Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 84: Beast's wisdom

Because of Umbra, Shane was aware of the intelligence beasts with higher quality could achieve even at lower stages, causing him to feel extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

In common cases, beasts at the awakened stage should have the intelligence of a 6-year-old human child, but these were already considered exceptions!

If he was not wrong, Umbra with a [Extraordinary] quality was already capable of thinking like a 3 to 4-year-old child, even though he was at the Wild-stage.

'What if there is an awakened beast with a high intelligence due to a higher quality?'

With this thought, Shane felt suddenly extremely uncomfortable because humans didn't take Basic-Primordial Dimensions beast tides as seriously as tides within Intermediate- or even Advanced- dimension.

While the two later relied more on tactics, teamwork, and miscellaneous items in order to win against beast tides, beast tides within basic dimensions were seen as pushovers that could be solved with a large number of high purity expert stages.

But was that really the case?

Shane had never heard of a beast with an extremely high intelligence within a basic dimension, but that didn't mean that something like this couldn't exist.

Even though the number of beasts attacking them was vast and not to be underestimated, the ratio and the way both the scaled lizards and crystal feathered eagles behaved was extremely unusual for a beast tide, which was in most cases crude and a simple massacre.

He felt already uncomfortable when he found out that they were attacked at the perfect time, when the military main force was the furthest away from them… now with the two races' behavior included, Shane felt even worse.

'F**k this!' He exclaimed in his mind, as he jumped down from the Inn's roof in order to search for one of the authorities that were currently in charge.

Even if his combat prowess was completely useless to change the tide, he could still try to convince higher ups within the shelter to request more reinforcement, which was definitely required if his prediction was only partially true.

While running towards the stairs at the shelter's wall, he opened the system messenger, were he wrote a single message inse the only group he was in, not caring about the attitude he was showing his family.

[Anyone who reads this, immediately send reinforcement to the Radiant mountain ring dimension!! Otherwise it will most likely end bloody! Uncle Lars….CALL ME!!!!!"]

Once the message was sent out, Shane already arrived at the wall's stairs, when he was about to close his system panel, a sudden idea popped up.

"System resend the message I wrote a few seconds ago every five seconds inside the same group until anyone answers!"

[Host's request recorded...1 gold coin will be deducted, once approved… Executing <Spam my Family> Yes/No?]

Listening to his system's mechanical voice, he wanted to bash it, as he gritted his teeth while thinking [Execute..YES!]

Rushing up the stairs, Shane found more than one hundred guards shooting at the scaled lizards and crystal feathered eagles without any coordination at all.

Seeing this, his brows furrowed and he was about to shout out

'Have you kids practiced with your weapons one week or what the hell is this' when he saw their eyes gleaming in fear, which caused him to immediately understand the situation.

'They're rookies…What bad luck!' Shane thought and he knew that the soldiers in front of him were too scared to think clearly about any kind of discipline they learned during their military training.

'Where is their idiotic leader?' He asked himself, as he heard someone shouting multiple orders at once, confusing the already anxious soldiers even more.

The young man he saw was clearly at the peak of the Expert stage with a mana purity of at least 60%, but being able to lead someone did not necessarily rely on the cultivation stage.

Approaching the young man with fast steps, Shane was immediately noticed causing the young man to shout at him

"What are you doing here! Don't get in my way, otherwise you will disrupt me and my soldiers!!"

This caused Shane to tilt his head, while his eyes grew colder, saying with his killing intent manifesting.

"Immediately call for reinforcement and control your soldiers properly if you don't want to be the main reason for the RadiantRing shelter's destruction!"

The young man that was about to ignore the black haired youth in front of him already turned back, when he heard Shane's tread which astonished him.

Turning back towards Shane, slightly annoyed, he saw his serious, yet ice-cold eyes piercing into him, causing goosebumps to spread all over the young man's skin

It was the first time for him to act as a leader but the youth in front of him seemed to act extremely overbearing which caused his pride to be immediately hurt.

He was about to order some of his soldiers to drag Shane away, as the youth in front of him received a call.

Shane accepted the call immediately, without caring about the idiotic young man in front of him, because it was Uncle Lars as he instantly said.

<What the hell are you doing with your soldiers? Why are you sending rookies to the RadiantRing shelter?! But let's forget about that for a second… If I'm not wrong the bloodlust thunder wolf I saw previously is extremely intelligent causing trouble to the main force because the shelter itself is only attacked by the lower stage subordinates until now!! Please send more reinforcement…>

Even though Lars was his uncle, Shane couldn't cold back anymore because he thought better of his Uncle than sending rookies towards a newly established shelter's beast tide which was extremely dangerous to overcome without the help of native citizens.

The young man in front of Shane was astonished but a mocking smile appeared on his face, as he said

"[Your] soldiers? Hahah Nice try idiot!! If you don't want to be thrown down the shelter wall, F**K OFF!"

The last words the young man said were shouted, attracting a small comotion from the soldiers around, giving their best to take care of the beast tide.

Meanwhile their leader was arguing with a kid? ….Ridiculous!

Until now Uncle Lars hadn't said a word and the first thing he did was to activate the system's video transmission function.

Shane could suddenly see his Uncle appearing in front of him as a holographic image and he was about to say something as Lars turned around to the young man that shouted at Shane with a grim face.

<Do you even know with whom you're talking, you piece of trash?! I'm Marshall Kriez and the young man you said to fuck off will immediately take control over your pitiful soldier troupe….UDNERSTOOD?>

Uncle Lars seemed to be in a bad mood, and the young man immediately paled when he saw Lars Kriez, their Marshall in person…

The soldiers attracted by the commotion their leader created looked shocked at their Marshal appearing in front of them, even if it was only a holographic transmission.

Looking between the young black-haired youth and the marshal, several weird thoughts crossed their mind, with multiple answers to the question, why the young man next to them was so close to the marshal, they never saw so close to them.

The only thing the young man could do, was to gulp down his saliva, as he nodded his head while he began to tremble involuntarily as Lars turned back to Shane who looked at him displeased.

<Why do I have to take care of this now?> He lamented, causing his Uncle to laugh out

<You haven't changed a tiny bit Little Shane...Lazy and still able to complain like a king… Back to the important task… Your reinforcement will come soon, just take care of this small soldier unit in front of you, alright? I don't think you can't even do that, after all of us taught you for years, right?

About the high-intelligent beast you mentioned...I've never heard about that before, but Max already said that something like this might be possible, he is a tamer and knows beasts the best after all…

If possible try to contact the main force and report to them. I can't reach them through the system and I don't have their messenger crystal…Give your best and survive!> Lars stated before he added quietly

<If you can't take it and the shelter is about to collapse, just flee...If you were to die, the whole federation would probably collapse because of John's agony and guilt>


W E B N O V E L=

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