Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 600

Under the law of time and space, he talked with Xianlian for several hours. As expected, great changes have taken place in the fairy world. At this time, the real fairy, Shangxian, Jinxian, Tianxian and xianzun in the whole fairy world disappear. Although they are still full of strong Fairy Spirit, there are only a few spirit demons. This is why the cracks caused by the LORD God of the thirteenth heaven have not been repaired.

The so-called spirit demon is the spirit of heaven and earth like immortal lotus. After absorbing the immortal Qi through the sun and moon all year round, it breeds intelligent life. These spirit demons can\'t move without external force. However, they have a simpler way of communication than practitioners. Xianqi is the medium connecting them.

The spirit itself can condense the majestic spirit. However, except for the magic array, it has no real attack ability. Once the cultivator breaks through the array, the spirit will only be refined.

Yang Tianlei also learned from Xianlian that destroying the enchantment by force is equivalent to directly destroying all the cultivation accomplishments of the demons. The heaven and Earth Spirit that the cultivator can finally obtain is just a little energy of the demons themselves. Within millions of miles, the 81 leaf fairy lotus is the most powerful existence and the only demon. Although other spirits in heaven and earth have also been consolidated into an array for protection, they are natural instincts and do not produce wisdom.


Several hours later, Yang Tianlei, Ling Xi, Bai Susu and Bai Zhenzhen broke several arrays again and obtained several Heaven and earth spirits. However, Yang Tianlei did not swallow them directly, but used the same method to collect all these heaven and earth spirits into the quiet glass bottle. Of course, this is also Xianlian\'s suggestion, because according to Xianlian, the spirit in the fairyland space is drawn from the gap leading to the fairyland. The more heaven and earth spirits Yang Tianlei receives, the stronger the immortal spirit in the quiet glass bottle will be. Moreover, even after Yang Tianlei leaves the fairyland space, it will not affect him at all. As long as they stay in the fairyland for thirty-three days, they can always keep smooth with the fairyland.

This undoubtedly makes Yang Tianlei and his four people very excited.

The sky is big and the earth is big. The biggest thing is to collect the spirits of heaven and earth. A year\'s time, even if it is all used for cultivation, is always a little too short. However, if Yang Tianlei can collect countless heaven and earth spirits and spirits like Xianlian from the Qingjing glass bottle, the Qingjing glass bottle will become the second fairyland space!

Obviously, this is the most attractive!

The four had no rest at all. They fought continuously for a day and a night, sweeping away all the spirits in the world within a radius of 100000 miles.

Until noon the next day, Wu Qing\'s mind suddenly appeared in Yang Tianlei\'s heart.

"Coming so soon?" Yang Tianlei asked hurriedly.

"Well, come on, Tianlei, the situation seems wrong. Wait for me..." Wu Qing said a little anxiously. While talking, he has locked Yang Tianlei\'s position, directly tore the void, and came to Yang Tianlei with the fastest speed.

"Wrong? Why not?" Yang Tianlei was slightly surprised.

"Take us in and get out of here as fast as possible!" Wu Qing said anxiously.

Although Yang Tianlei didn\'t know what had happened, he didn\'t hesitate to see Wu Qing\'s anxious appearance. He directly collected Wu Qing and her three daughters into a quiet glass bottle. In an instant, their thoughts and mana were condensed into one and directly tore the void. Run away as fast as you can.

"Wugang is coming!" at this time, Wu Qingcai said with his mind.

"What? Wugang? How could he come in?" Yang tianleidun said in surprise.

"I\'m also surprised. It\'s clearly announced through Xiao Shang that I want to deal with the Wuhun hall. It\'s supposed that he doesn\'t dare to come in. But now... Not only feel the breath of Wugang, but also many Tianjie experts, including the people of Meng family and dragon family! I only have 50% grip against Wugang, but if we add the dragon family and Meng family... We can\'t compete at all!" Wu Qing said solemnly.

He had hidden all his breath, and his mind was always exploring thousands of miles. Therefore, at the moment when Wugang and others stepped into this area, Wuqing had sensed it. Now, there are few practitioners in the tens of thousands of miles. This area belongs to the first transmission area of Wuqing. The influx of other practitioners should be at least a few days later.

Therefore, Wuqing knows that it\'s too easy to find Yang Tianlei with Wugang\'s strength at this time. So where dare you stay?


"Wuqing, it\'s Wuqing, very good, chase!"

When Wuqing tore the void to find Yang Tianlei, an old man with a gloomy face suddenly looked in one direction and said, then he directly tore the void and took the lead. At the same time, more than a dozen Tianjie experts under Wugang and 20 Tianjie experts from Longmeng also tore the void.

When Yang Tianlei suddenly confused the space, Wugang and others had appeared in his place. At the same time, they also tore the void again and followed him!

"It\'s the boy. I didn\'t expect that Wuqing should be with the boy!" Wugang angrily said. At the same time, he raised his mana to the limit, caught Yang Tianlei\'s breath and flew quickly in the chaotic space.

Takeoka was a sinister villain and never really believed anyone. Xiao Shang did cooperate with him secretly, but he didn\'t believe in Xiao Shang as much as Wu Qing did. He never really regarded Xiao Shang as the core of Wu soul hall. It can be said that Xiao Shang and Wugang are old foxes. When they meet old foxes, everyone has a hand. But Wugang\'s ferocious character is more suspicious than Xiao Shang. After more than a dozen of his subordinates contacted Xiao Shang in succession, they got a Taoist couple in the same state, and they were all Xiao Shang\'s people, he began to be suspicious, and quietly controlled one of them for inventory. With the cultivation of Wugang, of course, we soon found the existence of soul brand. However, he did not say anything and directly sealed the disciple, but he was still unable to untie the soul mark.

Finally, there was no way. He turned to the owners of the Longmeng family. The Wu soul hall has long been close to the dragon and Meng families, which is clear to the whole cultivation world. Otherwise, the Wu star soul would not have been the help fist of the dragon and Meng families. With the help of the dragon family leader and the Meng family leader, two top experts in the limitless star domain, Wugang finally thoroughly studied Xiao Shang\'s soul brand, and successfully made all the disciples planted with the soul brand become anti spies.

In this fairyland space, Xiao Shang\'s ambition to destroy the Wulin hall, of course, he won. Therefore, on the one hand, Xiao Shang came the news that Wuqing wanted to destroy the Wuhun hall while he entered the fairyland space, and on the other hand, Xiao Shang wanted to destroy the elite of the Wuhun hall in the fairyland space, which was a matter of killing two birds with one stone for Xiao Shang, because Wugang also knew that Wuqing was also the object of Xiao Shang\'s eradication.

Therefore, Wugang thought again and again and chose to enter the fairyland space. First, it can\'t be cheap. The despicable Xiao Shang fought with Wuqing outside, but made Xiao Shang profit. Second, only he knows the importance of Yang Tianlei. As long as he gets Yang Tianlei, it doesn\'t hurt to lose the 18th floor of the Wulin hall. Because he can leave an empty shell when he leaves. Let Wuqing destroy it.

However, at this moment, he was surprised to see Wu Qing and Yang Tianlei together.

Did Wuqing also discover Xiao Shang\'s plot?

Wugang thought about it. Xiao had no reason to deceive himself on the issue of Wuqing, because he didn\'t enter the fairyland space, which was the result Xiao wanted. There is really no other reason except that Wuqing cheated Xiao Shang not to enter the fairyland space.

"That\'s good. If we solve it together, I\'ll be really free!" Wugang said fiercely in his heart. He had long known that Xiao was not simple, because he could condense the vicious soul brand, and his cultivation was by no means what he showed. Therefore, before entering the God burial mountain, Wugang had asked the dragon family and the Meng family for support. Now, twenty experts from the dragon and Meng families around him are his helpers. They are all at the peak of the heaven level. Although they have not reached great fullness, these 20 people are combined into ten pairs, which is a powerful Dragon Knight! The combat power is absolutely extraordinary!

"We can\'t let them run away! Everybody, it\'s up to you!" Wugang thought in his mind and said loudly to the people of the Longmeng family.

Dragon Knight, once the combination is successful, their mana and mind will be integrated and have the fastest flying speed in the world.

"Good!" the disciples of the dragon and Meng families responded in unison. In an instant, the two were paired. The people of the dragon family immediately turned into dragons, while the people of the Meng family jumped directly onto the dragon\'s back. At this moment, ten Dragon Knights were born, and their speed soared to the limit, leaving Wugang behind in the great perfection of the heaven order.

"No! What a fast speed! They\'re coming!" Wu Qing said in shock.

"This is the Dragon Knight?" Yang Tianlei, Wu Qing and Ling Xi\'s thoughts are one, so he clearly sensed the figure coming quickly behind him.

"Tianlei, let me out!" just then, Wu Qing suddenly said in a deep voice.

"What are you doing? When you come out, we run slower and are still chased!"

"I know that if you run away and I stay, I can stop them at least for a while!" said Wu Qing.

"Shifu, it\'s not that time yet. You underestimate your apprentice!" to Wu Qing\'s surprise, Yang Tianlei said proudly at this moment. While talking, Wu Qing immediately felt that his mind was consumed madly. Ling Xi, Bai Susu and Bai Zhenzhen were no exception. A mysterious array quickly solidified in an instant!

At the same time, Yang Tianlei not only didn\'t speed up, but stopped. When the ten Dragon Knights were about to catch up, he suddenly gave a loud drink and sent out the array in a furious manner!

The magic sea is boundless!

Yang Tianlei\'s magic array is exactly what he learned from Xianlian. However, now Yang Tianlei\'s magic array is thousands of times stronger than that naturally emitted by Xianlian, because Yang Tianlei integrates the great and round mind of the heaven level of wuqingzhen divine realm and the mind of himself and Ling Xi. Only one array consumes half of everyone\'s mind and mana!

(the third watch.) to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)