Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 664

Yang Jian took a face handkerchief from the side and put it on his neck after soaking it in warm soup. Then he leaned back and half lay down and closed his eyes.

"Why else? Ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin want to embarrass him. He chooses to directly cut off each other\'s wealth by means of merchants. Hehe, this is to let Ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin drink the West and north wind?"

Yang Xiusheng was not so sensitive to these twists and turns and couldn\'t think through them in a short time, so he asked, "the king of spirit is not afraid of revenge? It\'s unreasonable to do so in such a critical period?"

In Yang Xiusheng\'s view, ye Lansheng is now the head of civil servants. It is conceivable how much power he has. Yang Shu offended such a big man at this juncture of the Royal "big test", which was really a little ambitious. Anyway, Yang Xiusheng\'s first reaction was not to agree.

But the emperor laughed happily. Yang Xiusheng didn\'t understand it for the time being, but he saw it through and explained, "Yang Shu is correcting his name."

"Correct your name?"

"That\'s right. Ye Lansheng asked Ma xuanlin to move one of Yang Shu\'s big businessmen, the Song family, by planting, but the person who planted it should not be ye Lansheng, but someone else. I don\'t know yet. Yang Shu\'s hard resistance to Ye Lansheng is to prove that he has the ability to protect the people who follow him, and is also demonstrating his strength to prove that he is not afraid of the dignified Zuo Xiang and the Minister of punishment.

There are two reasons. One is that I gave him the power to tighten money and food. With this power in hand, the local authorities can\'t stand against him, which will weaken Ye Lansheng\'s influence on the local establishment in a disguised way. After all, following Ye Lansheng won\'t necessarily have direct benefits, but offending Yang Shu will definitely suffer immediately. It\'s a good choice.

So Yang Shu slapped Ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin back with a backhand. He didn\'t hesitate at all. He was sure that he was in power. In the short term, it was impossible for local people to dare to fight him blatantly. This was a rise in response to the times, with great courage and courage.

On the other hand, it\'s a little complicated. But Yang Shu should have made a lot of preparations to figure it out so quickly. Over the years, when we didn\'t pay attention, he did grow a lot.

Uncle, do you want to hear it? "

Yang Xiusheng has been with the emperor for such a long time. Today is the first time to hear the emperor praise a person so frankly. But also boast of "courage" and "courage".

Yang Xiusheng also participated in the competition for the throne. He knows that courage and courage are absolutely two extremely important personal characters to be an emperor. Now that the emperor is praising the Lingwang beam, does it mean that the Lingwang beam has won a lot of favor from the emperor like a black horse?

As a result, Yang Xiusheng even had to rearrange the order of the seven princes in his heart. Now naturally, he also wants to listen to the emperor\'s statement about the "black horse".

"I\'d like to hear it in detail."

The emperor continued to close his eyes, raised his mouth and said with a smile, "the second reason is actually Ye Lansheng himself. There was a great court meeting before. Ye Lansheng stood up at the court meeting and wanted me to take back the order to delegate the power of tightening money and grain to Yang Shu. Do you remember this, uncle?"

"Remember." Yang Xiusheng is now close to the emperor Gongwei. Naturally, he will follow the court and remember what the emperor said.

"I felt very strange at that time. I deliberately stayed in China for several days to respond to the following people. It is reasonable to say that ye Lansheng can\'t guess my plan, but he jumped out and objected. What\'s interesting is that the Ministry of household, which should have taken the lead, was silent. So I called Bai Changqing, the Minister of household, to hear what he said. The result was very interesting. Bai Changqing was surprised And ye Lansheng sang the opposite tune.

Bai Changqing has always followed Ye Lansheng closely. How can she suddenly disagree? So I asked someone to check the two people and found two interesting places. One is that Bai Changqing seems to be deliberately avoiding Ye Lansheng from the beginning. She would rather be labeled as "afraid of the inside" than go too close to Ye Lansheng. The intention to draw the line is obvious.

Another interesting thing is that there are not only me but also a group of people who check Bai Changqing. Later, my people identified that it was actually the hands of my youngest son Yang Shu.

Hehe, this shows that Yang Shu has long suspected Bai Changqing\'s abnormal behavior. After digging deeply, he found that Bai Changqing was so abnormal that he wanted to draw a clear line with Ye Lansheng. In fact, he was afraid. "

Yang Xiusheng was more and more confused. He shook his head and said, "are you afraid? Why is Bai Changqing afraid of Ye Lansheng? Are you afraid that ye Lansheng will cause trouble and burn him?"

"That\'s right. I\'m just worried about getting burned. And this fire will indeed burn Ye Lansheng\'s left phase without leaving the whole body." although Yang Jian half lies in the warm soup to describe leisure, this sentence is as cold as ice slag.

"Ye Lansheng? What can he provoke?"

"Ye Lansheng secretly connected a group of civil servants, hoping to keep the power of the imminent tightening of money and food in the Ministry of household and be controlled by Bai Changqing. As a civil servant in charge of Zuo Xiang, he can indirectly hold this power in his hand."

"Does he want to regain his voice?"

"That\'s right. But Bai Changqing wouldn\'t be afraid if it was just like this. At that time, the morale of Jianchuan victory was in full swing in the south. Even if he had the power to tighten money and food, it would not be enough for civil servants to ride on the head of the military again. Moreover, after Yang Yansi was hidden by us, the military department is actually supported by me. Unless the war is over, the prestige of the military will not be subordinate to civil servants of

So ye Lansheng thought of a drastic idea. It was this idea that scared Bai Changqing not to speak or answer. He had to hide from ye Lansheng. "

Yang Xiusheng frowned. He heard the undisguised killing intention from the emperor\'s words and said curiously, "what does he want?"

"Ye Lansheng plans to rely on the power of tight money and food to tighten the supply of the border army, and choose a chance to make a window period in the long supply line of the border army, so as to drag the border army down or into the mire. At that time, Zuo Yuliang can only go back to the baohuoguan pass and declare the complete failure of the military strategy in the south. Then the civil servants can rise again to" peace talks " To force the army and the emperor. "

"Ye Lansheng is looking for his own death!" Yang Xiusheng was stunned. He didn\'t expect that the dignitaries of the national Dynasty and the head of the civil service could be so selfish. He simply regarded the lives of the border army officers and soldiers as a child\'s play and the safety of the national Dynasty as a child\'s play. Even the evil friars were not far behind him.

The emperor continued to close his eyes. He had been angry for a long time, and now he is very calm. He continued to laugh: "Ye Lansheng probably wanted to take the power to tighten money and food first, and then force Bai Changqing to obey, but unexpectedly, Bai Changqing directly pushed him back and turned to take refuge in Yang Shu. Tut Tut, it is estimated that ye Lansheng was angry. Ye Lansheng was ready to beat Yang Shu, but Yang Shu slapped his back..."

"So the king of the spirit is sure that ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin will jump and walk for a few days?"