Princess too Young, Prince too Old

Chapter 8 - Young PrinceⅧ

Proofread by Claire.KK

“Thanks for the grace of his majesty and her highness!” Lu Zhishan kowtowed heavily.

The eunuch got out the mansion with his waving whisk in the ceaseless cough of Duan. Two imperial bodyguards came to help Lu Zhishan up promptly. Kneeling on the floor for a long time with the piercing pain, he clenched his teeth and walked to Duan “Why do you have such a bad cough? Have you seen the imperial physician?”

An abnormal flush rose on Duan’s pale face, she moved her lips and smiled limpingly with wrinkles creeping on her eyes, “Your Highness, don’t worry about me. It’s an old disease. No need to trouble the imperial hospital. ”

Lu Zhishan took another glance at Duan and said “I am not loved by my father now. But it’s not necessary for you to be tolerant because of me. You are the princess after all.”

Duan’s eyes became red, and she said with a muffled voice “Thanks for your highness’ concern.”

Lu Zhishan lay in the bedroom for a whole day, but no one visited him that day. He thought of the situation when he was back last time that the threshold of his mansion was nearly trampled by the visitors, including the son of the empress, as well the stewards and servants of every mansions, which hardly left him a moment of free time. He curved the corner of his mouth into a self-mocking smile involuntarily. It was human nature to seek advantage and avoid harm, let alone living in the imperial family.

However, Lu Zhishan didn’t expect to see Mu Nanzhi that day. It was the second time they met, after a cycle of twelve years apart. With a sudden recollection, it was like a dream.

Lu Zhishan was having his dinner in the meal room when Mu Nanzhi came. He had slept for a whole day, so he had his dinner as much as he could. Mu Nanzhi saw the man sitting at the table with the rice bowl in his hand when she was brought into the meal room by the steward Song Fu. The man was big and tall, which made the sandalwood round table in front of him became much smaller abruptly. The three courses and soup on the table were simple dishes, and the rice bowl was not a small one with fine porcelain but a double-sized soup bowl. Holding the bowl and chopsticks on his rough hands, he had more rice but less vegetables, appearing very uninhibited and different with the elegant princes Mu Nanzhi saw before.

“Your Highness, the infanta is coming.” Song Fu came to report.

“Which infanta?” Lu Zhishan turned around. He couldn’t help to do a double take when seeing clearly the girl in the gate of the meal room. With a glimmer of smile in his eyes, he put down the bowl immediately and stood up. Unexpectedly, he sat back the chair suddenly and rubbed his knee frowningly.

“Your Highness, I am Mu Nanzhi, the daughter of Princess Duanhui Heshuo. I am coming to greet your highness.” Mu Nanzhi was shocked by Lu Zhishan’s hill-like size and took a step back. When seeing Lu Zhishan sit back the chair, she promptly came forward and bent her body to salute to him.

“You are a big girl now.” Lu Zhishan looked at Mu Nanzhi up and down, seeing her dressed well. She was in a pink palace costume, a pair of Hetian Jade bracelet of good texture on her wrists. He knew he got the true information that this girl really lived well in the capital city these years. But her big cloak outside didn’t fit, which was nearly on the floor and just expose half of her face. He was glad to see her and said to the steward, “Come to offer some milk tea, crab cake and almond cream to infanta.” Song Fu was a little embarrassed, but he still responded and left.