary alley will definitely set off a killing opportunity.

When he stopped at the door of a house, Shen Hao saw Zhang lie and Liu Meng, who had not seen for a long time. One followed Feilong in the black market and the other followed Zhu Shou in the toothshop. It was completely different from the temperament of thousands of family soldiers in the beginning.

Zhang lie\'s momentum is gloomy now. He has been in the black market with Feilong for a long time, and has killed more people. He has become a knife alive.

Liu Meng\'s smiling appearance of a small official, even his clothes and robes are long clothes, and his body is a little fat. He can\'t completely connect this appearance with the thousands of family guards who used to be strong soldiers.

"See you, sir!" Zhang lie and Liu Mengqi saluted together and welcomed Shen Hao in.

Shen Hao nodded with a smile and chatted with them briefly. I also feel interesting, because in the past, it was not Zhang lie and Liu Meng who went out to meet this kind of job, but Feilong.

Nowadays, the changes are really great. Even Zhang lie, who kills courageous people, seems to be suppressed by flying dragons.

In the end, there is no wrong person. Feilong\'s ability really deserves his current position.

As soon as I entered the atrium, I saw Zhu Shou, Wang Jian, Feilong and Liu Hengyi standing in a row and saluting him. Everyone had a smile on his face, and they all bent slightly and scattered in the middle. The stars and the moon surrounded Shen Hao into the main room.

"Sir, would you like to have a dinner or talk first?"

"Talk while eating." it\'s already time for dinner. Shen Hao is hungry and has something to keep. It\'s said at the banquet that there\'s no need to toss about.

He sat down, Shen Hao in the middle, and the others sat down on both sides. Next to Shen Hao\'s left hand is naturally Wang Jian, while the person on his right hand is Zhu Shou. Then there are Zhang lie, Liu Meng and Liu Hengyi. Feilong sits at the end.

It\'s not that Feilong only deserves to sit at the last table, but what he asked. He said that sitting at the last table can help pour wine. When he said this with a smile, he also looked like a street gangster to please people, but only Shen Hao really answered Feilong\'s words. Others won\'t take Feilong\'s words to heart at all.

Brother Feilong, the largest black market leader in Jingxi, who dares to underestimate it?

As soon as he sat down, Shen Hao found a cabinet like mahogany box behind him. It was very strange. It sent out mana fluctuations and seemed to be cooling out.

"This is the air conditioner you made?" Shen Hao naturally thought of what he made Feilong toss. Feilong said he would donate treasure today. That should be it.

The flying dragon immediately stood up and jumped on his face. The ox\'s eyes were bulging and his face was flushed. He bent proudly to Shen Hao, nodded his head and said with a smile: "Yes, sir, this is the air conditioner you taught me before. I let someone get it. This is the most high-grade one set. It is called Ge Meijia. It can keep the house six to seven feet away warm in winter and cool in summer, and the degree of cooling and heating can be controlled by a pendulum needle..."

Feilong has a good eloquence and can say that he can bloom lotus at the crossing. It is estimated that this is why he can find his daughter-in-law when he looks ugly.

The introduction and the rapid cooling effect of the real object surprised everyone except Shen Hao.

When can the weather in may be as good as that in March? The chilly is much more comfortable than just now!

Although Shen Hao was not surprised, he was very pleased and proud. He brought a great invention from another world to this world in the form of magic and array, and the effect seems to be good at present.

"Cooling is OK, but heating? Have you tried?"

"I\'ve tried, sir, to ensure that the house can be as warm as spring in the severe winter, and there is absolutely no waste gas like a carbon stove." Feilong answered very neatly. He has been following up this thing himself, and he also realized that it is definitely a great skill to make money. Therefore, it has been experimented repeatedly. Nearly 20 different air conditioners have been made for more than half a year, and the final ones are confirmed again and again.

"Have you fixed the price?"

"I\'ve ordered one. For this type a air conditioner, one is going to sell 30000 Liang."

"Poof!" as soon as Feilong\'s voice fell, Liu menggang couldn\'t hold a mouthful of water. He quickly got up and pleaded guilty, and his face was blushing.

In fact, Liu Meng is not surprised. Others think Feilong is daydreaming, right? It\'s just a simple array for cooling and heating. How dare you sell it so expensive?

Shen Hao was not surprised. On the contrary, he thought it was very reasonable. There was a high premium for novel things. What he cares about is not the price itself: "how much confidence do you have to sell so expensive?"

"My Lord, I\'m sure that no one can copy the core array for at least two years. It\'s not too expensive for us to sell a unique business?"