Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 724

Tang Qingyuan laughed. He thought Shen Hao was comforting him, but soon his heart hung up because he didn\'t see the meaning of joking from Shen Hao\'s face.


"Of course it\'s serious. Human life is at stake. How can I make fun of you?" although Shen Hao sometimes has some bad interests, he never jokes about important things.

As soon as his hand turned over, the green jade bottle was taken out of the storage bag by Shen Hao and held in his palm: "this thing was obtained by chance before. Have you heard of the panacea?"

"Panacea?!" Tang Qingyuan was shocked when he was half lying in bed. Naturally, he had heard of this top-grade treasure pill. And the eyes shine, because the panacea is an extremely rare antidote. It can solve most of the erysipels in the world.

Chinese pill is already very rare, and the top-grade Baodan is even more difficult to see. What\'s more, it\'s rare that wanlingdan is a popular pill.

Shen Hao got this from a cloud sword with the soul eating ability of black animal tattoo at jianhuang tomb. It is Shen Hao\'s luck. Now it seems to be Tang Qingyuan\'s luck.

"It seems that you know this thing, so you don\'t need me to introduce it. Take it and have a try. If this thing can\'t save you, you can only wait to die." Shen Hao opened the jade bottle and poured the pill into Tang Qingyuan\'s hand. In an instant, the fragrance of Dan overflowed, which gave people a boost.

"You..." Tang Qingyuan knew the weight of the pill in his hand. It was not only a precious top-grade pill, but also a great favor. Even if the pill could not save him in the end, the favor should be written down by the Tang family.

Knowing what Tang Qingyuan was going to say, Shen Hao waved his hand and interrupted, "if you\'re polite, don\'t say more. Take it quickly. I\'ll help you protect the law."

After taking a deep look at Shen Hao, Tang Qingyuan nodded heavily and said, "OK. I don\'t thank you for your kindness. Let me report it later!"

Then Tang Qingyuan fed the pill into his mouth.

The pill melts at the entrance, like a wisp of warm current rapidly spreading all over the body along the esophagus of Tang Qingyuan

Shen Hao let go of his perception and stood by the bed to help Tang Qingyuan protect the Dharma. At the same time, he also carefully observed the changes of Tang Qingyuan\'s breath. If the panacea is effective, Tang Qingyuan\'s breath will gradually stabilize and will not be as chaotic as it is now.

Soon Shen Hao secretly said "there is a play". Because a warm air wave began to appear on Tang Qingyuan\'s body, emanating from the inside to the outside, and a layer of black and greasy things visible to the naked eye began to penetrate from Tang Qingyuan\'s skin surface.

Is this detoxification? Shen Hao covered himself with a layer of genuine Qi to avoid being eroded by the things discharged by Tang Qingyuan. While continuing to carefully observe the situation of Tang Qingyuan, he found that Tang Qingyuan\'s breath seemed to have a tendency to stabilize slowly.

Panacea works!

For an hour and a half, Tang Qingyuan\'s clothes were soaked with black oil, which smelled disgusting, and the exposed skin was dripping oil. However, the breath on the body has basically stabilized. Although it is still very weak, it is no longer as chaotic as before.

"Hoo!" Tang Qingyuan took a long breath of turbid air, opened his eyes, and no longer had the dead look before. Although his face was covered with a layer of black oil, he could see that he was laughing.

"Ha ha, this pill works!"

"OK, OK, I\'ll go out first. You\'d better clean yourself up. It\'s too smelly! By the way, it\'s best to burn all the things contaminated with your buried things in this house. No, mine is out." Shen Hao walked out of the house with his nose in his hand. The stench inside is really bad.

At this time, Tang Qingyuan reacted. He smelled himself and scolded. Then he immediately got out of bed, opened the door and asked the family servant to take care of the hot water. At the same time, he ordered a fire to burn everything in the house.

Shen Hao didn\'t go either. He was retained by the ecstatic Tang family. He drank tea in the hall, accompanied by Tang Qingyuan\'s eldest son.

After waiting for almost half an hour, I first heard Tang Qingyuan\'s hearty laughter, and then saw him come in from the outside, change his regular clothes, and have some blood color on his face, but his gray hair is difficult to go back.

Today, Tang Qingyuan\'s breath is stable, and his cultivation is horizontal in the six levels of gathering God.

Before Shen Hao could speak, Tang Qingyuan said hello. More than a dozen people from the top and bottom of the Tang family came to the house. It was a big gift to Shen Hao, which made Shen Hao unable to stop.

"This great gift should be accepted by Lord Shen, and this kindness will never be forgotten by the Tang family!" Tang Qingyuan also thanked the great gift. At this time, he had a mixed feeling in his heart. Both joy and emotion, but also happiness. If it had not been for Shen Hao\'s help, this good relationship would never have ended now, let alone saved his life because of this relationship.

One drink and one peck?

"Don\'t be so polite, Lord Tang. You and I have been friends for many years, and the future will be long." Shen Hao smiled and waved his hand. He really didn\'t want to repay kindness. Tang Qingyuan now has no place to take advantage of either his cultivation or his status. It\'s just the good fortune of the year. He just remembers the past.

Tang Qingyuan wants to keep Shen Hao for a drink, but Shen Hao refuses and gets together another day. He has too many things recently, but he doesn\'t have time to drink with Tang Qingyuan.

Before leaving, Shen Hao approached and said, "you find a chance to hand over Yiying file to me, and leave the rest. Isn\'t Kuang Shengyuan hanging your post? You should take a rest and raise it at home. Maybe there\'s another chance waiting for you later?"

Tang Qingyuan heard Shen Hao\'s words, but when he wanted to ask, Shen Hao had turned and left, so he had to stop. Back in the room, I thought of something, and the smile on my face became thicker.

Shen Hao came out of the Tang mansion and then turned back to the Qianhu office. As soon as he arrived at the public house, he saw Wang Jian waiting outside.

"What\'s up?"

"Your Excellency, the information you collected about Lianfeng city and Guangshun city has been sorted out. Please have a look." Wang Jian took out a thick document from the storage bag and handed it to Shen Hao\'s desk.

"Well, put it down." Shen Hao sat down and prepared to deal with the official business at hand. Seeing that Wang Jian had not left, he asked, "what else?"

"My Lord, let me ask Feilong if you are free tonight. He said he had something good to offer you." Wang Jian\'s trip was all Feilong\'s face. Today\'s flying dragon is no longer something Wang Jian can casually ignore. Besides, they seem to have a tacit understanding and have some meaning of holding together.

Shen Hao nodded and said with a smile, "yes. Find a secret place and call Zhu Shou and Liu Hengyi. It\'s time to get together with them when you come back."

"OK, sir, do you think it is feasible to arrange it in Haocheng?"
