Prime Minister's Illegitimate Daughter


Chu Mengli went to the fake mountain behind the garden and found a secluded place to sit down. Just as he was about to take a breath of air, he heard the footsteps of two people approaching.

"Die'er, why are you not wearing the steps I gave you today?"

"Your Highness, Die'er has something to tell you."

Chu Mengdie was a bit anxious when she heard this, "No, you can't." When she thought about that white robed man, Chu Mengdie instinctively opposed it.

Feng Tianlong looked at Chu Mengyue with a puzzled expression, "Why not? You know what I mean, if you bring me back that day when you're your age, doesn't it mean that you have me in your heart? "

Chu Mengdie bit her lips and stepped forward to hold Feng Tian Ci's hand, "Your Highness, Die'er doesn't want to be married to you because she is the Prime Minister's daughter. That would be an insult to me and also an insult to the Crown Prince's feelings for her. "When the time comes, please ask the emperor to grant us our marriage." After saying the word 'bestowal', her small face turned red again.

Feng Tian Ci felt her own small hand that was holding hers, and her heart was filled with excitement. Her beloved wanted to use her strength and achievements to stand by her side, how could she not be moved? She held onto her delicate hands and looked at Chu Mengdie with deep emotion, "Good! "Whatever Dia'er says, that's what it is."

Seeing that he had agreed, a smile appeared on Chu Mengdie's small face.

The two of them held each other's hand and said a few more sweet words, afraid that they would be discovered if the time passed, so they walked out one after the other.

Chu Mengli walked out from behind the fake mountain. The Crown Prince already knew that he liked Chu Mengdie, but what did this Chu Mengdie mean? Instead of settling the engagement so as to hurry it up, they had to delay the time for it to be granted. He wouldn't believe it if he said she didn't want to be the Crown Prince's consort!

Returning to the garden, he was just in time to see Wang Ya Han bringing the girls to the banquet. Chu Meng Li also followed the crowd and walked forward. A young maid ran past her in a flurry and accidentally bumped into Chu Mengli. The young maid was so scared that she hastily apologized. Chu Mengli waved her hand and told her to leave.

Chu Mengli's ears twitched as she was prepared to continue walking. Her pace slowed down and she gradually came to the end.

The wind silently appeared behind Chu Mengli and lightly said a few words. Chu Mengli's face darkened. She pulled her sleeve over her sleeve and stopped her steps to give an order in a low voice. She lightly nodded her head in the wind and then her figure disappeared.

After entering the banquet hall, everyone paid their respects to the Grand Princess and the Crown Prince before taking their seats. After Chu Mengli sat down, she began to size up the Grand Princess.

A purple flowing flower dark cloud brocade palace dress, hair comb falling horse bun, a pearl jade glass pear flower hairpin. He had a simple yet dignified look on his face. Under his willow shaped eyebrows, he had a pair of almond-shaped eyes, but there was a hint of loneliness in his eyes. He looked dignified and stately, with an extraordinary demeanor, and was currently lovingly talking to the Crown Prince in his left hand.

Lady Wang, who was sitting to the right, asked the Grand Princess to make a few symbolic remarks before announcing the start of the banquet.

At this time, Wang Yahan, who was sitting below Lady Wang, suddenly cried out in surprise, causing everyone to look at her in confusion.

"Little girl, why are you always so fidgety? What's wrong?" Although Lady Wang's tone was somewhat reproachful, there was a doting smile in her eyes.

"Mother, the Jade Bracelet with the Golden Ring Pearls that Aunt Queen gave me has disappeared." Wang Yahan's face was filled with anxiety.

"What?" "Why not?" Lady Wang panicked.

That bracelet was originally given to the Queen by the Emperor. That jade was a very precious ice seed in the old pit, bestowed upon her by the heavens on Wang Yahan's birthday, in order to gain the grace of the Emperor. This was a gift that could not be lost!

"That's right!" Didn't you wear it when I gave it to you? " Crown Prince Feng Tianlong frowned as he asked.

"When my cousin the crown prince gave it to me in the morning, I really liked it. It was given to me by my aunt again. I put it on immediately, but I just realized that it had disappeared." Wang Yuhan raised her white wrist, but there was no sign of a bracelet on it.

"No, I haven't taken it off, and I haven't been anywhere else either. I was just sitting in the garden with my sisters from other families and came here today."

"Ya Han, don't worry. Think about it carefully. Didn't you show it to me when we were in the garden?" Where have you been since? " Chu Mengdie walked over and held Wang Ya Han's hand to comfort her.

Wang Yahan lowered her head, "That won't happen, I just spoke to you in the garden …" "It seems like he suddenly thought of something and raised his head to look at Chu Mengli." It's you, it's you, isn't it? You stole my bracelet. " The last sentence was completely affirmative.

Chu Mengli calmly looked back at her, "Miss Wang, do you know what you're saying?"

"It's definitely you!" "When I showed it to Die'er in the garden, you were there. After you hit me, my bracelet disappeared. Who else could it be but you?" Wang Ya Han shouted out.

"Oh? "Don't say that I've never bumped into you, even if I did, it wouldn't be enough to prove that I was the one who stole it."

"That may not be so. You can even frame your own sister." Bai Ning Xue coldly snorted.

"Right, you definitely stole it because you liked that bracelet. That bracelet was given to me by the empress. I urge you to hand it over quickly. Otherwise, just wait for the empress to punish you!"

"Fourth girl, did you steal it?" Bai Shi's complexion didn't look too good, his voice was stern.

"Mother, things haven't been clarified yet." Chu Tianzo frowned.

"Sister, did you take it? If that's the case, quickly return the bracelet to Yahan. I'll have Yahan beg the empress to treat you lightly. " Chu Mengdie's face was full of worry and worry.

Chu Mengli looked around coldly and sneered, "You all think I was the one who stole it?"

"Humph!" "Whether you stole it or not, we'll know after we search your body." Wang Ya Han gave the two maidservants a meaningful glance.