Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 200

Yang Tianlei lasted several hours this time. Not only did he get a great improvement, but even Dan Qingyang, the top ten experts, Chu Xiangxiang, Yang Tianli and others immersed in his aura made amazing progress, no less than an epiphany!

Dan Qingyang has been unable to break through the territory of congenital level 8 mud pill for nearly a hundred years, and now he has finally formed a mud Pill on Dan, reached the coexistence of upper, middle and lower Dan, and promoted to the territory of "breaking Dan into a baby" of congenital level 9!

The top ten congenital level seven masters also broke through the territory of congenital level seven "Tanzhong Zhongdan", and promoted to become the territory of congenital level eight "mud pill Shangdan"!

Chu Xiangxiang was promoted from congenitally first-class "fusion golden body" to congenitally second-class "vigorous qi circulation"!

Yang Tianli and Yang Tianao have entered the realm of level 9 peak stars the day after tomorrow!

Lu Qingyin, Mu Ziwei, Feng Ma Niu and Wu Dalang are promoted to the peak of the eighth star the day after tomorrow!

After excitement, Dan Qingyang asked Yang Tianlei about the jade bottle. Yang Tianlei put the jade bottle into his mind, but it was not under his control. He truthfully told Dan Qingyang, which made Dan Qingyang and the top ten experts sigh, but he didn\'t have the slightest regret because he couldn\'t drink ice and fire again.

Later, Dan Qingyang ordered everyone to go back to you, meditate and adjust their breath, and continue to consolidate their accomplishments while the aftertaste is still there.

Dan Qingyang went directly to the Wandan hall. The top ten experts returned to their residences in ten directions on the edge of Tiandan peak, while Yang Tianli, Feng Ma Niu and others scattered and returned to their residences one after another.

Chu Xiangxiang and Yang Tianlei return to Lingyun Pavilion.

After leaving for more than a month, Lingyun pavilion has undergone great changes. The courtyard has been fully expanded dozens of times. Several small buildings have been built around Lingyun Pavilion according to the pattern of nine palaces, but Lingyun Pavilion itself has become several floors and expanded several times. In the middle of the courtyard, there are miraculous herbs, exotic flowers and trees, small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and flowers. It looks beautiful and like entering a fairyland, which makes Yang Tianlei feel relaxed and happy.

"Sister Xiangxiang, how has it changed so much? Didn\'t master say to build a residence with me in other places?"

"After Tianli and her family came in, Shifu set up many small courtyards around Tiandan peak, one for each of them. Tianli lived with the one you built. Shifu asked us both to live here. However, it was rebuilt!" Chu Xiangxiang said, "I still live on the second floor, and you can choose the other floors."

"Hey hey, it seems that master is still quite enlightened..." Yang Tianlei smiled at the corners of his mouth, gently held Chu Xiangxiang\'s soft boneless hand and said, "sister Xiangxiang, do you like me above you or below you?"

Chu Xiangxiang certainly understood what Yang Tianlei meant when he said that his master was enlightened. He blushed and dared not look at Yang Tianlei. He didn\'t think much about how shameless and obscene Yang Tianlei\'s last sentence was, so he casually said, "if you like, you\'re willing to be above me, below me, below me!"

"Hahaha, that\'s great!" Yang Tianlei was overjoyed and grabbed Chu Xiangxiang\'s slender waist. "Baji" kissed Chu Xiangxiang\'s delicate face. Before Chu Xiangxiang sensed it, he took the lead in running to Lingyun Pavilion. His mouth was full of obscenity and debauchery: "Well, I like both the top and the bottom! I\'m on top of you and under you all day! Hey... I\'m on top of you today, let you see my power!"

At this moment, if Chu Xiangxiang didn\'t understand Yang Tianlei\'s meaning, it wouldn\'t be Chu Xiangxiang. With a small face of shame and anger, she immediately screamed and scolded "hooligans and big sex wolves" to chase Yang Tianlei.

But how could she be as fast as Yang Tianlei? Almost instantly, Yang Tianlei rushed to the third floor, entered the room and threw himself directly on the big bed. Chu Xiangxiang chased the door of the third floor and suddenly stopped when she saw the big bed.

"Come on, come on, sister Xiangxiang!"

"Think beautifully! I won\'t be silly enough to be a sheep into a tiger!" Chu Xiangxiang said in shame and anger. Just after saying that, she seemed to think of something, and her expression suddenly changed.

Yang Tianlei seems to have come back. He seems to have forgotten all the unhappiness in the past. After returning to Tiandan peak, he didn\'t even ask about Zhang Zihan, but... Did he really forget?

"Sister Xiangxiang, do you miss Zihan?" just then, Yang Tianlei, leaning his head against the bed, suddenly looked calm and said to Chu Xiangxiang with a smile.

Chu Xiangxiang was slightly surprised in her heart, but she soon nodded slightly.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve figured it out. Zihan will never give up on me because of this kind of thing. Even if she really can\'t figure it out now, it\'s only temporary. If she still can\'t figure it out, after she leaves the customs, I\'ll have absolute confidence and confidence to let her figure it out in 10000 ways! As a pure man, I\'ll dare to love, hate and pick up girls... Er, I mean love, um, love and cultivation The same, to be courageous and indomitable, this is the only way