Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1063

Xia Nu went to cook noodles and left her master to red silk and brocade. When she went out, she winked meaningfully at the two women, as if encouraging.

Red silk and rich brocade also nodded slightly when they saw Xia NV\'s eyes. Their little face was red. They knew that they had made a good start. Xia NV\'s sister was helping them again. Naturally, they should make persistent efforts.

Looking at the master\'s tall and straight back, red silk and rich brocade jumped quickly. They had long been handed over by Xia Nu a lot of skills to serve people in the toothshop, and they actually used them yesterday. As a result, they found that the master was like a storm, which made them lose their mind at once. They forgot to use those means for a time, and finally they could only bear it softly.

When the host comes back today, according to the custom, the host will take a bath first, then eat supper, and finally go to bed. Their idea is to go further while waiting for their master to take a bath.

"Master, the hot water has been put away. Wash it first?" red silk asked tentatively as she and Jinxiu undressed Shen Hao.

"Well, wash it. You too."

"Well, uh huh!" the two women nodded. It should be that their waist was a little soft when they heard this. After all, they both loved and feared yesterday\'s experience, especially the burning heat in the master\'s words and eyes. At this time, they will inevitably be a little nervous.

Although there are no hot words in the words, the heartbeat of the two little fox women has made Shen Hao inexplicably restless in his heart.

Originally, the two little fox women have changed rapidly over the past year. I don\'t know whether the fox woman\'s nature or the food is too good. Now, in addition to their appearance and stature, they have almost the same body as Xia woman. Among them, the delicious dog of red silk is the most exaggerated. The swaying figure can make Shen Hao so used to the big field that he can\'t help it.

Shen Hao never felt that he was a good man, let alone a saint. He had endured not to move the red silk and brocade before, but he simply felt that these two were too small and uncomfortable, but now, especially after yesterday, he felt that he was too floating on the surface. These two were not small, and they were full of freshness to him.

As for the plans in the hearts of the three fox women, Shen Hao can know without guessing, but he doesn\'t explain, and there\'s no need to explain. The facts can be put out soon, and it will be clear at that time.

So the bathhouse was soon not just the sound of bathing water, but slowly calmed down for a long time.

When Shen Hao put on his clothes at the service of Xia Nu, and then carried the small one with soft legs back to the house to sleep, he sat at the table in the bedroom and took up the sea bowl of wordy noodles.

"Recently, you\'ve been walking around Lianxiang to see if she needs help. Take the red silk and brocade with her. I don\'t think she has any family. You should do more." Shen Hao took time to tell Xia NV nearby while eating.

Although Shen Hao doesn\'t know Lianxiang\'s life experience, he can\'t find it. Therefore, Lianxiang needs to participate in the marriage later. There are only three people in Lianxiang\'s small yard. I\'m afraid they are too busy. Although Hu Tian can help, he should avoid suspicion after all, so it\'s better to let Xia Nu and her three go.

Xia Nu knew what her master said. Before that, she heard the news of her master\'s wedding at the end of the year from the housekeeper Lao Hu. In addition, her master ordered Lao Hu to send a happy book to Lianxiang. Today, Xia Nu went to Lianxiang\'s courtyard during the day. She saw the happy book, word by word, and even the shell, which made Xia Nu envy. A concubine of such high standard? The master really dotes on Miss Lianxiang!

Unfortunately, Xia Nu\'s envy is useless. She clearly knows her identity and can\'t have a wedding. She can only stand aside and have a look and fantasize.

But Xia Nu was also very satisfied, because she could feel the pity and love from her master. All her thoughts and calculations were just to stay with her master all the time. As for others, Xia Nu never thought about it.

what? Ethnic conflicts? Sorry, Xia Nu was not comfortable when she was in the fox tribe. It was normal for the barbarians to plunder among ethnic groups. Compared with being kidnapped by wolves or other ethnic groups and then killed as a plaything, Xia Nu felt that she was very lucky to be kidnapped by Terrans and sold to her master.

So for Shen Hao\'s marriage, Xia NV is more interested than him. Maybe it\'s Shen Hao who doesn\'t care much.

"Good master, I\'ll go to sister Lianxiang tomorrow. I\'ll do anything I can to help her."

Many, Xia NV won\'t ask.

However, after eating the noodles, Shen Hao took Xia Nu who was ready to clean up the dishes and chopsticks into his arms, rubbed Xia Nu\'s Fox ear and said, "the new house has been completed. You, red silk and Jinxiu have their own yard. Although it is smaller than Lianxiang\'s, it is also more spacious than now. When you are free, go and have a look. If you want to buy anything, let Lao Hu make a fuss."

Shen Hao picked up Xia Nu Heng and walked to the bed.

"Master, I, I want to live in a yard with red silk and Jinxiu, so it\'s more convenient for you to find us? Is that ok?"

Want three to one? Shen Hao smiled and nodded in agreement.


Shen Hao didn\'t sleep at night. He got up in the middle of the night and made up for yesterday\'s homework until dawn.

In the past two days, he has had a lot of new understanding of "Lu Yun Jing" and "mang Huo". Among them, he also has the most direct understanding of the two key points.

For example, water is impermanent. Don\'t fixedly think that water is the usage in the art book. Turn your brain and combine your own situation to give full play to the impermanence of water and integrate it into the existing means.

For example, the common sense known in Shen Hao\'s nine-year compulsory education, water, it conducts electricity! Can water and wood thunder be combined? Isn\'t it possible to bury people directly?

Another example is the word "Crazy" highlighted in mang fire. Shen Hao quickly discovered the mystery according to this concept of fire control, that is, the same fire belongs to the magic method. Under the indulgence of the word "Crazy", he obviously has no more control, but it can be much more powerful than the magic under control. However, the difficulty is that it is easy to break up the technique under the indulgence of the word "Crazy", which requires more practice and deeper understanding.

When studying and trying these two kinds of techniques, Shen Hao did not put down his previous means. After all, the previous means have proved very useful after several life and death tests. What he has to do is to find a way to integrate what he has learned now.

"The effect of skill superposition is not so good, maybe we should find another way?" Shen Hao found that the rigid superposition of water and fire can not achieve a good integration on the basis of not wanting to give up what he has learned.

"Maybe continue to fill in the" sword field "

The sword field based on "sword 2" is Shen Hao\'s current Assassin\'s mace. This is the only way he can think of to retain all his means and join both water and fire.