Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 721

Hu Tian took Shen Hao\'s post to Tang Qingyuan\'s house, saying that Shen Hao would visit in person in the next five days, and offered some soothing herbs as local specialties in the south.

This is a very formal worship note, and the steward of the Tang family also carefully accepted the worship note and gifts. Before leaving, he sent Hu Tian to the door and repeatedly said "sweep the bed and wait".

Hu Tian could see an obvious surprise from the Tang family manager\'s face, and even had the meaning of slightly red eyes. He secretly said that the situation of the Tang family should be more difficult than he had guessed before.

He took back what he had seen and heard in the Tang family and told Shen Hao. Shen Hao nodded to understand, but he was not in a hurry. If the Tang family is really angry, they will come to the door for help at the first time after they know he\'s back. They won\'t carry it hard, so Shen Hao can come according to his plan.

The things in hand are not less because they come back. On the contrary, they are more.

But the most important thing is to break through the cultivation that has reached the limit of suppression.

Shen Hao still chose to break through at home and ordered his family not to disturb him. At the same time, he asked three commanders to send bodyguards from the Yamen to help him protect the Dharma. Finally, the Dharma array in the study was opened layer by layer, and then the Dharma disk on his body was also arranged.

When everything was ready, Shen Hao took out a bottle of dapeyuan pill and put it at hand. He sat cross legged on the futon, closed his eyes and began to calm down and slowly enter the state of cultivation.

It was different from the previous Qi refining realm and spirit gathering realm. After stepping into the yuan Dan realm, Shen Hao obviously felt that the cultivation path under his feet had become different from before. The biggest difference is that the "Dan" in his lower Dantian and the "Zhenyuan" in it are gradually changing his cognition.

In the past, the true Qi in the meridians was the source of all techniques and the core of the integration of attack and defense., With the understanding of the sea and soul, a complete practice system can be formed. Coupled with soul power and black cut, this is Shen Hao\'s strength to rely on and overlook the friars in the same realm.

But now, although true Qi is still surging in the meridians, the effect has been slowly replaced by true yuan.

Take a simple example. It\'s said that Shen Hao waved the wild goose ridge knife to bring out the blade gang. If he urged the blade gang with real Qi, he could shoot more than ten feet, break gold and cut jade, and even leave traces on the surface of inferior defense magic weapons. This is a power that Shen Hao has now broken through the yuan Dan realm, and the strength of meridians and the total amount of true Qi have risen again. It could not reach this level before.

But it\'s also Dao gang. If you use real yuan to urge, Shen Hao will be amazed by the power. A knife can cut nearly thirty feet! And even the lower inner armor can be cut directly! Of course, the chopping here is only to break through the defense of inferior internal armor, but it can not completely ignore its ability to offset. But even if it\'s so big, if you cut two more knives, Shen Hao will have the ability to destroy the lower internal armor.

If Zhenyuan is used to activate the magic techniques such as snake in the palm, earth escape and so on, the effect is the same as when using Zhenqi before.

Unfortunately, the soul power has not been greatly improved due to the emergence of Zhenyuan. Like Hei Che, Shen Hao\'s cultivation and soul strength, as well as his understanding of related mysteries, are slowly growing.

At the beginning, the "Dan" was not as big as sesame in the lower Dan field. Now it has become much bigger a few months later, almost half the size of a pea. The space inside is also increased, so that Shen Hao can survive more Zhenyuan.

With the passage of time, Shen Hao gradually entered the best state and began to break through the first small realm after officially stepping into the realm of Yuan Dan according to the instructions in the great five elements formula.

Different from before, the breakthrough of Yuan Dan realm is more mysterious. Without the "bottleneck" and "barrier" that can be perceived by the subconscious, there is only a mysterious feeling. It needs enough opportunity and understanding to seize the opportunity of breakthrough. This is why the monks in Yuandan state often say that breaking through is as difficult as climbing a dangerous peak.

How to seize the opportunity?

According to the saying in the great five elements formula, "sink your heart into the pill, find it in the pill, and the pill will break when it moves".

Shen Hao can only be sensed that he can only make complaints about the words. But he can\'t help the dark line in the description of the five lines of the book.

"Sink your heart into the pill, find it in the pill, and the pill will break when it moves." what nonsense is this? Said is equal to did not say, in fact, summed up in one word: luck.

But even if it depends on luck, Shen Hao has long come to the time when he has to make a breakthrough. If he drags on, the opportunity will dissipate. It\'s unpredictable to see such an opportunity again next time.

According to the Dharma, he immersed his mind in the lower Dan field, slowly penetrated into the "Dan", and then began to look for the breakthrough opportunity in the "Dan". To tell the truth, Shen Hao still has no clue about the so-called "opportunity" and doesn\'t know whether he can find it.

However, Shen Hao obviously underestimated his "luck". In the eyes of others, he is a late maturing cultivation genius. Some people even compare him with those first-class and super sect gifted disciples or Tianjiao disciples.

In fact, what is Shen Hao\'s talent? Not very good. Otherwise, he would not have been wandering in the gas refining realm for seven or eight years. The so-called "late success" behind him all came from the help of black animal tattoos.

But if it is said that Shen Hao, who has received nine-year compulsory education, is an alternative in this world. His understanding ability and thinking flexibility can definitely be called "excellent".

Shen Hao\'s understanding of the so-called "Dan movement" is that it can shake "Dan". In addition to the previous statement of "sinking heart in Dan", it should vibrate from the inside, and then there will be the so-called breakthrough opportunity.

How to cause vibration from the inside? Shen Hao\'s method is to involve Zhenyuan in "Dan" to do regular turn back flow, and try his best to hit the Dan Wall every time, so as to repeat it constantly.

I don\'t know how long later, Shen Hao suddenly felt a touch in his body. It was the reaction from the black animal tattoo. He quickly tightened his mind. At the critical moment of breakthrough, I\'m afraid it\'s not easy for the black animal tattoo to appear.

As a reminder, Shen Hao felt the mysterious feeling from the black animal tattoo. He subconsciously pursued this feeling and explored his consciousness to a deeper place in the "Dan". Finally, he found the clue.

It was a grain that had never existed before, on the inner wall of the "Dan" containing Zhenyuan.

The lines are very thin, and a circle just surrounds a closed loop, but the lines appear and disappear from time to time and are unstable. It seems that they may disappear at any time.


Shen Haofu went to his heart and guided Zhenyuan to engrave along the line like a knife. In an instant, the line reacted with Zhenyuan like a whale swallowing. Zhenyuan broke away from Shen Hao\'s control and disappeared into the line and enriched himself