Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 717

May 17.

The case of King Qian has been decided in the court, but it has been hanging in Xuanqing Wei. The reason is that he handed over the file, which clearly stated the suspicious points of the case of King Qian, and asserted that the Ministry of punishment was pretending to be confused and conniving at the murderer.

After that, Pang Ban\'s five-day deadline for Shen Hao ended, at least on the surface. Shen Hao needs to continue to check the rest.

King Lu was ordered to think behind closed doors. He was labeled as a loser. It depends on whether he is willing to accept the result. If he still wants to struggle, he is afraid of the end.

So, anyway, Shen Hao has a reasonable explanation for this task. Although there is still a tail in the case file inside xuanqingwei written by him, it has come to an end on the surface. After staying so long, Jiang Cheng asked him to make use of this opportunity to get more familiar with the situation in the Imperial City, and adjust the layout of Heishui in the imperial city at the same time.

Compared with Wang Jian, Jiang Cheng naturally trusted Shen Hao\'s ability. Now the use of Blackwater is becoming more and more important. He also hopes Shen Hao can consolidate it and try his best to do better.

It was not until yesterday that Shen Hao said goodbye to Jiang Cheng. He was going to return to fengri city. As a matter of fact, he also knew the layout of black water spy in the imperial city and made some adjustments; Second, he also had to return because he needed to retreat for a period of time because he had to break through again.

Jiang Cheng naturally looked stunned. After a long silence, he agreed to Shen Hao\'s request and let him return to fengri city. However, he once again told Shen Hao to follow up the situation in the imperial city. Once there was any disturbance and command, he might be seconded there to investigate the case. In addition, he also asked Shen Hao to express a plan for the integration of Jingxi black flag camp, saying that an order should be issued this month.

"Bloody door?"

When Shen Hao got Blackwater\'s information, he just walked out of the transmission array of fengri city. He put it away before he had time to take a closer look. In front of him were more than ten people led by Wang Yiming, who seemed to have come to pick him up.

"Welcome your excellency back!"

Although there are not many people, this battle is still not small, especially outside the transmission method array. When so many officials in Xuanqing Wei greet them, they immediately let people look at them together. When they see who comes out of the transmission method array, those who know them immediately turn their heads and walk away quickly. Those who don\'t know them also see Shen Hao\'s clothes, and they are slightly surprised.

Good boy! Is this Shen Shaxing?! Didn\'t he go to the front to fight? Why are you back?

No one who has been in fengri city for more than one year does not know the name of Shen Shaxing. I heard that Shen Shaxing was transferred to the south front line. Many people in fengri city quietly celebrate with Mimi. How long has it been? It\'s only half a year. Why did you come back?

It\'s like thunder on the ground! The news of Shen Hao\'s return immediately dispersed.

"My Lord, you\'re back at last. When you\'re away, my subordinates are not secure..." Wang Yiming followed me with a smile. His heart is full of cold sweat and nervous. He didn\'t expect to see you for more than half a year. How can the evil spirit and breath of Lord Shen be so strong again! Just staying close makes him feel like a needle.

Of course, Shen Hao knows that his evil spirit and breath have become stronger than before, but he has not converged. He hasn\'t come back for more than half a year. He has to give some stimulation to these subordinates around, so that they can find their position as soon as possible, so that they don\'t need him to adjust when they get it.

Waving to interrupt Wang Yiming\'s words, Shen Hao said with a smile, "OK, don\'t be so polite. You did a good job in the daily affairs of fengri city when I was away, and Lord Jiang praised you for your ability in front of me. In addition, you should tidy up tomorrow. I\'ll go to Lord Kuang first today."

"My Lord, I\'ll give you a banquet tonight..."

Shen Hao shook his head: "let\'s forget the reception banquet. Haven\'t you been tightening money and food recently? Don\'t go to restaurants and other places to avoid being targeted and blocked. Moreover, they are brothers who scoop rice in a pot. They don\'t need these false gifts."

Shen Hao refused the banquet proposed by Wang Yiming. For one thing, it is true that the current atmosphere in the country is not suitable for private banquets, which has a bad impact. Second, Shen Hao has other things on his mind. Would he waste time drinking with Wang Yiming at night?

Kuang Shengyuan knew when he arrived in the imperial city before Shen Hao to assist the Ministry of punishment in investigating the case. There was no idea, but he didn\'t expect Shen Hao to stay in the imperial city for so long.

In addition, Kuang Shengyuan received some rumors. Maybe Jiang Cheng deliberately revealed it to him. He knew that Shen Hao\'s identity would be different soon after he came back this time.

What do you say? Scholars should treat each other with admiration on the third day. Perhaps soon this once nominal subordinate will be on an equal footing with him.

"My Lord, Lord Shen, please see me."

"Well, invite him in. Also, make a cup of Shen with my pot of tea."


I didn\'t talk much with Kuang Shengyuan. I came here because Shen Hao didn\'t want to leave anyone to talk about. Kuang Shengyuan is still his direct subordinate to the summit. I should meet him first when I come back.

Shen Hao knows exactly where to do what. He will never neglect some seemingly insignificant rites because he has been promised by Jiang Cheng that he will rise soon.

When he came out of Kuang Shengyuan\'s public house, Shen Hao didn\'t even return to the station of the black flag camp. He directly called his personal guard into the carriage.

"Go home!"

The carriage went all the way to the door. Lao Hu and the pony had met at the door with a smile. As soon as Shen Hao got off the bus, he bowed to the end, served Shen Hao, put on a new pair of shoes, and then gently flicked Shen Hao with branches stained with water.

It\'s called the entrance ceremony. It\'s a custom here. It\'s usually used when you go away or come back from the battlefield. It probably means "go home safely and sweep away bad luck."

Shen Hao let Lao Hu and Xiao Ma Shi do it with a smile, and then walked quickly into the yard.

Facing the fragrant wind into my arms, followed by a hot and soft.

"Master! You\'re back!"

The Han slave\'s voice in his arms could not hide his cry, but he had a smile on his face, and his nose was greedy, as if he was smelling a long lost smell. The two small ones from the left and right also leaned close to each other, pulling Shen Hao\'s clothes and laughing with great excitement.

He raised his hand and patted Xia\'s head, then pulled his ears a few times, and then rubbed two small heads.

"Take a bath first!"

Shen Hao wants to have a good bath now. He misses the big bath at home.

Xia Nu came to serve, and the two little ones were driven out by Shen Hao. He was not only preparing to take a bath, but now he came back in a hurry. He had been holding his anger outside for more than half a year. He had to vent some first.

So after Xia Nu\'s exclamation, the water in the bathhouse surged and the sound was pleasant... At least 10000 words here were erased by a mysterious force. It\'s a pity.