Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 707

From the introduction of Shi Xiong in the letter, we can infer what kind of person Ye Jiao is. Can the orthodox friars teach such a sinful disciple?

By the same token, what kind of people are Shi Xiong\'s senior brothers and sisters?

Shi Xiong\'s confession contained no details about his elder martial brother and younger martial sister, but only two names, Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong.

In Shi Xiong\'s words, his talent is the lowest among the three martial brothers and sisters. He has learned the skill of master Ye Jiao. It is senior brother Zhang rutie and junior sister Lin Qinghong who inherit the mantle of the master.

But where are Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong? Shi Xiong didn\'t know. He hadn\'t seen them for many years before he was captured by Xuanqing Wei.

There is no trace and no specific information. Xuanqingwei will spend a lot of manpower to find out. Moreover, whether Zhang rutie or Lin Qinghong, they are not registered on xuanqingwei\'s board, and there is no reason to trace them. Therefore, there is no relevant information about Shi Xiongshi in the document.

However, for Shen Hao, this news is very rare, because ye Jiao\'s means of integrating techniques into words is the only clue in line with the king Qian case, and this clue has not been completely cut off.

Shi Xiong died long ago, and so did ye Jiao. But Shi Xiong said that Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong are much more talented than him and can inherit Ye Jiao\'s mantle. Is it understandable that ye Jiao\'s "integration of skills into words" has successors? Further extension, can we also rely on the means of "melting skills into words" to kill the murderer in the king Qian case?

Anyway, Shen Hao\'s idea now is to focus on the four words of "melting art in words". Because logically, it just makes sense: a soul like technique that can lurk on the surface of the soul and erupt at the last time is divided into several paragraphs and integrated into the text, so as to kill silently through the text.

After confirming that there was no omission, Shen Hao closed the letter. Then fell into meditation.

Although a possibility of the death of King Qian was found, two new series of problems were encountered if we continued to deduce later.

The first is to inherit Ye Jiao\'s mantle. Where are Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong? Did you have a disciple? Is it the murderer who killed Qian Wang? What role does his identity play in the Royal "big test"?

The second is what is the soul technique embedded in the text. With the means of "melting art into words", it can only be effective if there are appropriate techniques. At present, the message in Shen Hao\'s hand is just two words, a "Curse" and a "soul".

For the first question, Shen Hao still has some guesses. It mainly comes from the previous essay and Shi Xiong\'s confession.

In Shi Xiong\'s confession, he said that in his early years, he met the master Ye Jiao in the weak water basin and worshipped his master, and so did his elder martial brothers and younger martial sisters. In addition, ye Jiao recorded in his essay was also active in the weak water basin. Can it be seen that ye Jiao regarded the weak water basin as his residence area?

In addition, from Shi Xiong\'s style, I\'m afraid the people under Ye Jiao\'s door are not good people. But the question is why there is no relevant talisman associated with Ye Jiao in xuanqingwei except Shi Xiong? The only explanation is that Shi Xiong\'s elder martial brothers and younger martial sisters did not appear in xuanqingwei\'s vision.

The scope of the whole Jing old Dynasty, Xuanqing Wei, may not know the little things, but the big things will not be heard at all. Unless it is not in the vision of xuanqingwei at all.

Just like Shi Xiong, if he didn\'t do things in Jingjiu Dynasty, he wouldn\'t be noticed and subdued by Xuanqing Wei.

Shen Hao had to look for the territory Map of the old Jing Dynasty with him. Naturally, he focused on the place close to the weak water basin and in line with his guess: the dead city.

It\'s not without reason. First, why did ye Jiao take the weak water basin as a residence? Could it be to waste those underground palaces in the dead city? Shen Hao thinks it\'s possible. The reason why Shi Xiong didn\'t go to the dead city may be that Shi Xiong\'s cultivation is not high and it\'s difficult to mix in the dead city. What about Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong, who are much more talented than Shi Xiong and have inherited Ye Jiao\'s mantle? Will you hide in the city of death?

As long as in the dead city, xuanqingwei\'s tentacles and vision are basically equal to nothing. There will be no information about the two people\'s papers saved at all.

Although this deduction is not rigorous and there are still many mistakes and omissions, it is one of the investigation directions that Shen Hao can think of at present.

Second, it\'s even harder to check the technique. It\'s definitely not a simple way to hide things from Xuanqing Wei\'s command. In addition, it\'s a rare soul skill. The degree of rarity and rarity can be imagined. If anyone has this skill, they must be kept as the ability to press the bottom of the box and pass it to the disciples. How can it be easily known by outsiders?

So Shen Hao doesn\'t have much hope for the soul technique. But we have to check. After all, although the hope is slim, what if the blind cat meets a dead mouse?

"Help me check the papers about soul like techniques, the scope... Those with the words" soul and curse "in their names, OK?"

The deacon of the desk room nodded and said yes. Then he took away the previously reported papers about the talisman, leaving Shen Hao waiting alone in the consulting room. After waiting for a incense stick, five papers came, all of which were soul like techniques, and their names were both "soul" and "Curse".

Probably later, Shen Haocai came out of the document library. He stayed in it for a long time.

The harvest was, and greatly beyond his expectation.

Apart from ye Jiao and Shi Xiong\'s online news about "melting skills into words", there was an interesting discovery in the aspect of soul skills that Shen Hao was not optimistic about.

A technique called "soul killing mantra" made Shen Hao experience the feeling of a blind cat running into a dead mouse.

Shen Hao is also a friar who has some knowledge of soul skills. Besides soul calming skills, he is also good at soul power, which is very difficult in soul skills. Therefore, it is not difficult to read the soul killing mantra.

Strictly speaking, the soul killing mantra is only a remnant, and its content is more a summary of the program than a specific method of practice.

But even the summary of the program is in line with the kind of technique Shen Hao is looking for.

As like as two peas, the death curse is a system of operation, and one of the nine methods is basically the same as the signs of the king of dry.

It is also a soul like technique, which can also be split and cast. After splitting, it has a strong secret effect and can be attached to the soul, which is very difficult to be detected. As like as two peas, the most important point is that the nine door operation is the final result of dissolving the soul and letting the soul dissipate completely. Is it not the same as the dry king?

Finally, the source of this soul skill and the reason why it is a remnant is that it comes from the nest of an evil friar. Before killing, the guy destroyed many jade slips and documents, and this remnant was salvaged later.