Prodigal Son of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 148: God's gift

Chapter 148 God\'s gift

  Fang Jifan finally felt that his ears were clear, and he was very hungry, so he could only patiently wait for the refreshments to be served.

  But at this moment, I heard the woman on the other side of the tea stall talking to a tea customer: "It hasn\'t rained for more than 20 days now, and I don\'t know which day it was harvested. It offended God..."

  When Fang Jifan heard the three words Tianshou, Fang Jifan felt his back go cold, no matter what he heard, he sounded like scolding himself for being a prodigal son.

Then I heard the woman say again: "It\'s just that the Taoists of Longquan Temple not only refused to be kind and reduce the rent, they also said a few days ago that the rent price this year is the same as that of previous years. Although there was a snowstorm in previous years, this year is not only so , and then there was a severe drought, and now Longquan Temple is refusing to reduce the rent, isn’t this a desperation for people?”

  The past tea drinkers nodded repeatedly: "The real people in Longquan Temple are really immoral."

   "Isn\'t it? Thousands of households, I don\'t know how many people will suffer this year."

  Fang Jifan listened with his ears upright, and when he heard thousands of households, he raised his eyebrows and said to the woman, "Come here."

So the woman hurried forward, she seemed to be used to observing words and expressions, this woman in her thirties was actually quite pretty, she seemed to think that Fang Jifan was born handsome, and she had noticed it long ago, stroked the hair on her forehead, her eyes widened Fang Jifan glanced at him, and said delicately, "What\'s your order, guest officer?"

  Fang Jifan glanced at her husband sympathetically, and said, "Why, there are so many Zhuangzi in Longquan Temple? They are Taoists, where do they come from?"

  Xu Jing sat aside, his eyes glowing, he looked the woman up and down, and said in a chime, "My mentor is a noble man, if you answer well, you will be rewarded."

   Tang Yin, on the other hand, only looked at Yuquan Mountain in the distance, as if his heart had been cultivated.

  Wang Shouren on the side was thinking about something, as if he was still thinking about what Fang Jifan had just said.

  The three of Ouyang Zhi were stunned, sitting upright, and they didn\'t move at all without the instruction of their mentor.

The woman giggled coquettishly, twisted the waist of the water snake, she had a thousand kinds of charms, and the eyes were sultry, and she said in a soft voice: "Don\'t you know something, my lord? When Beijing came, it had already been built. At that time, Emperor Wen granted thousands of acres of land. Later, the emperors of all dynasties often gave some more or less. After that, when the first emperor of Chenghua came, even Chenghua The former emperor actually knew the reputation of Longquan Temple, he once sent imperial envoys to visit the immortals in Longquan Temple, and bestowed thousands of fertile land on it.”

She paused, then smiled again: "Furthermore, Longquan Temple is not Baiyun Temple. Baiyun Temple only cares about self-cultivation, cultivating immortals and alchemy. But Longquan Temple is a full-time talisman, which blesses and drives away ghosts, and All kinds of rituals are the best. In the whole capital, there is only one Longquan temple. Think about it, there are so many nobles in this capital, which one has no wedding or funeral? Some people in the family are sick, and someone in the family has passed away. Yes, you have to invite real people from Longquan Temple to take care of it. In the past two years, didn’t Uncle Xinjian pass away? It was the real people from Longquan Temple who were invited. No money has been collected, but in the majestic Earl\'s Mansion, people will be busy? After the funeral, someone directly donated a thousand taels of silver and contributed 500 mu of land. This is the card, which one is not like this? No matter how poor you are, you can’t be poor for real people, nor for gods in the sky, can you?”

  Fang Jifan smacked his tongue secretly when he heard this, he only knew that ancient temples had a lot of land property, how could he have thought that Taoist priests had considerable land property.

  Think about it carefully, isn’t it exactly the same thing? Not to mention that the emperor needs to use monks and Taoists to rule the hearts of the people. There are so many wealthy families in Beijing, and there is a wedding and funeral. How can there be these Taoists who have done things for them? How much land and gold and silver, not to mention the income from land rent.

It seemed that the woman felt that Fang Jifan didn\'t believe her, so she continued to please: "Young Master, I don\'t know something. You see, this place is several miles away from Longquan Temple, isn\'t it? But even so, the place here is still Longquan Temple. Well, you are now riding a horse and running in the direction of Longquan Temple for half an hour. I am afraid that you will not be able to get out of the ground of Longquan Temple. People say that Longquan Temple has ten thousand hectares of fields. In this capital, besides Huangzhuang and Wangzhuang, there are Apart from official land, temples and Taoist temples have the most land. Regardless of the wealth of ordinary people, the expenses are also high. After several generations, a few prodigal things have been produced, and then they are in a state of decline. But in Taoist temples and temples The monks and real people in the village rely on the help of pilgrims for their daily food, and there may be rewards every now and then, and the land rent is scary, and there is no need to mention any religious affairs.

  These damned bastards, unproductive parasites, villains who paralyze the spirit of the people!

  Fang Jifan suddenly became furious. Thinking of these miscellaneous Taoist priests, all of them slicked with food, he gritted his teeth immediately, and the awe-inspiring righteousness deep in his heart was aroused.

The woman didn\'t seem to see that Fang Jifan was burning with anger, and said: "Actually, the real people in Longquan Temple have excellent cultivation, and they are naturally clean. He is a Taoist recognized by the imperial court. The Longquan temple is rich in oil and water, and he has three wives and four concubines outside. After a few years of being a Taoist priest, he can set up a large amount of private property. It is really enviable. This is exactly the same as Quanzhen Sect is different. Quanzhen Sect has precepts, but Zhengyi has no precepts. Look at Zhang Tianshi in Longhu Mountain, doesn’t he have wives and concubines? If you want to eat meat, you can eat meat, if you want to drink, you can drink, and you have Taoism What a happy day this is?"

  Fang Jifan couldn\'t bear it any longer, took a copy of the copy, and said angrily: "There is really no kingly law. These people don\'t look like people outside the Fang."

"My lord..." The woman became even more excited when she thought about Xu Jing just saying that there was a reward, and she kept giving Fang Jifan a good look: "My lord, you are still young, so you don\'t know what\'s going on here. Just one, although there are many outsiders." An expert is a real god, but among those Taoists, there are many unscrupulous disciples who have gone down the mountain to do things for others. You have to invite them to go? They are a drought-flood guaranteed harvest business. Look, I will do the math for you. If it is a good year, the people will have enough to eat and have a surplus. Do you want to go to the temple to offer some property? But if it is a disaster year, let’s say that there is a severe drought right now. Many people have a difficult life and have no way to survive. They have to rely on God, let alone the immortals. The common people are counting on the times to turn around, so don’t they still have to spend money and food to worship those Taoist masters on the mountain?”

  Fang Jifan\'s face turned blue with anger: "I didn\'t expect that there are such people in Longquan Temple. I am so angry, these scumbags. Xu Jing, pay the bill!"

   After finishing speaking, he got up angrily, and without caring about the disciples, he ran towards the horse tied to the stake not far away, untied the horse rope, turned on the horse neatly, and went to Longquan Guan in a hurry.

Just after Xu Jing paid the bill, he smiled meaningfully at the woman, and gave him an extra piece of silver. Seeing this, the woman seemed to understand something, and gave him a glance, and then the corner of her eye fell on In the distance, the husband who spreads the tea.

  Xu Jing reluctantly looked away from her.

   "En... Where are you going, teacher?" Tang Yin who was on the side was stunned again.

  Wang Shouren was also confused.

  On the other hand, Ouyang Zhi, Liu Wenshan, and Jiang Chen\'s hearts sank to the bottom of the valley. Although they were stunned, they got along with their mentor day and night, and they had long understood the "humanity" of their mentor.

  Ouyang Zhi couldn\'t help rubbing his forehead, felt that his head was about to split open, and said silently in his heart: "I hope it\'s not as imagined, it\'s definitely not, my teacher... it should be shameful..."

  Xu Jing is Linglongxin. When he heard it, he immediately understood, his eyes lit up, and he said with emotion: "Master is really an amazing person, Gao Ming, hurry... catch up."

  All the people came to their senses and went to untie the donkeys and horses one after another, and a group of people hurriedly chased after them.

  Fang Jifan rode his horse galloping, deep in his heart, there was a kind of unrestrained joy, the land... the land, there are thousands of hectares of fertile land, and it\'s all the land in the suburbs of Beijing!

   Isn’t this a gift from God? I am worried that I can’t find land to grow sweet potatoes.

  He jumped with joy and couldn\'t help but want to roar, Fang Jifan... finally has the capital to fight the drought, many people can be saved.

He rode his horse and galloped all the way to the gate of Longquan Guanshan. Before the Taoist guide could react, Fang Jifan got off his horse directly. He didn\'t bother to tie the horse to the horse post, and grabbed a Taoist guide by the lapel: "I want to see Master Puji ..."

   At this time, Master Puji was still in the Sanqing Pavilion, and Fang Jifan had been away for a long time, but his heart could not calm down for a long time, and he was still full of regrets.

   It hasn\'t been a long time since he can\'t calm down like he is today. The conversation with Fang Jifan made him think of the missing master, and the emotion in his heart can be imagined.

  That was a memory decades ago, but at that time, it was precisely when he was in his prime, and people are always easy to be happy in the past, especially Puji Zhenren, who is already gray-haired, old, and dying.

  He couldn\'t help it, and found that the corners of his eyes were still moist. People from outside the country shouldn\'t be so sentimental, but today they were extraordinarily gaffe.

   Thoughts touched Fang Jifan again, thinking that this master valued this young man so much, Master Puji couldn\'t help feeling a little envious.

Thinking about how stupid he was back then, he was taught by his master, although in the eyes of outsiders, he was already a real person of a generation, presided over Longquan temple, and ranked second-rank honorary title, but Fang Jifan, a young man, had to be respected by his master. It is a pity that this young man doesn\'t care about such a good opportunity to write "The Collection of Tao Te Ching".

   "Master, Master, is this fate?" Master Puji shook his head, with a faint sigh in his mouth.

  (end of this chapter)