Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 51: Memorable view

Shane was taken by surprise but his mind was still relatively calm thanks to his passive [Hunter's Mind] causing him to evade the fireballs with ease.

Standing up with a smooth move after a perfect roll, Shane exerted his mana within his body to the body's maximum capabilities before he turned into the direction of the five fiery scaled lizards.

Pushing himself from the ground, Shane crossed the distance of 15 meters within a short moment as his 7th Mortal physique was strengthened by a thin layer of mana.

The increase was only marginal but enough to overwhelm the fiery scaled lizards that changed from their long rage fireball attack to spewing flames in order to prevent him from coming closer.

Instead of charging straight through the flames trying to avoid them with all his might, Shane halted in his tracks three meters apart from them to make a light jumper to the back, when the flames were to hit his former position.

Adjusting his direction to the left, he maintained a distance of more than four meters which the flames couldn't even remotely reach only to wait for fiery scaled lizards' mana to be used up.

Counting the seconds in his mind, Shane figured out that they could at most sustain spitting flames for five seconds which was important to know for future battles.

Right as the flames diminished, Shane could be seen charging at the closest fiery scaled lizard with his body leaned forward and his shiolite dagger ready to feast on his opponents' blood.

Umbra meanwhile was coiling with the lower end of its body around Shane's neck, while laying on his shoulder with the rest in order to not be thrown off, while attacking with shadow needles.

Shane's role and his abrupt movements took a toll on Umbra, but he was already partially accustomed to it, due to the hundreds of battles they fought together over the last 20+ days.

While Shane stabbed out with his dagger at the closest fiery scaled lizard, Umbra tried to distract the remaining four opponents with the shadow-needles aimed at their eyes, giving Shane the required moment to pierce through his opponent's neck with ease.

Not wasting a single second to assure himself if the fiery scaled lizard was really dead, he twisted his body and jumped into the air avoiding one of the fiery scaled lizards' maws that were about to crush his leg.

Kicking out, his foot smashed into the fiery scaled lizard's head, and Shane used its head to jump above which was meant to enter the remaining scaled lizard's center.

Shane wasn't even sure how much time the fiery scaled lizards required to spew flames out once again.

As such eradicating his threat sooner than later was the best option he had left.

Thrusting his bloody dagger towards the closest fiery scaled lizard, he penetrated the thick layer of scales on its back before he pulled the dagger back out, not forgetting to twist it within the wound, ripping out a thick layer of flesh.

Blood splattered on his face and clothes while the fiery scaled lizard in front of him cried out in pain.

The remaining lizards noticed that they underestimated their opponent, only to figure out that it was already too late with two of their brethren being killed.

Hate, agony, and wrath accumulated in their bodies, only for them to lost all reasoning as they charged at Shane with mana enhancing their physique and speed.

Even though they were at the late-Wild stage, they couldn't keep up with Shane's speed which was his specialty, while the complete opposite was the case for the fiery scaled lizards.

Inflicting serious injuries into all three remaining fiery scaled lizards within a few seconds, Shane ended the battle with a lethal attack into their vital spots.

After the fight ended, Shane looked around if another group of scaled lizards was attracted by their noisy battle but he couldn't hear any steps or other sounds indicating a group of beasts coming closer to them.

Picking up the fiery scaled lizard corpses, Shane looked around once again.

He used up quite a bit of his mana, but the surrounding was filled with dense and distinct mana particles that Shane was even able to exert the mana gathering technique while walking around.

The suction force was weakened while walking around but it was still more than enough for him to replenish his mana within a relatively short time.

Shane noticed this feature during his daily hunts over the last two weeks, because halting his hunt to exert the mana gathering technique in order to replenish his mana took most of his hunting time.

Within the same large cave hall, Shane was already in, he could see another few fiery scaled lizards with an aqueous scaled lizard and Shane saw something he would never forget in his whole life.

The scaled lizards in front of him were copulating and Shane didn't even want to get closer to them, letting them enjoy themselves for the last time in their lives as he looked at the timer with a glimpse of his eyes.

There was not enough time left, to let others enjoy each other and Shane charged forward, surprising the small group of copulating scaled lizards causing them to turn angry.

Unfortunately for them was that they noticed Shane way too late and their necks were already pierced by his dagger as they roared out.

Slumping into an eternal sleep, the last thing they did was copulating and Shane thought that one could die in a worse situation.

At least they had some fun right before dying, right?

Picking up the corpses, he decided to sell the fiery scaled lizards at his shop, because it was useless to let them remain within his spatial ring.

While fighting the fiery scaled lizards, Shane noticed that they didn't injure each other with the flames they spit, indicating a decent fire resistance which would fetch him a higher price than he previously estimated, even though they were only at the peak of the Wild stage.

Elemental resistance garments were extremely rare and even more expensive, as such Shane decided to sell the fiery scaled lizards for 7 silver each, which was extremely high compared to other wild-stage corpses

However, It wouldn't be considered a fraud and many artisans searched for new materials, as such everything should work out.

At least, that was what Shane thought while he looked at the scales of the aqueous scaled lizard.

It's scales were neither thick nor solid, they seemed to be in a liquefied form, pressed into the scales, as if they were water bubbles.

But even after pressing on them with force, Shane couldn't burst them open, which was weird.

Thrusting into them with his dagger they exploded, wetting his face, releasing a faint aroma.

`Huh? What is that?` Shane started to wonder as a nice smell entered his nostrils.

Shane wasn't sure what it was, but he felt fully awake, as if he drank a few energy drinks in a row.

As such he ripped out a few additional scales and stored the remaining corpse away, without placing it into the spatial ring.

Trying to forget what he saw a moment ago, Shane looked around for other scaled lizards that might have heard him massacring their brethren but there was not a single one.

Turning around, Shane continued his path straightforwardly, as he noticed a mixed group of earthy and breezy scaled lizards he hadn't seen before.