Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 681

Generally speaking, if you say "looks very similar", you actually mean "unfortunately, it\'s not that person". But this time, neither Wang Jian nor the spies ignored the message, because it was strange: not only did he look like, but also he had the nine awn star emblem.

Wang Jian took out a portrait of the king of Jin, whose black and white eyes would give people a creepy sense of oppression even in the painting.

"Do you think there\'s a possibility that it\'s convenient to travel, so you cover up these eyes by some means to make it look less special?"

"My Lord, my subordinates think it is very possible."

"Where did the man go?"

"I went here, bu\'er tea house," he said, pointing to the map.

"See someone?"

"Yes, sir. The carriage that I pursued, and then the front and rear doors guarded by people left at the beginning of the sea. When I left the city, I should have returned to Wuzhuang. I didn\'t dare to follow."

"Well, yes, it\'s right not to choose to follow closely. If that person\'s goal is to cover up his appearance, his cultivation is xuanhai, and our people are easy to be exposed. Stay away, but don\'t relax. Keep an eye on Wuzhuang and No. 2 tea house. Especially that tea house, check the details."

"Good Lord."

"Well, let\'s go down. Pay attention to safety and don\'t expose it. If there is an accident, cut off the contact in time, and we can\'t be involved."

"Subordinates understand."

At noon the next day, a detailed report of Blackwater spy and the harvest of secret investigation came to Wang Jian. These things didn\'t handle four parts. They were picked up and sent directly by Heishui spy from the imperial city and Wang Jian.

The content mainly includes three parts. One is the suspect. It is certain that the other party did return to Wuzhuang last night and continued to live in Yang Yansi\'s house.

Second, the man didn\'t see anyone in the No. 2 tea club from afternoon to evening yesterday. It should be said that he went to listen to the music specially, and it was the music of the famous Imperial City pianist tie Ji.

Third, the background of Buer tea house is very mysterious. At present, what we only know is that the owner behind it is likely to have something to do with the "tea" among the five imperial merchants. As for individuals, we can\'t find out for the time being.

These news fell into Wang Jian\'s eyes, but there were too many to deduce. Waving to let the people below continue to stare, he began to sort out the things in his hand and write them into Qianli notes, which were passed on to Shen Hao far away in the barbarian territory in two parts.

Before long, Shen Hao\'s reply came, which agreed with Wang Jian\'s discovery. Those white and black eyes are indeed too characteristic. It is normal logic to choose to cover them up by some means in unfamiliar or unsafe places. Therefore, I also agree that the target Wang Jian locked is Yang Wenguang, king of Jin, who sneaked into the imperial city.

In addition, if that person is really Yang Wenguang, then Yang Yansi is not right. They must be connected and even have some secret plan, otherwise they will never go in and out of Yang Yansi\'s Chuang Tzu.

Finally, the guy suspected of Yang Wenguang saw tie Ji in No. 2 tea house. It was the high-rise of the moon shadow building. At the same time, he was vaguely connected with the seventh prince. In this way, the situation is a little more complicated.

Shen Hao\'s order to Wang Jian is to immediately form a written document and report to Jiang Cheng in person, and the confidentiality level will continue to be kept in a top secret state. At the same time, Wang Jian can also ask Jiang Cheng about the details of that No. 2 tea house. After all, the foundation of Blackwater is too shallow. For some difficult news, he still needs to seek the help of xuanqingwei.

After Wang Jian got these replies, he knew it in his mind. He quickly arranged the written book and went to Jiang Cheng\'s house overnight.

"My Lord, because the case needs, I dare to ask the governor\'s Yamen if they can give some intelligence support?" Wang Jian asked cautiously after Jiang Cheng read the document.

"What do you want to know?"

Jiang Cheng was very upset at this time. But Wang Jian is still in front of him. He still has to calm down. To tell the truth, this is the first time he has looked at the general flag officer appointed and in charge of Blackwater by Shen Hao. He is very young, but he is really capable.

"My Lord, my subordinates want to check some relevant details about No. 2 tea house. Black water is still thin in the imperial city. I wonder if you can have relevant information?"

Jiang Cheng pointed to the chair beside Wang Jian to sit down, and then said, "Buer tea house is one of the top tea houses in the imperial city. The decoration and style are very special, and the people who go are either rich or expensive. Moreover, only they can drink the best tea" bihaichao "in the national Dynasty.

Most people can\'t find out the details of this kind of tea house, because behind him is the "tea" of one of the five imperial merchants, and the actual helmsman of this imperial merchant "tea" is the seventh prince, that is, lingwangshu. "

Unexpectedly, Jiang Cheng knew so well that Wang Jian quickly bowed down to thank him, and then bowed out of Jiang Cheng\'s residence. He didn\'t dare to disturb him. Even Jiang Cheng asked him to sit down just now, he didn\'t dare to sit down. Now I hurried back to adjust the exploration methods.

According to Wang Jian\'s idea, the Wuzhuang side can\'t be pasted too tightly, because it\'s too dangerous. There are two experts in xuanhai territory, and the spy can\'t press it with one finger.

So the main exploration direction is still that No. 2 tea house.

The king of Jin himself, Wang Jian, thought that he still focused on the distant view. After the news was reported, the governor\'s office or the commander\'s office would naturally have new countermeasures. He didn\'t have to worry about how to deal with it. But along the line of bu\'er tea house, can you touch and arrange what the king of Jin is going to do after he arrives at the imperial city?

Really just going to the tea house to listen to music? It takes two hours to listen? Moreover, the identity of tie Ji may not be clear to the Zhenfu envoy yamen, but it is clearly written in the paperwork of Dushui. It is a high-rise building in the moon shadow building and a sound Xiu with high cultivation.

So Wang Jian boldly guessed whether the king of Jin actually wanted to get in touch with the moon shadow building?

In addition, does the spirit king know about it? Should we check?


When Wang Jian left, Jiang Cheng didn\'t stay at home. He put on his clothes and hired a bodyguard and went to pangban\'s house not far away. He immediately transferred the news sent by Wang Jian to the past.

With the same information, Wang Jian will only feel "surprised" when he gets it because of the difference of information he knows, while Jiang Cheng and Pang ban have an incredible horror when they see it. And the focus is completely different.

"Wuzhuang? Yang Yansi?" even Pang ban couldn\'t laugh at this time, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

Didn\'t Yang Yansi have been suppressed by the emperor? According to the emperor\'s temper, it was expedient for Yang Yansi to survive last time. How could he have the opportunity to contact the king of Jin? Did the emperor have no eye liner around Yang Yansi? Or is Yang Yansi now out of the sight and control of the emperor?

Pang ban will not question Blackwater\'s intelligence. He is absolutely sure of what can be reported. So from the current information, it seems that something really happened.