Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1115

I can\'t tell what I feel in my heart. I always feel some pity, feel very lucky, and have some expectations.

The black beast tattoo collapsed in front of the last statue and almost killed Shen Hao. This itself is not a good thing, but it is not so bad after some speculation.

At least let Shen Hao know that the statue left by jianhuang Feng unbeaten is likely to involve the means to surpass xuanhai.

For the first time, Shen Hao had a little intuitive understanding of the "realm of creation" recorded in ancient books. It was a realm where even black animal tattoos had to be eaten.

Of course, the black beast tattoo does not agree. It does not agree that Shen Hao compares it to the "realm of creation". It means that its current state is not good. If it can be restored, it is not afraid of the means of creating the environment. And the higher Shen Hao\'s cultivation is, the more he recovers.

But in the end, the black beast tattoo still didn\'t say anything about how to treat Shen Hao, the "landlord".

The intentions of good and evil are still unclear.

Shen Hao asked again, what level would he go to before the black beast tattoo could devour the golden energy of "creation" in the jianhuang tomb? Is yuan Dan Jing perfect? Or step into the xuanhai realm?

As a result, the answer of the black beast tattoo surprised Shen Hao. It is the former, that is, the yuan Dan realm is complete. The black beast tattoo has the confidence to swallow the golden energy in the statue that almost killed Shen Hao.

If there is no special chance to achieve the perfection of Yuandan, Shen Hao estimates that it will take three to four years to achieve it.

"Forget it, let\'s talk about the future. There are more than 20 sword moves in the sword emperor\'s tomb alone. These have to be practiced for a long time for me."

After cleaning up his regrets, Shen Hao sorted out his mood and began to return to fengri city.

Several front guards are not surprised at Shen Hao\'s sudden disappearance and appearance. Now they don\'t expect to be able to follow Shen Hao\'s escape. Not to mention the subtlety of fish in stone, it is extremely difficult to track. It is said that Shen Hao\'s cultivation and six levels of Yuan Dan realm are no worse than them, and even his strength has been firmly on top of them.

The deepest feeling is the three people who first followed Shen Hao and now have become Shen Hao\'s Secret Service bodyguard. I think Shen Hao was just a backward generation in cultivation in their eyes, which was far from them. But now, they are gradually unforgettable.

It was the next morning when I returned to fengri city. On March 30, I went directly to the Yamen. I was busy all day.

This evening, Shen Hao slept in the small yard of three fox women in the backyard according to the previous arrangement.

In fact, after a few days, neither Chu Linxiang nor Yu qiao8 got any benefit. They were able to cope with it at the beginning, no matter 1357 or 2468, but over time, they couldn\'t stand being attacked by Shen Hao, an alternative monk with high cultivation and two skills and physique, whether he was obsessed with art or natural bone, Even if there is a day or two between them, it is empty.

Finally, Yu Qiao opened her head and asked Xia Nu to help herself. She unilaterally promoted "two dozen one", and sometimes "four dozen one". This allows Yu Qiao to enjoy the fun of the bed without being cleaned up too badly.

And the deference of the three fox women also made Yu Qiao slowly accept them. She no longer excluded and guarded as at the beginning, and even asked Xia Nu to serve her and chat in private from time to time. Talk about Shen Hao\'s past, and also talk about those things on the bed. After all, Xia Nu has the most experience in this family, and what she learned in the dental shop is the craft of serving men. These are not what Yu Qiao can be taught in Yu\'s family school.

What happened in Yu Qiao\'s moon garden? Naturally, I can\'t hide it from the nearby huanxiang garden. Chu Linxiang has been staring at it for a long time. Besides, Xia Nu wouldn\'t avoid Chu Linxiang about what she was called to do by Yu Qiao. She said everything the first time she came back.

Tender face? Fox women don\'t feel tender. They are the owner\'s things. The things on the bed are a part of their life and represent how much status they can have in this family.

Chu Linxiang has seen less wind and moon in the flower building? Haven\'t you eaten pork? Haven\'t you seen a pig run? She naturally knows what Yu Qiao\'s idea is to find Xia NV.

Man, it\'s hard to guess what\'s in your heart? How many people are fun. And for Yu Qiao, it can save a lot of physical strength. In disguise, you are giving yourself RAF\'s attention.

Chulinxiang sneered a few times in her heart and immediately followed her. Do you think anyone won\'t?

Even Chu Linxiang played some new tricks, especially the close fitting clothes. She changed them herself. The cloth was as little as a rope. It made Xia Nu feel hot and dry, not to mention Shen Hao, a wolf?

So you ask Sanhu woman for help, and I\'ll look for it too! I not only found it, but also played with the new tricks on the small clothes!

Then Yu Qiao also changed his clothes with a red face.

Who did it get cheaper in the end?

Shen, of course. Man, who doesn\'t know that? Generally speaking, it is subject to physical strength. There is little chance of victory between cattle and land. Therefore, honest farming for a while and rest for a while is the long-term way. You can\'t empty yourself by doing more and less every day?

Lord Shen is not an ordinary "ox". Let alone ploughing, he can plough stones. There are only five pieces of land. Here, only the land is ploughed over and over, and there is no saying that the ox is tired.

Of course, at this stage, four dozen one is the version limit. You can\'t rush to five dozen one. You need to wait until the gap between Chu Linxiang and Yu Qiao melts slowly under the softening of time, and finally you need another opportunity to promote it.

In addition to Shen Hao getting cheap, Xia Nu and other three fox women also got cheap. Even in Xia Nu\'s plan, the current situation has exceeded the best she expected. They not only continue to maintain a close relationship with Chu Linxiang, but also gradually ease their relationship with Yu Qiao, the mistress. Although not, their position in Shen\'s house is really more and more stable.

In fact, Shen Hao didn\'t know all this. What he saw was that he calmed down after secretly tearing in the backyard. In addition, he doesn\'t want to stretch out his hand to take care of the affairs between the women in the backyard, so what he knows most is Hu Tian, the housekeeper who sees all this in his eyes.

Hu Tian not only changed all the furniture in Sanhu\'s yard and house into the best, but also raised some of the monthly money sent on weekdays. He also provided two servant girls for the fox women\'s courtyard, not to mention serving the three fox women, but only those who need to be served by Lord Shen during his stay. Hu Tian can be said to have taken the measure.

The next morning, Hu Tian stood beside Shen Hao at breakfast as usual. Hand over an invitation to Phnom Penh.

"Lord Shen, this was sent by Lv\'s family of the middle school last night. It said it was the fifth day of April. I\'d like to invite you to have wine in Qingfeng garden of the imperial city."