Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 709

A man named snake?

The name alone sounds almost certain that it is a pseudonym as a code name. It means that the murderer of King Qian arranged the killing through this "snake"?

Shen Hao had to swallow what he said. He heard Xue GUI\'s words very proud, and he only said half of them. There must be harvest behind, otherwise he wouldn\'t be so excited.

Sure enough, Xue GUI paused, grabbed the tea cup on the table, filled a large cup, and then said, "I found several masters of portraits, drew several portraits according to the descriptions of the two people, and then repaired them comprehensively. You see, that\'s the man."

Xue GUI took out a portrait from the storage bag and handed it to Shen Hao.

The portrait from Xue Guilong is not as realistic as that from xuanqingwei. It is a little empty, but it can probably see a person\'s general appearance and characteristics. It seems that the "snake" above should be in his forties, thin and vicious. There is an obvious mole in the corner of the left eye.

"This man is the" snake ". I have asked the people of the big case department to write down the man\'s appearance and look for it in the imperial city. I believe there will be news soon."

"Imperial city?" Shen Haoshi couldn\'t help asking, "are you sure this man will still stay in the imperial city?"

"Hehe, it doesn\'t matter whether he stays or not. As long as someone has seen this person. Whether it\'s an inn, a car and horse shop, or even a peddler walking around the streets, someone has always seen him. Now it\'s just taking some time."

Xue GUI is confident, but Shen Hao is not very optimistic about it. Because in his opinion, the preparation of such a big case as the secret assassination of a prince will take less than half a year. All kinds of details will be considered carefully. Finally, luck is needed to help it succeed.

Now you can dig up a key person responsible for arranging the killing with only a small clue?

Shen Hao thought for a moment and asked tentatively, "what\'s the situation with the two captured? Why are they willing to help people become pawns to participate in the murder of the prince? Where did they get the courage?"

"What\'s the reason? It\'s just desire. This" snake "gives them a kind of evil thing, so that they can barely enter the threshold of monks from ordinary people. Do you know how tempting this kind of thing will be to those who have their mind in the ditch? Don\'t mention killing the king, they may be able to do bigger things."

"Can ordinary people enter the threshold of friars?! what is it?" Shen Hao was stunned. He didn\'t expect such unexpected news.

Speaking of this, Xue GUI\'s smile in his eyes also converged, and his voice was a little gloomy: "yes, it\'s a pill called broken barrier pill. After taking it, you can really raise your talent out of thin air, and even there is no threshold at all. Even ordinary people with the worst talent can slowly improve their talent after taking it until they reach the minimum talent limit of cultivation."

Without Xue GUI\'s explanation, Shen Hao\'s heart immediately jumped out a long string of messages when he heard the three words "broken barrier pill". When investigating the large-scale smuggling case that led to Jingxi operation, Ma sankui was arrested and asked about his identity. Now, in xuanqingwei\'s letter, breaking the barrier pill is highly vigilant as a representative of pseudo evil friars.

At the same time, the three words "broken barrier pill" really explain why a hunter and a bookstore dare to do such a huge case.

Although Shen Hao can\'t personally experience it, he can also guess the yearning of ordinary people for the strength of monks. At ordinary times, because of the natural barrier of talent, I may have more than enough heart and less strength. I am willing to be dull, rush to the market to live, and generally live a short life for decades. But if there is a broken barrier pill that can "change life against the sky", can ordinary people stabilize their mentality from temptation?

It\'s hard! And will be blinded to ignore the price behind "changing life against the sky".

Of course, Xue GUI doesn\'t know the relationship between the broken barrier pill and the false evil friars. These are the top secrets of xuanqingwei. The Ministry of punishment has not been informed, so Xue GUI thought Shen Hao\'s silence was startled to lose his words.

Shen Hao asked, "is there the capture of the barrier breaking pill?"

"No. they said that they should swallow the pill every time they were given it. They couldn\'t take it away. I checked the physical condition of the two people. It was very strange. In particular, their souls were in a very vain state, like being forced out. They also had a sense of overdraft with their meridians and organs. We can judge that these conditions must be the so-called so-called state The hidden danger brought by breaking barrier pill.

Tut Tut, you Xuanqing guards should know more about these evil things than we do. Do you have a story? "

Xue GUI didn\'t just arrest people and go through the trial. He also went around in the letter room of the Ministry of punishment, but there was no record of the so-called broken barrier pill from the Ministry of punishment. In addition, the information kept by the Ministry of punishment at the friar level is limited, so from the beginning, he paid attention to getting some information from Shen Hao. Can he at least explore his mouth?

Shen Hao considered his words and said, "Lord Xue can send a note to the commander Yamen. If the commander yamen promises, I can reply to you."

Xue GUI heard the words and his eyes flashed a fine light. Shen Hao\'s words are very clear. He almost didn\'t say clearly: we xuanqingwei know the broken barrier pill, but it\'s confidential. I can\'t just tell you that. You have to send a note to the commander\'s Yamen. I can\'t tell you until the commander agrees.

In other words, in Xue GUI\'s opinion, broken barrier Dan has become another case clue that can be extended!

"OK, then I\'ll send a note to the commander\'s Yamen. Wait a minute." Xue GUI didn\'t delay. He took out an empty copper strip from the cabinet next to him and began to write on it. Then he signed and ordered the people below to send it to the commander\'s Yamen immediately, and hung a "urgent" card.

Shen Hao waited for the note to be sent away before he began to tell Xue GUI the news he found in the library and document library of the commanding envoy yamen, and his inference about these news.

"Do you mean that King Qian may have died in the hands of an evil monk who used" melting skills into words "? Xue GUI\'s first reaction was the same as Jiang Cheng before. At the same time, he also had a touch in his heart, that is, the broken barrier pill he found himself. If combined with Shen Hao\'s news, it seems that the evil thing like broken barrier pill may really hook up with the evil friar.

Half an hour later, with the permission of the commander, Shen Hao told Xue GUI about the barrier breaking pill known to Xuanqing Wei. Xue GUI even made a firm judgment in his heart: King Qian\'s death can\'t get rid of the shadow of an evil monk!