Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 225

The vast majority of the more than 500 prisoners are ordinary people. They have no accomplishments, and their life experience is not complex. Some can even be called living in dignity. Where have they seen the battle in the prison?

The noisy cell was completely quiet in just a few days.

What\'s more interesting is that none of the 579 people died after they finished their sentences. It\'s not how good the killers are, but they don\'t resist pain and move too fast.

This time, Wang Yiming participated in the substantive stage of the plan. Therefore, the first confessions were classified and simplified by him, and then summarized and reported to Shen Hao. At the same time, he also had a glimpse of the leopard. He had some understanding of the "Jingxi" operation and knew that it was an earth shaking action.

Shen Hao has never left the station of qianhusuo black flag camp these days. He sent a confession, and he read one instruction.

Unlike Wang Yiming, who first sorted out these confessions, Shen Hao didn\'t mean to "make an example of others", but "cut the grass and wipe out the roots and catch them all".

What can be copied by the whole family is copied by the whole family. Those who can kill their heads will not just be locked up. Those who can dig deeply will be dug deeply.

What is an example? What is point to stop? What is control of the strike surface?

Not this time!

"According to the name of the confession, they are sent to 100 households around the country and asked them to take people. Except that the principal offender needs to be taken to 1000 households, the accomplice can be detained on the spot. If he escapes, he can go directly to the sea for arrest.

In addition, remember that this is a special case. In all copied cases, the following people are absolutely not allowed to deduct a penny. The previous "conventions" are put away, and then the reward will naturally supply them. If you don\'t listen to the order and reach out indiscriminately, don\'t blame me for cutting their hands. "

Wang Yiming trembled and immediately understood Shen Hao\'s intention. This time, the "clean West" has obviously taken a strong color of rectification, and it is also those moths who lose their country and fill their private interests. If xuanqingwei followed the "rules" in copying, wouldn\'t he be like those moths? In case of being singled out by the governor\'s Yamen, it will be bad luck. It\'s not cost-effective.

"My subordinates understand that I must tell them. Do you think I\'ll give them another order as a reminder?" Wang Yiming didn\'t dare to take it all. His intuition told him that he couldn\'t control the following hands to form habits in a few words.

Shen Hao did not object and let Wang Yiming handle it at his own discretion.

Wang Yiming turned to do things in a hurry. Half an hour later, the two orders went through the urgent order channel and were sent to the 100 households in the four big cities under the jurisdiction of fengri city. This time, the object of the order is no longer limited to the black flag camp, but sent a request for "assistance" to the local 100 households, and the signature and seal of Wu Changhe is the first to sign the bill.

Wu Changhe didn\'t want to get involved, but he couldn\'t help it. Shen Hao held two arrows given by Jingxi town governor Yamen and commander Yamen in his hand.

In this way, the arrest that had been raging in fengri City three days ago once again caused a storm, and more people suffered this time.

What is Zhulian?

As the name suggests, all parts of this dead branch are cut off. It is not only the family members who have given convenience and received benefits, but they will be implicated as long as they are mentioned in the confession. At least take it back to the health office for inquiry and check the family background. If it is confirmed that the confession is correct, you can give up your heart.

At the beginning, many people shouted "release people" by relying on their official identity and the long-term confrontational posture of the local yamen against xuanqingwei. No matter how sharp your tongue is, you can only avoid the edge when the sword is out of the scabbard.

On the same day, many new people were added to the dungeons of xuanqingwei everywhere. 579 principal criminals were implicated in thousands of people.

For a time, there was silence within the boundary of fengri city. Anyone knows that when he enters the gate of xuanqingwei dungeon, he is almost a fool.

All the news gathered their indignant eyes to the Qianhu Office of Xuanqing Wei in fengri City, but it is said that the leader of this action is not Wu Changhe, the Qianhu official, but Shen Hao, a hundred households of the black flag camp.

In the past, this man surnamed Shen had the name of evil star. Now he is more solid. I don\'t know how many people want to eat his meat and drink his blood.

However, outsiders do not know that the evil star in their eyes has shifted their attention elsewhere.


Sandalwood is rarely lit in Shen Hao\'s public room. A cool smell is refreshing. When Xia Nu saw some foreigners selling in the market, she curiously bought some to use. When she found it effective, she took it to the bathroom and asked the door to help Shen Hao order it.

Shen Hao also thinks that the effect of refreshing the brain is good, but the smell is a little stuffy for a long time.

"What\'s wrong with what you\'re staring at?" Shen Hao put down his papers and pen and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples on both sides. In recent days, not only did he sleep less, but his mind hardly stopped. He was very tired.

Standing in front of Shen Hao is Wang Jian, who is graciously refilling Shen Hao\'s cup with water.

"Sir, there is progress."

"Oh? Tell me."

Wang Jian didn\'t bring the file this time. It\'s estimated that it\'s inconvenient to record the content this time.

"Sir, on August 13, the news spread all over the boundary of fengri city on the 14th day. People in the black market were scared to hide. They didn\'t dare to pick up business and were waiting.

A few days ago, the large-scale arrest scared away many old Youzi, especially buyers. Even those who sell "100 US plates" dare not take the lead. It can be regarded as kicking the underground black market of the whole fengri city into the cold winter.

However, Ma San didn\'t stop. He appeared again. He took the initiative to find Feilong. I hope Feilong can help contact some goods. Sporadic land can be used. The price is three times the average price in the past. "

Ma San?

Shen Hao has come to the spirit. Ma San is the middleman who helped the barbarians connect bulk materials in the black market. After previous investigation, it is found that there is a mysterious group behind Ma San who is actively planning to help the barbarians.

For this group of people, Shen Hao went to the cops and hoped that the Zhenfu envoy yamen would pay attention to it, but Jiang Cheng didn\'t care. He thought there were many pests every year. This year, there are only a lot of pests. To clean up at one stroke is to clean up at least once and be safe again, right?

From Jiang Cheng\'s point of view, this treatment is not wrong. It is reasonable to focus on the big and let go of the small.

But Shen Hao didn\'t think so. He believes that ordinary moths are for money or resources, which can be grasped and released, because they can\'t be caught completely. But Ma San\'s gang is obviously not such insects for the purpose of money or resources. Because they are not alone, even if each broker charges a high fee, it is definitely not enough for such a large group of monks to share profits.

"What does he want?"

"Taking a lot of goods, they also know that it is unrealistic recently, so what they want most is the pan spirit stone."