Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 843

"It\'s the power behind the green dragon club. Patriarch... I\'m going to ask you how to do..." Zhang Zhizhong said.

In Yang Tianlei\'s original arrangement, the master of Xuanyuan sword sect only helped. This non secular power can be used without using it. Otherwise, it will attract the attention of all parties, and the final result will be a completely non secular fight, which is neither what Yang Tianlei wants nor what the organization wants to see.

Therefore, after the Qinglong Club mobilized this force, Zhang Zhizhong did not act without authorization, but waited for Yang Tianlei\'s instructions before making a decision.

"Do you still need instructions? In case of such a thing in the future, kill it directly! They use extraordinary means, and we use extraordinary means! It is they who violate the principle, not us!"

"Yes! With your words, my subordinates will know what to do!" Zhang Zhizhong said in a deep voice.

"Red soldier, Zhang Jian, you don\'t have enough manpower and financial resources. Go directly to Lao Zhang! Lao Zhang, you cooperate with them and take the green dragon club for me within a month!" Yang Tianlei said in a deep voice.


"The wicked, you should be a hundred times and a thousand times worse than him! Good people, you should use legitimate means! This is the basic principle and will never change!"

"I see!"

"Well, dry wine!"


After staying with Zhang Zhizhong, Chen Hongbing and others for half an hour, Yang Tianlei returned to the room where the four women were. The five went up to the top floor of the Dragon subduing hotel. A moment later, they disappeared into the magic capital!


In the void, song Xiaofen held Yang Tianlei\'s arm tightly, her small face full of excitement and screamed from time to time. Obviously, song Xiaofen, who just tried to fly a little, really began to experience at this time!

Similarly, Zhang Yajing was completely relaxed after one day\'s contact. She was more excited than song Xiaofen! In less than a day, Zhang Yajing could not think of it no matter what she thought. Yang Tianlei contained so many secrets. When Yang Tianlei told him, although she believed it, she still had the feeling of listening to the story. Now, she really feels it. How can she not be excited?

Only Li Hanmei, who flew around a lot with Yang Tianlei, was more calm.

However, Yang Tianlei is sad today. In addition to song Xiaofen, who is "heartless and heartless", Ling Xi, Li Hanmei and Zhang Yajing won\'t make out with him at all. Just like now, Yang Tianlei is only with song Xiaofen, while Li Hanmei and Zhang Yajing are all around Ling Xi.

It has to be said that women tolerate themselves, but when they gather together, everyone will remain reserved. Similarly, Yang Tianlei can\'t be more intimate with anyone alone. Otherwise, it would be throwing vinegar jar! Therefore, the best way is to let all women have their own lives. Yang Tianlei takes time to face it alone, so that life will be comfortable and more comfortable!

Otherwise, it will really return to the same situation as that of Zhang Zihan and other women.

It\'s too difficult to sleep together. Just as Yang Tianlei\'s initial dream in the thirty-three days was to have a big bed on which he slept with all the women, he didn\'t realize it until the thirty-three days collapsed. Even the double cultivation in a quiet glass bottle basically divides the space separately.


"Brother Tianlei, how soon can we get there? It\'s so fast..." song Xiaofen is very intimate from time to time, and brother Tianlei\'s cry is getting smoother recently.

"More than ten minutes... The earth is very small. In those days, brother and sister Ling may arrive in the blink of an eye. Now they are different. They can only rely on the power of heaven and earth, which is much slower..." Yang Tianlei said.

"No, no, it\'s too fast... Brother Tianlei, kiss brother, good brother, let\'s slow down. Anyway, Liu Yier may not have arrived! We\'ll go to play when we see a good place, okay?" song Xiaofen said.

"OK! I\'ll let you have a good time today!" Yang Tianlei pinched song Xiaofen\'s lovely face and said.

"Sister Ling, Tianlei, can we practice?" Zhang Yajing likes Kung Fu. When enjoying the pleasure of flying, of course, she is not satisfied with being led to fly by others, but wants to have such ability.

"Yes, yes, I also want to learn!" song Xiaofen said after hearing Zhang Yajing\'s words.

Although Li Hanmei didn\'t speak, her eyes clearly showed that she wanted to.

"Yes, but it\'s not necessary..." Yang Tianlei said.


"The most important thing in the road of cultivation is to refine the mind. Lingmei and I can fly now because the mind and spirit realm can be integrated into the world. Otherwise, it will consume energy. But now the earth is sealed, and there is no power of the world for practitioners to absorb and recover. You want to have this ability, not because you can\'t, but because you want to cultivate it As for me, I can\'t use lower level skills any more. Once the earth seal is released by me and Ling Mei, it will be rubbish and nothing to learn. Why bother? When the seal is released, I\'ll teach you skills. You can gradually improve as long as you practice slowly. With my help, all kinds of obstacles encountered on the road of cultivation are not a problem. Your entry speed is slow Soon, you will be the first master when you return to the earth within ten years. Within a hundred years, you will be promoted to the realm of true immortals. It is also possible... "Yang Tianlei explained.




"Ah... Ah..."

In the void, a Boeing 949 luxury civil airliner suddenly appeared a roar. Then, the whole plane began to fluctuate violently. Some awake passengers suddenly screamed, and those who fell asleep were suddenly jolted and woke up.

"What\'s going on? What\'s going on?" suddenly, Chinese and authentic M-type English were mixed with inquiries in various languages.


Aircraft is the one with the lowest accident rate and the safest among all means of transportation. However, compared with other means of transportation, there is almost no hope of survival in case of failure and crash of the aircraft. The crash mortality rate is the highest!

The originally stable plane did not send out any air flow forecast. How did it suddenly bump and shake, and the sound was obviously from the inside of the plane... So, almost for a moment, some timid passengers were scared to death.

Liu Yier and his entourage, who wrapped up the whole first class cabin, also showed surprised expressions one by one.

"Please pay attention, please pay attention, the plane breaks down unexpectedly, please keep calm, keep calm! Listen to the crew!"

"Ah..." Liu Yi\'er also stared.

Manager Sister Li, her face also turned pale. The same is true for casual bodyguards. Only the black dragon still has cold eyes and maintains enough composure. While sitting next to Heilong, Keiko Guchuan is like a child frightened.

"Ah --!"

At this time, a more terrible thing happened. The plane turned back and forth in the void. In an instant, some passengers who had not had time to fasten their seat belts suddenly "banged" back and forth in the plane. The screams and screams suddenly rang through the whole cabin, and some books, magazines and fragmentary items immediately flew around!

Hustle and bustle!

At this time, even the announcer screamed. Although she tried to keep calm and persuade everyone to be calm, even her own voice was trembling

Almost everyone thought of a possibility, death!

They\'re dying!

At this moment, everyone thought of family, lovers, children and things they couldn\'t put down, but they knew that it was too late

Liu Yi\'er didn\'t wear a seat belt, but her little hand, which was as bright as jade, firmly held her. Despite the turbulence of the plane, Liu Yi\'er had no problem. But black dragon can only worry about Liu Yier and Guchuan Huizi. Black dragon\'s beautiful face, Dai Mei frowned. Even she can only stabilize at this time. If the plane crashes, she may not be able to save Liu Yier and Guchuan Huizi at the same time. Even whether she can survive is a problem. After all, the plane is at such a high altitude and has been sailing for several hours. Now it should be over the core of the sea. Although her cultivation is powerful, she can only fly for a short time. How long can the energy support?

Black dragon thought of a man.

Similarly, in surprise, Liu Yier also thought of a person.

However, neither of them knows that the other party thinks the same person as themselves.

"Phone... Phone..." Liu Yier became more and more refined and dust-free. With a trace of panic, he quickly took out his phone and turned it on at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Heilong quickly fastened the safety belts of "sister" and Liu Yier and picked up the phone.

"It will be fine, it will be fine... Don\'t be afraid... Don\'t be afraid... I\'ll call..." Sister Li comforted with a pale face and quickly took out her mobile phone.

Special cell phones. Whether Liu Yier, Sister Li or Heilong, they all took out special mobile phones.

How can an ordinary mobile phone have a signal on the plane?

"Du... Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area, sorry, the. Subscriber. You. Dialed. Is. Not. In. ServiceArea..."

Liu Yier, who took out her mobile phone first, dialed the phone first. Although Liu Yier\'s mobile phone was not ordinary, what she dialed was Yang Tianlei\'s ordinary number. Yang Tianlei flying high above the sky, how can the ordinary have a signal?

"Niu Lao! I\'m Heilong. Miss Liu\'s plane has a serious failure... Can you connect me with Yang Tianlei? Come on! Only he can save!" Heilong said anxiously.


Old Niu was surprised. He was surprised when he received a call from Heilong. But when he heard the words of the black dragon, he said immediately without any hesitation.

Yang Tianlei, Mr. Niu has really understood that Yang Tianlei is an "expert" who can\'t even imagine. Originally, I watched Yang Tianlei fight with the Lord of shenhuangzong, but I couldn\'t keep up with them. Therefore, when he returned to Shenma Bird Club with Qinglong and Heilong and saw that everyone disappeared, he was full of worry. After all, I don\'t know the outcome of the war. The three of them waited near the Shenma Bird Club until Yang Tianlei suddenly appeared and handed over the comatose Lord of shenhuangzong to Heilong. While they were relieved, they had a more real understanding of Yang Tianlei\'s ability.

Only Yang Tianlei can save it!

(second, thank you for the reward and monthly ticket! Thank you! There is still the third watch in the evening.) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Qidian. Com. Your support is my biggest motivation.)