Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 94: Hard-working!

Mining mana- and elemental crystals for days was boring and he learned something extremely beneficial on the third day, as he experimented a little bit with his newly obtained mana gathering technique.

Shane pondered long what he should do with the fortune he earned through mining crystals, but in the end, he decided to invest everything in himself, while leaving enough for Umbra's next quality upgrade.

Compared to others, he earned a fortune and on the third day, he already purchased all necessary manuals to reach a 60% mana purity, with a good mana gathering technique and Shane even purchased a [Tier-2 (Gold)] body refining technique.

Everything was settled about his cultivation and body refining and with his multiple manuals, he also had to think of ways in order to protect himself in a better way, because his equipment mainly consisted of Tier-1 items.

This led Shane to accumulate funds in order to procure better equipment, with which he would be able to kill or at least injure all kinds of beasts within the Basic Dimensions.

Because his goal was set, Shane's mining speed increased even more with more gold coins accumulating in his hands, while the Elus-merchant hundreds of thousand galaxies away laughed heartily in its incorporeal form because Shane who was seen as a small fish, send him tens of thousand crystals, bringing him a fortune and a good reputation from the Elus nobles.

While mining, Shane also practiced his newly acquired [Tier-2 (Gold)] mana gathering technique in order to accomplish many tasks at the same time.

Because his focus was unstable, he could only gather a small number of mana particles at a time, but thanks to his good relationship with mana, due to [Artemis' Blessing], it was still enough to fill his mana pool.

After the mana gathering process was done, Shane switched to his [Tier-1 (Gold)] mana purifying technique instead of the [Tier-2 (Gold)] one, because he didn't want to bother about mixing the two techniques.

He couldn't let his mana purity reach higher than 28% before he acquired the [Apprentice-(Mythic)] body refining technique.

Some might call him stupid or naive, but mistakes made humans out and it was easy to accidentally practice the wrong technique.

As such, Shane sealed the technique with the help of his system in order to unseal it only, when he said so or once he achieved his set goal.

Cultivating while doing something else was extremely difficult and if one had to be honest it was a negligible amount one would achieve within a few hours in focused cultivation, but Shane was still happy with what he achieved after another three days.

Six days passed and it was already midnight when Shane remembered something important that happened four days prior.

2 days after his outburst of emotion and curses, he received a few notifications, while Aunt Kia messaged him privately.

The notifications were from the academies telling him that he was accepted, which was not really something noteworthy in his opinion because his cultivation and body refining rank was already quite good compared to average peers.

Thanks to his high- consumption for the [Mortal-(Mythic)] body refining technique, Shane was slower than others, while his funds balanced this out, allowing him to stay at the same rank or even above peers from average households.

Because he knew that most higher households and nobles didn't bother about academies, Shane never doubted that he would be rejected from any academy, but Aunt Kia's message was still something he didn't expect.

'Huh? Aunt Kia became the principal of the [Shirai] academy? Since when..' Curious about his Aunt's decision, Shane continued to read the message as he read something particular.

<I hope you'll attend the [Shirai] academy. I can roughly understand your reasoning and I think your chances to enter the Dimension-spheres are the best here. Furthermore, I won't tell your dad, so don't worry.

You don't even have to attend classes if your grades reach a certain threshold and you can learn other stuff in the meantime, because I taught you most things, without considering any books from the Primordial library.

If you don't come, I'll be sad…>

Sighing, Shane was in a tricky position.

'If I don't have to attend lessons and only the exams and ranking systems to determine who'll enter the dimension-spheres, It will be much easier for me to learn other stuff within the primordial dimension and more importantly Aunty won't be sad…

BUT why does it have to be the [Shirai] academy? Isn't that one of the worst? ….

Well..even if its the worst, does it change anything to my plan??...come to think of it, it doesn't even matter which academy I join, as long as they have a dimension-sphere with a few decent skill tomes and martial art manuals'

In the end, Shane messaged his Aunty Kia a simple message, while being reminded about her childish, yet somewhat formal personality.

< don't have to be sulky!! I'll attend the Shirai academy! But don't force me to do anything else, alright?>

Somehow, since Shane escaped from his father's grasp, he didn't like to be controlled anymore, which was also the reason for him to bother about the tiny strand within his mind, which was the implemented system.

It was neither uncomfortable nor anything like that, but he couldn't warm up with the sensation of being supervised all the time.

Other than mining crystals multiple hours a day and passively cultivating, Shane didn't slack of and worked extremely hard.

He gave his best and used some of his spare time in order to break into the 10th Mortal stage, while his perfect physique also improved significantly.

Having used up all previously purchased cultivation resources, Shane was shocked to notice that the demand for a perfect physique was still higher than he expected.

In the end, he would have to make another large purchase costing him 500 gold coins which included 75 [Tier-1 (Trash)] mana stones and 12 [Tier-1 (Trash)] nutrition solutions.

Because he was already shopping at that time, Shane decided to purchase a better leather armor and new daggers.

He purchased a [Tier-2 (rare)] leather armor with protection runes inscribed for 380 gold coins with a dagger set costing him 370 gold coins.

Both daggers were [Tier-2 (Uncommon)] Tempered Railore-iron Daggers and one of them was curved with a length of 28 centimeters, while the other one was straight with a length of 30 centimeters.

In order to protect his face, he also purchased a [Tier-2 (Common)] pitch-black mask with two horns protruding out of the forehead for 25 gold coins

Adding everything together, Shane purchased goods worth more than 4000 gold coins in a single week, which shocked him greatly.

But this didn't mean, he had nothing left, and looking at his status panel, he smiled lightly.


Title: [Berserk-Hunter(F)]

Occupation: [None]

Name: Shane Suro (Orus)

Race:[Human 100%]

Cultivation Level: Mortal-10th [Purity 10.59%]

Body Refinement: [Perfect Physique→Mortal-8th]

Cultivation Manual:

→Mana purifying [Tier-1&2-(Gold)]

→Mana gathering [Tier-2 (Gold)]

Body refining manual:

→[Mortal-(Mythic)]-[Tier-1&2 (Gold)]


![Artemis´ Blessing]+

[Innate Skill]: Taming |Common-★★ (+)|

Finances: 1336 gold coins 45 silver coins


Everything began to increase slowly, yet stable and Shane couldn't help but be astonished about the fact that he was barely 40 days within the Primordial Dimensions.

So much changed in such a short time, that it almost felt like an eternity, when a sudden memory re-emerged.

'Sh*t...I almost forgot the academy!! How late is it?!....' Gasping, Shane noticed that it was already midnight and that he had to attend the first day within the academy, even if he didn't want to bother about it.

Even if he didn't necessarily need to learn skills or martial art techniques from the dimension-spheres, it was excessively cheaper, because he wouldn't have to pay thousands of gold coins for it, which was the reason for him to enter any academy in the first place.

Not wasting funds!!

As such, Shane charged out of the elemental crystal cave, as he passed a few weak Wild stage beasts that slowly began to inhabit the area around it.


W E B N O V E L=

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