Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 687

The autopsy results look strange.

There were no wounds or bruises on the surface of the body, and there were no small abnormalities such as fine acupuncture.

From the mouth to the throat, and finally to the stomach, there was nothing poisonous in it, and the food residue was right with the dinner food said by the jailer.

There were no bleeding and other injuries.

The brain is also normal and there are no fatal problems.

That\'s why it took more than an hour for the two experienced doctors to finish the on-site autopsy. In their words, it\'s strange to die.

"My Lord, my subordinates are incompetent. I didn\'t find any cause of death. Please punish me!" the two men knelt down on one knee and looked pale. They understood how important the case was, and they didn\'t seem to help at all. If it was useless, it would be a crime.

Xue GUI carefully read the autopsy results, closed them, and said in a deep voice, "your most experienced and excellent work of the Ministry of punishment, and there are only a few estimates that are better than you in the world. Your firm judgment is the basis for us to solve the case. I\'ll ask you, do you have confidence in the autopsy results?"

"Some adults! This autopsy result was repeatedly confirmed by Lao Li and me. According to our experience, we really can\'t find any cause of death. It seems that..."

"Like what?"

"It\'s like an old man dying of old age. But there\'s also a difference. At least there\'s no sign of aging in King Qian\'s organs. It\'s strange." she has a tangled face. It\'s also the first time she has encountered such a strange thing.

Xue GUI narrowed his eyes, nodded, pointed to the body and said, "clean up the remains and find a place to put them alone." then he turned to Li Qing and said, "look at the body carefully. No one can get close without my warrant."

"Subordinates understand."

Xue GUI continued to stay in the cell after saying that. He watched the body be picked up and carried away. Then he turned around in the cell for a long time before he went out.

Nothing. The cell is full of normal arrangements in the special prison area, beds, tables, bedding and so on. The only thing that can be called special is some personal belongings of Qianwang, such as a script and a pot of half drunk fruit wine.

Xue GUI sat by the bed and raised his hand just enough to reach the book and wine pot on the table. He thought that before Qian Wang died, he should sit by the bed reading and drinking?

A book is not a book for learning, but a story book. It\'s called Baijiang evil beast. Xue GUI turned a few pages. The story of the old routine is that there was a fierce beast that could practice in Baijiang, and the fierce beast made waves and made trouble for the four sides, and was finally found and killed by the protagonist. The ups and downs are wonderful.

However, this kind of book is uniformly called idle book. Ordinary readers don\'t like reading it and think it\'s of little use. Only those who are literate and idle will buy it to pass the time as a pastime. Obviously, King Qian passed his time in prison by such stories.

Put down the book, pick up the wine and smell it, a very common fruit wine. I\'ve tried it before. It\'s non-toxic, and it\'s the same as the wine left in the stomach of the corpse.

At least as far as the current situation is concerned, Xue GUI did not find anything strange, just as the two men came to the conclusion.

However, Xue GUI has an inference.

King Qian also has some accomplishments. If he remembers correctly, it should be the beginning of Qi refining. Although it is very low, it is still much better than ordinary people. Therefore, at least there will be no evil disease that can suddenly kill in terms of body. This is also confirmed by the conclusion after the autopsy.

It\'s not suicide or death. The rest seems impossible, but it\'s also the only explanation: homicide.

Someone killed King Qian by some special means without anyone noticing. Maybe even the dry king himself didn\'t notice when he was dying? Otherwise, the expression on his face will not be so plain and ferocious after death.

He is not a friar. Although he has rich experience in autopsy, he knows little about the means of friars.

In the eyes of ordinary people, trying to kill a person is nothing more than a sharp weapon, suffocation, blunt weapon and poisoning. But in the monk\'s eyes, there are more ways to kill a person. Because ordinary people can\'t touch the soul, while friars can. Killing the soul can also kill, and won\'t leave any "traces" in the ordinary sense.

After leaving the prison room, Xue GUI went to the prison room. Now there are eight people kneeling on the ground in the room. Their faces are pale. There is a smell of urine in the room. It seems that some of the kneeling people have been scared to pee.

"You guys are on duty tonight, one by one. Since you step into the prison, even if you pee a few times, you have to make it clear. Let\'s start."

Generally speaking, Xue GUI doesn\'t need to do these chores in person, but this time the situation is really special, and there is no available progress at present. Therefore, Xue GUI has to go out in person to inquire about the eight prison guards in the prison, and he tries not to miss any information.

Eight people said one by one. Even if most of the repeated content was omitted, Xue GUI didn\'t let them skip it, but listened carefully.

According to these people\'s statements and Xue GUI\'s understanding of the rules of the prison of the criminal department, there are only eight people inside the prison tonight, in addition to the external array. Four of them are responsible for other prison areas of the prison, and the other four are responsible for the special prison areas of the prison.

King Jing and King Qian were closed in the special prison area, and there was an array partition between them. There should be no interference between the prison rooms.

In addition, there are some rules for patrolling the prison room, which are generally patrolled once an hour. The food is also made by the Lord\'s family. After it is sent, it will be sent in after three layers of inspection. Among them, it will be checked by the internal guards of the Lord\'s family.

So after the eight people finished in detail, there was nothing they could take out as a place to ponder over the doubts.

"Who is the man who gives food to the dry king? Only food?"

"His name is Zhang Xiaoliu. He came to the prison to prepare a case under the leadership of the head of the internal guard of King Qian\'s residence. He has a waist token and soul fluctuation as evidence and is approved by magic tools. Usually, in addition to giving food and drink, he will also send King Qian some script or change clothes." the warden calmed down and answered Xue GUI\'s question.

"You also know the rules. Find yourself a prison. I won\'t embarrass you. If the case is found out, you can save your life. If you can\'t find out, most of you will be buried with King Qian."

"My Lord, subordinates understand this truth, but please take more trouble." the warden knows that the only chance for his eight people to live depends on the extent to which Xue Guineng has investigated the case.

Of course, there are people who are paralyzed by fear. At this time, they only know to kneel and kowtow in front of Xue GUI. They don\'t know how to speak.