Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 653

Just as Zhang Qian said, on the fifth day after Cheng jinhou led his troops to build an army stronghold 80 miles across Shimen, Shen Hao got an order from the Taoist executive Yamen.

The content of the order is simple. Shen Hao starts to return to Wuhu Zhongjun immediately after receiving the order.

Different from when he came here, Shen Hao was very relaxed on the way back. Even if there was a hurried riding team passing by, it wouldn\'t make him nervous.

After a solid war, the nerve naturally became bigger. What surprised me was not the reaction of Shen Hao, a self styled veteran.

Before starting from Shimen, Shen Hao wrote down one by one the ideas he came up with about the unified establishment between the emergency team and doctors.

In short, the first aid team is responsible for rescuing people from the front line, so that they can be treated in time. Secondly, they can not send front-line soldiers to escort the wounded, which is also good for the front line. Of course, while dragging the wounded down, simple injury judgment and first aid measures will be taken for the wounded.

Doctors no longer need to jump up and down in the front-line battle array. They use the method of setting up treatment centers at fixed points to gather doctors within a certain range to treat the wounded sent by the first aid team. Unified treatment and care. This will not only improve the treatment speed of doctors, but also provide a more suitable place for the wounded.

Moreover, because the treatment site is fixed, a large number of healing drugs and items can be arranged in advance, so as not to save people on the front line as before. As a result, the doctors often run out of drugs in their storage bag soon.

There are also some suggestions. For example, it would be better if doctors could produce a set of first-aid equipment and emergency pills, and it could also increase the ability of the emergency team.

In fact, Shen Hao can think of some details, but he can\'t solve them. For example, he knows that the cause of death from trauma is mainly caused by excessive blood loss. In addition to timely hemostasis, he needs timely blood transfusion. In another world, there are perfect blood bank procedures to avoid death caused by excessive blood loss to the greatest extent. But this can\'t be done in this world. At least Shen Hao doesn\'t know what to do. First of all, how does a blood group divide stool? This will stop Shen Hao.

Therefore, Shen Hao can only put forward a general idea. How to improve and refine it needs doctors and emergency team members to think about it.

But even if it was just a general idea, pan Shigui, who got the strategy, said good three times with his eyes shining, and specially sent Shen Hao to the gate of the stronghold before leaving. This face was enough.

Returning along Jianchuan shortcut, Shen haodun passed the former upper military stronghold on the road. He felt it for a long time. Now the army has moved forward, and this place has been transformed into a large storage place by the baggage camp behind. Although there are many garrisons, there are fewer previous massacres.

After the former upper military stronghold, they also returned to Yushi military station for repair, and finally returned to Wuhu.

It has been two months since this trip. Towards the end of the year, Wuhu has changed a lot from when Shen Hao left. The scale of the military stronghold alone is nearly twice as large as Shen Hao\'s impression. This shows that the garrison and materials around Wuhu lake are different when Yu Shen Hao left.

"Lord Shen!"

Just after the third sentry on the side of Wuhu lake, Shen Hao saw several horses galloping in the distance.

The visitors are two adjutants of the monitoring envoy, Zhang Ye and Li Jiang, as well as several hundred officials in the monitoring envoy. In addition, there is a figure familiar to Shen Hao: Dan Shi Chen Zifang.

Chen Zifang shouted just now. Zhang Ye, Li Jiang and others dare not shout in front of Shen Hao. When they ride more than 20 steps away from Shen Hao, they turn over and dismount, trot to Shen Hao, and then bow.

"Welcome back to camp!"

Compared with Chen Zifang, Li Jiang, Zhang Ye and Shen Hao have been separated for a longer time. Now the most direct sense to see again is: how heavy is the evil spirit of Lord Shen? Moreover, it seems that the cultivation is higher, and there is a sense of coercion when pressed over.

Shen Hao waved his hand, um, and then greeted Chen Zifang and walked with him.

"Hehe, Lord Shen, you are back. Is there nothing wrong with Shimen?"

"Everything is normal there. It\'s just that some chores have been delayed for a few days. How long has master Chen Dan been back?"

Chen Zifang is very enthusiastic about Shen Hao. He knows that he owed Shen Hao a favor in the war in Jianchuan. Now he has the idea of making friends. First, he wants to find a chance to thank him. Second, he also feels that Shen Hao is not as ferocious as rumored. On the contrary, he can make deep friends. So as soon as he heard that Shen Hao came back, he followed the people of the supervision envoy to welcome him out.

"I came back the day before yesterday. I heard that you got an emergency team from Shimen. Not only Shimen leader pan Shigui praised it, but also Zuo Shuai said that you had made a great contribution after reading the general strategy passed back. Unfortunately, I am not qualified to see your strategy. Can you tell me? What is the difference from the current set of treatment methods in the battle array?"

Shen Hao was not hypocritical, so he spoke out his ideas about the emergency team and doctors in detail. Chen Zifang was amazed all the way.

"Mr. Shen, Chen is really convinced! Such a wonderful idea can be handy! You don\'t have to try. Once this emergency team is deployed to the whole army, the war damage of our army\'s personnel can be reduced by at least 20%. In addition, you integrate doctors to provide unified field treatment, which greatly improves the speed and effectiveness of treatment, and the war damage of personnel is likely to be reduced by 10 to 20% again. This is absolutely great credit Ah! "

Shen Hao didn\'t think much about this idea before. He knew it must be due to him, but after being analyzed by many people, including Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, he reacted. Indeed, as Chen Zifang said, he inadvertently made another great contribution this time.

As I said before, fighting in the final analysis is to see who can endure and die. Now, Shen Hao has a way to reduce the war damage of Jingjiu Dynasty by 10-20% after throwing it out. Is this a direct increase of 20% in the odds? Of course, the odds of victory really can\'t be calculated like this, but it does have great blessings.

After entering Wuhu, I just checked my identity here. Before Shen Hao turned back to the camp of the monitoring envoy, Zuo Yuliang\'s Herald came first and said that Zuo Yuliang wanted to see him.

Shen Hao didn\'t dare to delay. He got off his horse and went to the big tent of the Chinese army. After singing his name, he saw Zuo Yuliang again.

"See Marshal!"

"Coming? Sit down and say."

"Thank you, marshal!"

Zuo Yuliang came and sat down in front of a map in the big tent and motioned the bodyguard to pour Shen Hao a cup of tea. Then he asked with a smile, "have you ever thought of officially transferring to our army?"