Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 16

(even the third chapter, brothers and sisters, ask for recommended tickets and collection! Thank you!)

At this time, countless students with different thoughts crowded in front of the Beidou challenge arena group, waiting for the start of the competition.

At this time, Yang Tianlei is strolling here leisurely, without the tension before the competition.

Yang Tianlei arrived here very early. He was afraid that Zhang Zihan would worry about himself and even couldn\'t bear to stop him from competing with tough means, so he didn\'t do anything and just left without saying goodbye. Before dawn today, this guy slipped into the Beidou challenge arena group.

The Beidou challenge arena group is built in imitation of the star group. There are seven main challenge arenas, and each main challenge arena is equipped with seven auxiliary challenges. A total of 56 groups of students can fight at the same time. It\'s not big. However, in Jiyang college, a medium-sized challenge arena group, it can be seen that Jiyang college, as the star college with the longest history and the highest specification of the Empire, does have enough inside information.

Next to the challenge arena group, there are many auxiliary shops, including weapon shops, star drugstores, medical stores, and even grocery stores selling drinks, snacks and lookout mirrors. However, this place is generally frequented by low-level stars, and high-level stars are despised.

At this time, Yang Tianlei is looking at this strange and strange shop. Naturally, Yang Tianlei on the earth can\'t see this kind of exotic customs. Before his rebirth, Yang Tianlei in this world only knew to immerse himself in cultivation and never visited such a place, which makes Yang Tianlei feel very fresh about all this. Whether it\'s the big sword, Tomahawk, plate armor... These cold weapons with different shapes that have only been seen in movies before, or the dwarf craftsman who is only as tall as Yang Tianlei\'s waist and has a beard and ground and works hard with an iron hammer; Or those strange potions made Yang Tianlei watch them like a big play for a long time. He didn\'t leave until they were sold to him.

Along the way, no one greeted Yang Tianlei, but some malicious people pointed and talked to Yang Tianlei. Yang Tianlei vaguely heard the words "waste material", "idiot" and "don\'t know life or death", which made Yang Tianlei very depressed! It seems that his name of idiot is really widely spread.

However, Yang Tianlei was in a good mood and automatically ignored these annoying flies.

"Come on, bet, bet, no more time!" at this time, a voice attracted Yang Tianlei\'s attention. He followed his reputation and saw a group of students of his age around a table, talking about what.

On the other side of the table, a young star is shouting loudly. He just attracted Yang Tianlei\'s voice. The young star looks very beautiful. He is just a little worse than Yang Tianlei. He is a little similar to the so-called "flower beautiful man" star in the Bangzi country in Yang Tianlei\'s impression before crossing. However, the young star\'s expression was not as weak as those beautiful men. His eyes flashed warm and cunning eyes. Yang Tianlei was no stranger. He used to see it in the corner of the market and in the eyes of small traders selling fake goods.

"Don\'t just look at the bet! The time is coming." the young star looked at the crowd in front of him who only saw but didn\'t buy. Then he saw Yang Tianlei who paid attention to him. Seeing that this was a fresh face, his eyes lit up.

"Brother!" the young star poked aside the crowd and took Yang Tianlei\'s hand. He was as enthusiastic as if he were reunited with his brother: "I think this brother is dignified and flushed. He must be a lucky man. Why don\'t you try your luck and make a bet?" then he took Yang Tianlei to the table.

When Yang Tianlei saw the objects on the table, he was stunned.

Originally, Yang Tianlei thought that this young star who looked very cunning should be a guy who gathered people to gamble. However, after he saw the things on the table, he knew that he was not a simple gambler, but a relatively deep gambler who engaged in gambling.

The rookie competition is coming. It\'s not difficult to guess what the boy did. Naturally, it\'s about the game gambling of the rookie competition. Yang Tianlei heard a lot of such things before crossing, but he didn\'t expect that this thing also existed in this different world.

"Brother, look at these projects and decide which one to bet on. I can say that there are all kinds of projects..." the young star pointed to a piece of white paper full of words on the table and said enthusiastically: "the most profitable and popular project is the champion prediction. In this project, the two players are the most favored. Brother, see if you are interested?"

"Oh?" Yang Tianlei smiled and saw a name along the instructions of the young star: "Lei Jing?"

"Yes, Lei Jing is a member of the Lei family. He is also the most powerful Lei Heng\'s No. 1 general among the student tutors. His level and attribute are unknown. He is the most mysterious player in this competition." the young star introduced him eloquently, "This is Lei Jing\'s first time to participate in the rookie competition. No one has ever seen him before, or even seen him. It is said that Lei Jing has been secretly taught by senior stars of the college close to the Lei family. At a young age, he took the Lei Yun body method handed down by the Lei family Practice to great success. So although no one knows him, his voice for winning the title is very high. Of course, his odds for winning the title are naturally low. "

"Thunderous man..." Yang Tianlei narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the people of the Lei family are always bullish. They have become the favorite to win the championship without even showing their face. It\'s really a heifer handstand - bullish." the young star glanced at his mouth and seemed to disdain it. It seemed that he didn\'t like the Lei family. This makes Yang Tianlei look good on him.

"And this, this is an old acquaintance." the young star smiled and pointed to another name. There was a tone familiar to Yang Tianlei in his voice, which was the tone of a man when talking about beautiful women.

"Zeng grom?" Yang Tianlei was stunned at the name. It doesn\'t seem to be a beautiful woman\'s name?

"Yes, Zeng grom, a water star at the level 5 entry level, is one of the stars with the highest level in this competition. Don\'t be confused by her name. She is from grimuqing prairie. Prairie people, both men and women, have such rude names... But this is a real beauty ~" the young star approached Yang Tianlei and used a kind of "everyone is a man and knows it" Looking at Yang Tianlei, "Zeng grom has participated in the rookie competition since she was eight years old. This is her last time and the most promising one to win the championship. Every Zeng grom competition has always been the most popular. Hey hey, everyone is a man, you know..."

"Classmate, he\'s only twelve at most, isn\'t he?" Yang Tianlei said suspiciously. Although he knows that people in other worlds seem to develop much earlier than the earth, twelve seems too young.

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