Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 655

The days in the Chinese army are much easier than those in the front line.

Although the conditions are limited, he does not dare to engage in specialization in the army. Before, drinking cold and white was used as a handle to complain at the military strategy meeting. Now Shen Hao is determined not to cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

It\'s Chen Zifang. It\'s annoying. Just like a fly, he wanders in front of you whenever he has time. When he asks him what he wants, he says, "it\'s all right, come and have a look". Like waiting for a rabbit, he wants to stay by Shen Hao\'s side and see if he can catch any "wonderful ideas".

This is not that Chen Zifang is stupid, but that he has really tasted the sweetness. It has been proved that drinking liangbaikai can indeed reduce the number of diarrhea in the army, and it is a reduction of half the level, which can be described as the best effect.

Later, at Yushi military station, Chen Zifang heard the method of "boiling the gauze and reuse", saying that it can reduce the possibility of wound pus irrigation. As a result, the effect is also excellent after being implemented in a small scale. Even if some minor injuries are wrapped with boiled gauze, they basically won\'t be filled with pus or fever.

Once they said they were lucky and got it right. Twice? It can\'t be said to be covered, can it? And later, Shen Hao put forward the concept of "emergency team", and has taken the lead in promoting it in Shimen, the first-line theater. When Chen Zifang heard Shen Hao talk about the detailed strategy later, he immediately came to a conclusion based on his many years of experience in medical treatment in the army. There is great potential for this matter!

Chen Zifang estimated that once the emergency team is fully deployed, it can effectively reduce the battlefield damage by at least 20%. What is this concept?

Chen Zifang thinks that if he participates in this matter and plays a pioneering role, he should be able to leave his name in history books again? This is a great temptation for Chen Zifang.

Not to mention these days, Chen Zifang has been instructed by Zuo Yuliang to connect with Shen Hao the relevant details uniformly prepared by the emergency team and doctors, so he has been in contact with them very frequently. As a result, Chen Zifang came up with another bright idea: equip the soldiers with emergency hemostatic kits.

Chen Zifang, as a doctor of Dan Shijia, when Shen Hao put forward the four words "hemostatic medicine bag", he already had the corresponding prescription and general medicine bag in his mind: it can quickly deal with small and medium-sized wounds, is small, easy to carry and use, and can also add some analgesic drugs in it

Although this medicine bag will increase the daily material cost of the army, it is also a wonderful way to reduce war damage in wartime. It can even greatly save the medical resources of emergency teams and doctors. If there is a small injury, the soldiers can solve it by themselves. They won\'t drag the minor injury into serious injury or even death until the war.

Therefore, we can\'t blame Chen Zifang for being annoying. We can only blame Shen Hao for his inability to hold his words. What he used to take for granted in his mind always makes him come out unconsciously. When he reacts, he can\'t go back to the circle, so he can only speak clearly.

It can be predicted that regardless of the outcome of this war, at least the military medical system of the Jingjiu Dynasty will take a big step forward because of Shen Hao\'s repeated "wonderful ideas".

However, whether these are effective or not needs to be tested by a large-scale war.

Shen Hao has shut up now. He has said enough, and the most important thing is that the common sense in his mind about first aid and medical treatment has almost been told. There is no need to talk about it.

In addition, over the past few days, Chen Zifang has made vigorous efforts, and many details about the unified establishment of the emergency team and doctors have been smoothed out. The rest still needs to be handed over to the actual combat for inspection. Shen Hao, the errand assigned by Zuo Yuliang, also has an explanation.

"My Lord, master Chen Dan is here again."

"Tell him to go back. I can\'t see him."

Li Jiang said with a wry smile, "yes, but master Chen Dan said he could wait until you are free. Goodbye. Now he won\'t go in the tent in front."

It is not only Li Jiang\'s bitter smile, but also Shen Hao\'s bitter smile. When people come to the door with a smile, you have a thick skin. You can\'t drive people away, can you? Besides, people also have business as a cover. They always have to save face.

However, Shen Hao still didn\'t change his mind: "just tell him that I\'m facing a breakthrough and will be closed for a few days. Let him talk about anything later."

Suddenly, Li Jiang didn\'t think that his adult was looking for an excuse to hide from Chen Dan, because recently, he could feel that his adult\'s breath was very restless, and there was a vague posture that seemed to be breathing in and out of his true Qi all the time. Now when he heard this, he reacted that it was really a breakthrough?

It\'s no wonder Li Jiang\'s reaction is slow. It\'s mainly because Shen Hao can\'t grasp the opportunity of specific breakthrough. Anyway, he can\'t go anywhere now. Fortunately, he believed in the reins. It was too sudden yesterday that the breakthrough was in the past few days.

"I see! Sir, please rest assured. My subordinates will go to summon the brothers and will certainly protect the adults to break through the integrity!" Li Jiang raised his voice. After saluting, he turned and left in a hurry to arrange the defense of the camp. It is estimated that he is ready to help Shen Hao protect the Dharma according to the alert level of the war.

"Are you really ready to break through in the army? Can\'t you press it again?" the three bodyguards were very worried. They know very well that Shen Hao\'s breakthrough this time is different from the past.

Jushen realm jiuzhong breaks through again... That is to break the great realm and enter the yuan Dan realm! Refining Qi and breaking into Jushen is a life and death disaster. It will be more dangerous for Jushen to enter Yuandan now. The three bodyguards are also masters of Yuan Dan realm. They know that this level is difficult. For Shen Hao\'s so hasty preparation to break through in the army, he didn\'t even contact the Dharma protector, which

"What\'s the problem? Isn\'t wan Jun safe enough? Besides, there are hundreds of brothers outside who are strictly guarding me. What are you afraid of? As for whether you can make a breakthrough, it depends on everyone\'s ability. I know it in my mind." Shen Hao is really relaxed, Because even now he is approaching the breakthrough node, he still does not feel the discomfort of falling into life and death. Instead, he can feel a kind of excitement that seems to be brewing.

"I still think it\'s too hasty. If you can hold it down, it\'s better to hold it down first."

"I can\'t hold it. I have to break through tonight and noon the day after tomorrow, or my meridians and sea knowledge will be damaged."


As for this, there is no one to persuade. But the three bodyguards still feel that people are more popular than people. When they faced this barrier, who was not walking on thin ice and trembling? The boy surnamed Shen is nice. His face looks like he\'s going to buy vegetables, which makes people angry at him.

Soon, the whole camp was under martial law because of the supervision. Not only were all hands pulled out, but also they were on alert before the war. The camp was locked, and all key points were closely guarded. Everyone was covered with talismans in the palm of his hand.

As for Chen Zifang, he hesitated and was invited out.

Breach? Chen Zifang wondered if Shen Hao was deliberately avoiding him, but when he looked back, he saw the camp under the sudden martial law, and his heart suddenly burst: is it really such a coincidence?