Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 40

At Yunhai entertainment, it's the break time. In the president's office, there is an antique phonograph of collection level on the wall cabinet, playing the melodious piano music.

Only when he is in a good mood can he listen to music. This gramophone has been quiet for several years, and today it can finally produce wonderful music again.

Music is one of Huo Yunshen's hobbies. He has great talent in music. He can play all kinds of orchestras. If he is engaged in music, he may be an excellent musician now.

What's more, he not only knows a lot of musical instruments, but also composes his own music. The theme song of "24 hours of life" that he won the international award was created by him.

Huo Yunshen is intoxicated with listening to the music, and suddenly receives a call from Xu Xiyan. Huo Yunshen is very surprised and surprised. He turns off the gramophone at the first time and listens to her phone wholeheartedly.

"Hello, Yunhai entertainment."

"Hello, Huo Yunshen Oh, no I want to ask you, Mr. Huo, is the dirty clothes you changed for me the day before yesterday still there? " Xu Xiyan asked anxiously.

"Yes, it has been washed."

Huo Yunshen replied, can hear her tone very anxious, then asked, "what's the matter?"

Fortunately, Xu Xiyan was very excited. Then he asked, "did you find a piece of paper in your pocket when you were washing clothes?"

Huo thought about it carefully, and then told her, "there is a piece of paper, but it's all broken by the washing machine."

He didn't have the habit of searching pockets, so before washing clothes, he soaked them in water and detergent for a while, and then machine washed them.

At that time, when the clothes were washed, I found a lump of paper in my pocket. It was all crumpled into pulp balls, and I couldn't see what it was.

Is that paper something important?


Listen to him so say, Xu Xiyan only feel a black in front of the eyes, as if by thunder split in general, a face of life can not love expression.

How can she redeem her mother's violin when the pawn receipt is gone?

God, it's heaven to kill me!

"Hello, Xu Xiyan, is that paper important?"

Did not hear each other, Huo Yunshen asked again.

"No. It's not very important. It's ok now. Goodbye. "

Hung up the phone, Xu Xiyan wants to cry without tears, who can she blame?

Huo Yun is kind enough to wash her clothes. She can't blame him. She can only admit her misfortune.

There is no pawn receipt, but Xu Xiyan still wants to go to the pawn shop to ask if he can redeem the violin without receipt.

Xu Xiyan comes to the counter to explain his intention. Unfortunately, the manager on the counter is sorry to tell her,

"I'm sorry, lady, we can't break this rule for you. Please understand. There is no way to redeem you without documents! You'd better go back and look carefully and come again! "

There is no ransom without documents.

Xu Xiyan left the Pawnbroking Business in desperation. He wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide. She should come back to redeem the pawn the first day.

Today is the last day of redemption. As a result, there is no receipt. What should she do?
