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Chapter 137: Lianlongyuan

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The old man Baihe came back, and at the same time he captured Dongfang Boundless who escaped with a secret technique.

Before this hidden danger caused harm, it was strangled in the cradle first.

It\'s just that the old man Baihe looked a little tired, and he could see that he had spent a lot of time trying to catch this guy.

And Dongfang Boundless looked a little miserable. His hands and feet were broken, and he was seriously injured. He fell into a coma, and it was impossible to escape.

The three ancestors of the Dongfang family are still alive today, and they are all imprisoned in the dungeon, including some imperial family generals.

The purpose of Liu Xinjian and the old man Baihe is very simple, just to get more information about the emperor\'s family from them.

And if you can obtain the inheritance exercises of the emperor\'s family, it will be an unexpected joy.

Of course, the possibility of this success is not high. The imperial family has never had any traitors. Even if they are captured, they are very strict.

Just look at the willpower of these retainers of the imperial family, and they don\'t hold much hope.

After that, the old man Baihe found Wang Yu and asked him if he was willing to go to Lianlongyuan, and said that Liu Xinjian would regularly send the monthly training materials there.

Wang Yu readily accepted, and Liu Xinjian also gave the release.

As a result, Wang Yu\'s short-lived military career came to an end.

Now he is twenty-two years old, and in this world of longevity, he is still a little hair.

However, on the outside, after several years of training in the military, he no longer looks immature.

Tall and strong, with short hair and a capable appearance, his facial features have been fully opened. Based on Wang Yu\'s own aesthetic observation, he made a rigorous judgment.

He is definitely a handsome character...

The long-term training on the battlefield made him occasionally have a cold aura about him.

But in an instant, it will be eliminated by him using the concealment method.

His eyes and gazes will also be changed intentionally by him on weekdays, and they will become soft and ordinary.

As long as there is no fighting and walking on the street, he looks like an ordinary handsome guy who is elegant and easy-going, not too dazzling.

Saying goodbye to some people who should say goodbye, Wang Yu set off on a small airship with the old man Baihe the next day.

The destination is Storm Sea.


On the other side, in the capital city of West Messance.

The general envoy Yucheng was sitting at the table.

His fiery red hair, even with his twin children, also showed a strange red.

The broad stature contains scorching hot energy.

Just approaching him, several officers were already sweating hot.

"So, all our eyeliners on Island 701 have been pulled out, and none of them are left?" Yucheng\'s voice was gentle, and his fingers on the table tapped lightly.

The traces of heat were transmitted to the tabletop through the fingertips, leaving two black marks on the wooden tabletop, and traces of smoke came out of it.

"Yes..." The officer looked inexplicably nervous.

They could clearly feel the temperature rising throughout the room.

The breath exhaled from Yucheng\'s nose and mouth was extremely hot.

The two officers lowered their heads and looked at each other, knowing that the temperature in the room had risen, which meant that the Master Chief was not very happy.

"How did they do it? How can they find out so thoroughly overnight?" Yucheng raised his eyes and asked.


The two officers were sweating profusely, and they didn\'t know if they were just hot or nervous.

This eyeliner has been removed, what happened on the island, they are thousands of miles apart, and their eyes are also black, asking them how to answer.

"The only news we have received at the moment is that Liu Xinjian has become the general envoy of the Nancy Empire again, and has made considerable moves recently, changing many policies and laws, which have already begun to be popularized and implemented in most Nancy Island towns. \' an officer replied.

"What about Dongfang Liangji, and how did the other Nancy families react?" Yucheng asked again.

The officer lowered his head immediately. This time, Nancy\'s capital city blocked the intelligence quite well, and it was difficult for them to get any useful information.

"Hmph, I think our intelligence department should also rectify and rectify!" Yucheng snorted in dissatisfaction.

The two officers groaned inwardly, but they did not dare to defend themselves.


An uninhabited island.

"Didn\'t you say Lianlongyuan is in the sea of ​​​​storms?" Wang Yu got off the airship and looked up above his head.

The sun is shining and the sky is blue.

In the distant sea area, huge dark clouds shrouded all year round, heavy rain poured down, and the gust of wind was like a ghost, howling and whistling.

That\'s where the Storm Sea is.

And the island they were on was outside the boundaries of the storm waters.

Although it is an uninhabited island, it is already within the territory of the Simersan Empire.

If this is discovered by the opposing army, it will inevitably be another big trouble.

"Don\'t worry, no one will come here, especially not the Lianlongyuan where we are." Elder Baihe smiled.

Wang Yu followed his gaze.

There is a huge crater, or the whole island is a small volcanic island.

Looking around, scorched rock, ash, rubble, and nothing else.

There is nothing to mine, and no one will come here.

This is an uninhabited desert island on the border of West Messance.

"Don\'t tell me, Lianlongyuan is in that volcano." Wang Yu made a bold guess.

"You\'re half right, it\'s just the entrance, exactly on the bottom of the sea."

The old man Baihe said with a smile, and walked towards the crater that was smoking white smoke.

No matter how you look at it, magma could erupt there at any time.

With the feeling of being ready to run at any time, Wang Yu followed.

The closer you get, the more rapidly the surrounding temperature rises.

Soon, the two came to the crater.

Wang Yu looked in, and a wave of heat hit his face.

A lot of fiery red lava underneath was rolling warmly, and from time to time a bubble would pop exploded, causing some of the lava to splash.

If he is accidentally in it, the magma is so hot, no matter how strong his body is, I am afraid that there will only be one result of melting.

Theoretically, it would be very good to practice the fire element qi movement here.

I really can\'t understand that the old man Baihe, a person who cultivates water attribute exercises, would stay near this volcano and spend time exploring this volcano when he was so idle.

"Next, follow me and don\'t do anything without permission."

The old man Baihe said.

Wang Yu nodded, only ghosts would run around.

Then the old man Baihe stabbed his head down, Wang Yu followed, and the energy of Yuanshui enveloped his body, and Yukong also dissipated the heat from the magma.

Just in case, he also controlled several airflows to make himself more stable.

When he was about to touch the magma underneath, the old man Baihe squeezed his hands together.

A burst of energy was released, causing the magma below to stir for a while.

"!" Wang Yu looked intently, and a piece of white matter emerged from the surface of the magma.

It looks like a **** stirrer. Upon closer inspection, I can see that it is actually a long bone, and I don\'t know which giant creature left it.

Just one bone takes up less than half the space at the bottom of this volcano.

Inserted obliquely under the magma, no matter how the surrounding magma rolls and how high temperature erodes, the bone is not damaged.

This made Wang Yu even more curious as to what kind of terrifying creature this cut bone came from.

"Maybe it\'s a keel." The old man Baihe murmured softly.

"There are really dragons in this world?" Wang Yu asked, immediately thinking that the old man Baihe called this place Lianlongyuan.

Perhaps his lightly written remarks may not be without basis.