Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 501

Every time he entered the command, Jiang Cheng\'s mood was a little uneasy. Every time that pair of eyes that seemed to pierce people\'s hearts looked at him, he felt like being stared at by a fierce beast that wanted to choose people.

In addition, Jiang Cheng has no privilege in the command and envoy Yamen. If he should wait in the teahouse, he has to wait in line, unless there is something urgent.

Ask yourself if the matter in hand is a great emergency? It should not be within reach. However, fortunately, there were not many people in the command envoy yamen on weekdays. Most of the affairs were solved in the Sifang town governor yamen, so it was Jiang Cheng\'s turn to go in after only one hour.

"My Lord."

"Come on? Sit down." Pang ban didn\'t have a straight face and motioned Jiang Cheng to sit down. Then let the adjutant bring Jiang Cheng a cup of hot tea.

"Are you here for the trouble caused by Shen Hao?"

"Please punish your subordinates for their incompetence!" Jiang Cheng is very single. Shen Hao is his disciple. Now no matter how things go in the end, he will certainly be involved in responsibility. It\'s better to take the initiative and bear more wind and rain.

Pang ban smiled and couldn\'t see the meaning of blame. Moreover, he didn\'t take Jiang Cheng\'s punishment. He looked at the other end and said, "do you know what ye Lansheng said to me at today\'s meeting?"

Jiang Cheng also knew about today\'s great court meeting and heard some rumors at the meeting. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t rush to apologize. He was afraid that Pang ban would eat more when he came to the door.

Pang ban, of course, didn\'t really want Jiang Cheng to answer this sentence, but just started talking for himself, and then said: "Ye Lansheng asked me, what law does xuanqingwei enforce? Is it national law, family law, or lynching.

After ye Lansheng asked, Ma xuanlin, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of justice, also asked me, saying, why does a deputy thousand households in xuanqingwei district have the courage to kill innocent people wantonly in broad daylight? As for the law?

In fact, I also want to ask, if Shen haoruo can\'t give a reasonable explanation... Do you think it\'s better to help him choose waist cutting or lingchi? "

Jiang Chengbang knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice: "my subordinates have no way. Please punish me!"

"Why punish you? Shen Hao is indeed a rare talent. He is knowledgeable, capable, catered to and lucky. However, he has the same vision as ordinary people. He doesn\'t have high vision and doesn\'t do things ruthlessly. It\'s not good to say that he is kind-hearted; it\'s far from saying that he is cruel and ruthless. As his teacher, you really have the responsibility of slack."

In Pang Ban\'s eyes, Shen Shaxing in the eyes of ordinary people thinks so... Not enough... Cruel

I don\'t know if those who died in Shen Hao would get up from the mass grave when they heard Pang Ban\'s comments.

However, although Pang Ban\'s smile has not decreased, his words are extremely sharp. He does not hide his dissatisfaction with the trouble caused by Shen Hao this time. It also suggests that if Shen Hao can\'t come up with a good solution to this matter, he may be thrown out as a sandbag to vent his anger. As for Jiang Cheng, he can\'t escape. The sentence "being a teacher really has the responsibility of slack" shows his attitude.

Jiang Cheng knew that he could not defend at this time. He had to kneel and dare not get up and continue to listen to the training.

Who expected Pang ban to turn around and say, "but this time, it\'s not all a bad thing."

Jiang Cheng is a little confused. The first few sentences are still accountable, and the last sentence immediately becomes a good thing? So he looked up at the Pang ban sitting at the front end.

"Why? Don\'t you understand?"

"My subordinates are stupid, please give me some advice!" Jiang Cheng\'s heart beat very fast at this time. His smiling face made him cold. He was really unpredictable. No wonder he thought Shen Hao was a good man, but no normal person would think so.

"The civil servants are in a hurry. Unexpectedly, in order to seize the right to speak in the temple, they attacked xuanqingwei under the pretext of Shen Hao\'s affairs in fengri city and the Qin family. Hehe, this purpose is not only aimed at Shen Hao, but also at our whole xuanqingwei, but also at your majesty. Their courage has reached this level.

Hehe, it\'s God\'s order to die. They may be too young to go through His Majesty\'s fierce and powerful period. Now they think they can bring people to coerce the voice of the temple. They also want to die. "

Pang Ban\'s smile made Jiang Cheng cold, but he was really happy. He saw clearly the abacus of civil servants. Ye Lansheng is so cautious at ordinary times. Now he is also taking risks. I think the situation in the South has forced the civil servants to the edge of the cliff.

Jiang Cheng is also interested to know about these things in the temple, because he is actually far away from the military headquarters of the temple. Many things will immediately affect him as soon as they are said in the temple.

"My Lord, but the situation in the south is not so tense?" Jiang Cheng also paid attention to the information in the south, but it seems that although the south is nervous, it is not "burning eyebrows". The civil servants have always been cunning. How can they be so depressed this time?

Pang ban shook his head: "about the situation in the south, we xuanqingwei can\'t see the notes of the Ministry of war, and we can\'t see the notes of the military supervisor set up by civilian officials. The only information we can receive is the monitoring envoys we installed, and the second is the information released by the imperial government with official newspapers. How accurate do you think we know about the soldiers in the south?

According to Ye Lansheng\'s reaction, I\'m afraid the south is approaching the last moment of swing. If we drag on, once the fight starts, the civil servants will completely lose the possibility of "peace", and all kinds of power will change from their hands to the hands of the military, and I\'m afraid most of the current situation of the military headquarters will be actually controlled by your majesty.

It\'s a struggle for them to do so. "

"But where did they dare to persecute your majesty like this?"

"Do you think those civil servants are short of courage? Although most of them have no strength to bind chickens, most of them are fat. Moreover, they grasp the opportunity very well this time.

Haven\'t you been approached by the Grand Prince before? You should know what these princes are thinking in a hurry now. And how do you think this happened? "

After thinking for a while, Jiang Cheng reacted and said in surprise: "Sir, do you mean that the literary officials have seized the opportunity for your majesty to let the prince fight and bet that your majesty will not be angry and affect the increasingly fierce fight between the princes?"

"Not bad! You reacted fairly quickly. This should be the strength for the civil servants to jump out and gamble on Shen Hao. Now from the performance of your Majesty\'s continued silence at the imperial meeting, they are really right. Your majesty won\'t stand up and pat them on the head immediately.

Therefore, tell Shen Hao that if he can solve the trouble this time, I will make a great contribution to him. At that time, his majesty will certainly follow the trend and step the civil servants into the mud. If he messes up and his majesty suffers, my face will be beaten, too, and he can only choose the same from "lingchi" and "waist cutting" as his ending. "