Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 43

43. From the voices of these people, Xu Xiyan heard some content in 788, only to find out that the woman who had just had a quarrel with her was Xue Yating, a violin goddess from the background of Kaijing.

If there is no mistake, Xue Yating's father is Xue Zhengrong, the largest industrialist in China. No wonder he has the capital to hold his daughter on the world stage.

Xu Xiyan thought that Xue Zhengrong's words just now seemed to say that Xue Yating was interested in a violin. Did she say that she was interested in her mother's violin?

Thinking of this, Xu Xiyan's heart suddenly clenched. She picked up her money and bag and ran to the registration office of the auction house.

After registering and getting the number plate, Xu Xiyan enters the auction hall to find a seat to sit down.

Finally, when the auction began, the relevant materials and pictures of the five instruments tonight were displayed on the large screen. Xu Xiyan recognized the violin named "Artemis" that her mother used at a glance.

Artemis is the English name of her mother Jing Ruyue. When she saw the piano, she seemed to see her mother playing it gracefully.

Xu Xiyan 's heart is full of excitement, but also anxious, she has been praying silently, must protect her to be able to take back the piano.

Then the auctioneer came on the stage. Xu Xiyan, regardless of the first four pieces, was waiting for the fifth piece, Artemis.

The staff put the fifth piece in front of the stage, in the glass cover of the booth, covered with the half old violin.

The auctioneer in white gloves began to introduce to all collectors,

"ladies and gentlemen, now you see this violin, which has a nice name of Artemis.

"Yes, it is named after Artemis, the Greek god of the moon.

"It is made by the world famous Italian pianist, Antonio Stradivari, and owned by the former world violinist, Ms. Artemis.

"This piano is still in good condition, with perfect sound quality It's starting at 50000, and now it's on call. "

Xu Xiyan couldn't help but raise the first hand. When the auctioneer saw it, he motioned to him, "OK, this is the first time for Miss 7 to raise her hand."

Since Xu Xiyan raised her hand, she found that the price of the people who raised their cards was soaring, and now it has risen to 200000.

No more promotions! No more promotions! No more promotions

Xu Xiyan has been murmuring in his heart, hoping that others won't raise the price any more, but those people are still raising their cards as if they are possessed.

Many people think that this piano is of great collection value, not only because it is the work of Antonius Stradivari, but also because its former user is Artemis.

Everyone who knows about Artemis knows that she was not only a violinist in the world, but also a bright star in the entertainment circle.

Although she did not get the crown in the end, she was regarded as the king without crown in people's mind.

Because the potential value of violin is immeasurable, many people are competing to raise their cards. In the second round, the total price has reached 800000.


When Xu Xiyan heard the auctioneer offer the price, her eyes would crack. Her heart was dripping blood. 800000 yuan. The cash in her bag plus the balance of her card is not enough!

I can't come back

All of a sudden, a sense of despair grew in my heart.

Xu Xiyan only felt that she was miserable and hated her stupidity. She didn't even know that the piano left by her mother was a very valuable one.

Five years ago, she pawned it for 100000 yuan.
