Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 699

Different from what he wanted, Xue GUI, who hurried to the letter room of the Ministry of punishment, didn\'t find what he wanted.

It was already dawn. Xue GUI\'s eyes were slightly red. He looked up from a lot of papers. His eyes obviously looked irritable.

"Why not?"

The letter room of the Ministry of punishment is similar to the letter room in the Yamen under the command of xuanqingwei. Although the emphasis is different, the information accumulated over the years is also diverse and can be called a huge amount. There are also many secrets about practice, even the categories and analysis of various major sects, the main schools of scattered practice, and so on.

However, Xue GUI ran into a wall this time. He stayed up all night, turned over hundreds of documents and consulted almost all the information about soul techniques, but none of them was a strange means of "words refracting into the soul".

"How to do?" I finally saw the "thread end" but found that it couldn\'t be pulled, which was very angry. I wanted to determine the identity of the murderer directly through the root of this strange means. Now it seems that I can\'t do it for the time being. Maybe let those secluded experts in Fenghong villa or Xuanqing guard come and see if they know this method?

Li Qing also helped to look around. Her eyes were redder than Xue GUI. Similarly, she couldn\'t find any clues in the documents.

"All right. Take a break. You\'ve gone through the main contents. You\'re unlikely to find them again. Maybe there\'s something missing in the documents in the Ministry of punishment. I don\'t know if xuanqingwei and Fenghong villa can help." Xue GUI asked Li Qing to stop.

"Shall we go to the xuanqingwei command yamen now?"

"Don\'t worry, wait until you\'re on the job, or we won\'t be able to get in there."

"Where\'s Fenghong villa? Can we go?"

Xue GUI also frowned. Indeed, Xuan Qingwei is now the assistant investigation department. He should help open some of the document rooms for them to check. But Fenghong villa is hard to say. Before, the other party\'s attitude was very tough and said that it would not participate in the normal affairs of the Ministry of punishment. This makes Xue GUI understand that there is an obvious meaning to stay out of the matter. I\'m afraid Fenghong villa won\'t help this time.

"Let\'s go to xuanqingwei first and put Fenghong villa in the back. Let\'s go and have something to eat and work." Xue GUI got up, led Li Qing out of the letter room and turned to the canteen of the Ministry of punishment.

Because there are people on duty at 12:00 every day in the Ministry of punishment, there are cooks waiting at 12:00 in the canteen, which is much better than Xuanqing Wei. Xuanqing Wei eats three meals a day, and the door of the canteen won\'t open at other times.

Xue GUI doesn\'t eat much, just like ordinary people, and his taste is light. He spends more time vegetarian. He doesn\'t avoid drinks. He can drink very much. Although Li Qing is a woman, she eats much more than Xue GUI. Especially, she didn\'t sleep all night last night. She consumes a lot. She is already eating the fifth meat pie for breakfast, one or two.

"By the way, where\'s Shen Hao? Where\'s he going back?" Xue GUI also remembered that Shen was running in the case. Now he didn\'t see anyone, so he turned to ask Li Qing.

Li Qing went out several times before, just to listen to the report from the following people. So while eating, Xue GUI replied, "shortly after we left the prison, Shen also left, but we didn\'t go back to Xuanqing Wei\'s residence, but to King Qian\'s residence. Then we returned to Xuanqing Wei\'s residence at the end of 1911."

"Go to King Qian\'s residence? It\'s a way to follow the line of the script. However, there are too many uncertainties. We can follow, but the focus should still be on finding out the origin of the means. Do you understand?"

"My subordinates understand! Later, my subordinates will ask people to touch the origin of the script, at least follow the one surnamed Shen, so as not to be bad again." Li Qing still resents the big loss she suffered in xuanqingwei\'s hand last time. She doesn\'t like Shen anyway.

Xue GUI nodded and said nothing. It was a tacit agreement. No one could see the face under the mask.

But unexpectedly, just after Xue GUI had dinner, a yamen came to report to Xue GUI that a deputy Qianhu of Xuanqing Wei surnamed Shen was looking for Xue GUI.

"Shen Hao? Why did he come so early?"

He was puzzled, but Xue GUI still couldn\'t disappear. He first went back to the public house and wrote a note to Li Qing. He asked the other party to take the note to Xuanqing Wei to investigate the case slip. He himself stayed to meet Shen Hao and listen to what happened.

"Lord Xue."

"Lord Shen, sit down."

They sat down and looked at each other. Without yesterday\'s edge, they seemed to have some words.

Shen Hao opened his mouth first. After all, he assisted in the investigation. Moreover, this case can\'t be compared with other cases. If he can\'t get credit, he won\'t get credit. Therefore, as soon as he has any harvest, he will run to tell Xue GUI so that Xue GUI can be better ahead.

"Lord Xue, I went to King Qian\'s residence last night and asked the people in the residence about some things before he died. I found some things interesting, so I hurried to tell Lord Xue."

"Oh? What did Lord Shen get?"

"Qianwang should be a very regular and self disciplined king. He can fold his own quilt, plan his daily itinerary and affairs, and have leisure when he is busy... Reading script and drinking Baiguo wine are not only a part of Qianwang\'s life rules, but also two things he likes.

Must Lord Xue know the word stabbed in the previous book Baijiang evil beast? A "Curse" word, but this word alone can\'t kill the king. Otherwise, everyone who has read that book, including me, will die? "

At this point, Xue GUI\'s body has been sitting straight. He understands that Shen Hao is on the point. Indeed, if the dry king was killed by the word "Curse" in the book, why didn\'t the people who turned the book behind him die? Even if it weren\'t for Shen Hao\'s reminder, they couldn\'t find this strange thing in the book.

Shen Hao continued: "so I think the word" mantra "in Baijiang evil beast should not be formed alone, but there are other words to cooperate or continuously form a complete technique. It exploded when King Qian saw the word" mantra "in Baijiang evil beast and killed King Qian in an instant."

"You mean there are problems with the books Qian Wang used to read?"

Shen Hao nodded: "that\'s right. Add a special technique to the book in a coherent way, so that King Qian, who engraves his life rules and hobbies in his bones, can get into it by himself, and finally choose the most appropriate opportunity to kill him."

"Where are those books?!" Xue GUI couldn\'t sit still. He found that following Shen Hao\'s clue, he seemed to have a head.

"I already asked the people in King Qian\'s residence yesterday, because although the script is a waste of time, it has no inner meaning, and there are few famous writers. Unlike ordinary works, it has very low collection value. Therefore, unless King Qian likes it very much, it will be directly put into the pile of waste books.

Unfortunately, at noon on the day when King Qian was killed, that is, half a day before King Qian died, someone who collected old books came to the door and took away the scripts in King Qian\'s house. "