Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 658

From Shen Hao\'s personal experience, in terms of quality alone, Zhenqi is equivalent to bow and arrow, and Zhenyuan is equivalent to fire gun.

It is not only a qualitative change, but also a sublimation of energy.

At the moment after the pill was opened, the whole body\'s meridians, bones, flesh and blood, hair... There was a mysterious feeling in the whole body. From inside to outside, it was like opening a window to let a fresh wind blow in.

The most direct thing is the celestial cover on his head. It seems that a "skylight" has been opened. A stream of pure energy between heaven and earth appears outside like a waterfall, washing Shen Hao\'s whole body until it is transparent.

After an hour or just a few breaths, Shen Hao found that the restricted meridians and knowledge of the sea once again had room for growth and slowly began a new expansion.

Since then, Shen Hao has officially stepped into a new realm and become a friar in Yuan Dan realm!


For several days, the camp of the monitoring envoy was extremely tense. Every soldier was nervous. Sometimes he would look curiously at the heavily guarded tent in the middle and want to know when his chief officer could successfully exit the customs.

The three bodyguards of Yuan Dan realm are really nervous. Only they know the danger of breaking through yuan Dan realm.

"On the seventh day, nothing will happen?"

"What can happen? Shen Hao has a previous epiphany. The yuan Dan realm is not a big problem for him."

"It\'s not a big problem. Why hasn\'t it come out yet?"

"What\'s the hurry? Isn\'t it normal to break through such a great realm in six or seven days?"

The three are Shen Hao\'s bodyguards. Now if Shen Hao has any accident due to his breakthrough, the three of them are estimated to be no better, so they stay outside Shen Hao\'s account step by step. Although I can\'t feel Shen Hao\'s situation under the cover of the array, it should be almost finished when calculating the time.

On the eighth day, the three bodyguards were more restless and discussed whether to go in and see the situation? But what if Shen Hao is disturbed by their entry?

While the three bodyguards were tangled, a strange energy wave suddenly rushed out of the tent. Although it was fleeting, it could not hide the three people who had been concentrating.

"Is this... Real yuan?!"

"It must be! It should have overflowed the defense array when Shen Hao opened the pill. It\'s successful!"

"Yuan Dan realm! How long has it been? I haven\'t seen anyone who can compare with him with this talent anyway."

"There must be few sanxiu and Xuanqing guards who can compare with him. It\'s hard to say in the sect. There are a lot of talents there, but with Shen Hao\'s talent now, the sect is also a small group of top talents."

"But didn\'t he say that his talent was late and that blessing of Epiphany should be included? Now that the yuan Dan realm has been broken, the speed of cultivation in the future should not be fast?"

When it comes to this, the three bodyguards feel much better. After all, they are all in the middle of Yuan Dan territory. Shen Hao can\'t catch up with them even if he wants to catch up with them in a short time. Because the blessing of Epiphany cannot last until the yuan Dan realm is still there.

It\'s uncomfortable to watch others surpass you.

After waiting another day, that is, the eleventh day after Shen Hao closed the door, finally, the several Dharma arrays in the tent were untied. The three bodyguards outside immediately understood that this was Shen Hao\'s Qi collection and hurried in.

"Have you... Become...?"

"Well, yes. I didn\'t expect this breakthrough to take so long. Were you the same?" Shen Hao stood up from the futon. Today, he not only officially broke into the yuan Dan realm, but also used the next three days to stabilize all the vanity after the breakthrough.

The three bodyguards were restless. He guessed that Shen Hao should be consolidating his foundation behind him, but now he saw people and found that there was no sign of vanity!? This is a breakthrough in the realm of Yuan Dan! Can you completely calm the vanity in three days?! It took them at least half a year to consolidate before they recovered to Shen Hao!

It can only be said that the three people were changed by Shen Hao again.

Seeing that the three seemed a little excited and their chests fluctuated badly, Shen Hao thought that the other party was worried about what happened when he broke through, and he was very moved. In the end, we have been together for a long time, and we have some friends. So he opened his mouth and said, "you three don\'t have to worry. It\'s just a breakthrough. That is, it took more time to consolidate the foundation, otherwise you would have left the customs early."

The three looked at each other when they heard the speech, put a touch of anger on their faces, and then turned away without saying a word. They feel that if they listen to Shen\'s one more word, they can\'t help yelling and even doing it.

"Hey, three, don\'t go. I still have some doubts. I want to invite... Hey! What\'s the matter?" Shen Hao looked confused. He just felt the three people\'s concern for him. Why did they ignore people one by one in a twinkling of an eye? What are these people thinking?

Shen Hao shook his head, some confused. However, I cleaned up my mood and took a deep breath. Finally, my sense of strength was no longer as surging and vain as when I just broke through. A solid feeling of strength is very comfortable.

When the mind moved, everything was under control. Even the insects crawling in the soil could not hide Shen Hao\'s perception.

The strengthening of perception is that Shen Hao has been observing and feeling since his breakthrough. In fact, there is more than this aspect. The most improved is the power of the technique, including his black cut, which has made a great leap after breaking through this great realm.

However, how much the specific strength has improved, Shen Hao is not clear. Without actual combat, he can only slowly understand it by himself.

However, the "Dan" in the Dantian has made Shen Hao accustomed to its existence, and it will become larger and larger with Shen Hao\'s intensive cultivation until it reaches the perfect critical point of Yuan Dan realm.

As soon as the three bodyguards left, Zhang Ye and Li Jiang, who got the news, hurried over. Both of them are wearing dark circles. Now they know that their adults have made a breakthrough when they see Shen Hao leaving the customs and look much better than before.

"Congratulations on your great progress in cultivation!"

"He Xi, Lord, add another birthday yuan!"

They understand that from today on, Lord Shen is a serious monk in the yuan Dan realm. Since then, a threshold for his future has been left behind Lord Shen. After the war, there may be another round of promotion, so their etiquette is very grand this time. They kneel down on one knee and salute with fists.

"Don\'t be polite. Get up. By the way, go and make me a cup of tea and get something to eat." it was best to take a hot bath first, but there was no such condition in the army. If you want to take a bath, you have to wait until the hot water is put at night, so you have something to eat first.

But looking at the expressions of Zhang Ye and Li Jiang, it seems that they still hold things back?