Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1147

As soon as the front foot entered the door, a golden sword guard came to the door with a metal box. He said it was given by the two ancestors.

When he got it, Shen Hao didn\'t even know how to open the metal box at first. I wanted to ask the person who sent the things. As a result, Shen Hao left early. Finally, I had to feel hard for myself.

Finally, the metal box was opened by the fluctuation of the soul and the gold sword accessories given by Yang Shan.

In the process, I was also very curious about what was inside, which was so tightly sealed. The pattern and massiness of the Dharma array on the box are stronger than the encapsulated Dharma array on the top secret copper strip inside xuanqingwei.

After opening it, there was a flash of colorful inside, and then it was collected and put away. It was clear that it was a long sleeved half body thin clothes, and it looked like a close fitting style.

It\'s white and very thin. There is color flow on the surface. At first glance, it\'s not an ordinary thing, and careful observation will find that under the color flow on the surface, this thin garment is not made of thread and cotton, but spliced together by pieces of extremely small scales!

Reaching out to brush the thin clothes, the touch is delicate and smooth, just like silk, and there is a trace of temperature.

The most important thing is that the mana fluctuation felt by touching this thin garment is extremely heavy, which has far exceeded the wild goose ridge knife in Shen Hao\'s hand and the soft armor he wears.

You know, Shen Hao\'s Yanji Dao and soft armor are top-grade magic weapons! And this thin dress in front of you actually gives people a stronger feeling?!

In doubt, Shen Hao picked up a small jade slip on the edge of his thin clothes, and after probing into his true Qi, the contents of the jade slip were directly printed and shot into his mind. The content includes the detailed usage information of the thin clothes in the box, as well as the explanations given to him by his two masters.

"You should be careful when you\'re running around. You should think twice before you act. A teacher can\'t guard you. A piece of armor can also give you some confidence."

The signature is Yang Qingzhi.

Yang Shan gave a golden sword as a magic tool before, and Yang Qingzhi gave another... Spirit tool behind it? Not far away, just these two things, Shen Hao felt that his two masters really had nothing to say to himself.

The name of the dress is taixuan armour.

An inferior spirit weapon!

For a moment, Shen Hao\'s heart surged and stroked the thin clothes in the box. He didn\'t know what to say. There is a sense of unreality like a dream but not a dream. He never thought that he would have the legendary spirit instrument one day.

In the world, items that can be endowed with new abilities by the monk\'s true Qi or can increase the monk\'s unity are called magic tools. From high to low, top, middle and bottom.

But the top quality magic weapon does not mean that it is the highest limit of magic weapon. There are also magic tools that surpass the top grade, but very few. They have been given another name to show the difference, that is, spirit tools.

These are recorded in the essays and classics of xuanqingwei\'s library, and there are many related contents. Many of them are small stories similar to legends. For example, the founding emperor of the Jingjiu Dynasty had an extremely powerful spirit weapon in his hand, which killed all sides

In fact, this should not be the first time Shen Hao saw a spirit weapon. Before, Xue GUI, an iron faced judge of the imperial city and the former criminal department, had one. It was the mask that was so strange that he almost killed Shen Hao.

The mask is handed in, and don\'t call it special. Whether it is a spirit tool is just Shen Hao\'s guess. It may or may not be. But in front of this taixuan armor, it is certain that the spirit tool did not run away.

Take off the soft armor and put it away. Replace it with taixuan armor. Just the close touch has felt the gap. Although the previous soft armor was also very soft, taixuan armor was like catkins and could hardly feel the weight of this thing.

After moving his arm, he didn\'t feel involved or restrained. Generally speaking, he basically didn\'t feel that he was wearing a close fitting psionic armor.

According to the previous message in the jade slip, Shen Hao put on the taixuan armor, and then shook the real yuan in his body. In an instant, the whole body surface was covered with an invisible shield. According to the jade slips, these shields are called "Xuanjia", and their strength is increased according to the wearer\'s true element thickness.

The reason why it is called "Xuanjia" is that the structure of this shield is inspired by a fierce beast called Xuanjia beast.

With Shen Hao\'s current Zhenyuan thickness, the defense ability of Xuanjia can reach the normal defense ability of the back of Yuandan territory, and can soar to a heavy temporary defense ability of xuanhai territory in case of an emergency.

In other words, the current taixuan armor is powerful enough for Shen Hao and surpasses his previous soft armor. Moreover, with the increase of Shen Hao\'s true element thickness, the ability of taixuan armor will increase synchronously. This growth like ability is the reason why spirit tools are given a unique name.

However, although the spirit weapon taixuan armor is precious, Shen Hao\'s heart is full of gratitude. But after the excitement, he was a little puzzled.

I just came back from the courtyard of the two masters in Fenghong villa. I sent this spirit weapon armor with my front and rear feet? Why? If you really want to send it, why not give it to him face to face?

In addition, the message on the jade slip that came with Baojia also gave Shen haopin an unusual taste.

Although I read the message alone, it\'s just a word of concern for my apprentice. But what can Shen Hao worry about? Besides, he has a golden sword magic weapon that can make him retreat in front of the great friars at the beginning of xuanhai territory. Isn\'t it safe enough?

Even Shen Hao felt that he had one more life after he had the golden sword magic weapon.

But why did the two masters suddenly feel that he was not safe enough? So that even the spirit tool taixuan armour was sent directly to him?

In fact, as long as you think carefully, things are not completely unreasonable. After all, Shen Hao\'s contact with the two masters is limited, and what happened during the period is also limited. You can quickly find the clue by pushing forward from a close place.

"Is it because of the question I asked?"

Shen Hao thought of the key point. Because he remembered that before he left, master Zhi, who had always been silent, rarely told him to be careful.

Be careful what? Naturally, it is the strange internal situation of Zhengyang sect mentioned in his question.

But didn\'t the two masters say they didn\'t know the situation? Why are you suddenly so worried about his safety?

This question quickly magnified in Shen Hao\'s heart and went out of control. He found that he seemed to feel the secret instruction of the two masters.

Shen Hao secretly said in his mind: if you guessed well, the two masters should know what\'s going on in Zhengyang sect. But they can\'t say, or they can\'t tell me directly. But at the same time, they knew that the danger was beyond my ability to resist, so they were worried after they left and sent someone to send this armor?