Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 4

Huo Yunshen takes back his arm and sets her free.

Xu Xiyan got the chance and ran away.

Out of the hotel, outside the sun wanton, Xu Xiyan looked up at the blue sky, a long sigh of relief.

Now it's all right.

Last night was not too bad. She was accompanied by a beautiful man. She also recognized the dangers of the secular world and the insidious faces of a bad man and a mean woman.

From today on, she will no longer accommodate anyone, no longer live for anyone, only be herself, only live for herself.

Take heart, Xu Xiyan strides forward, her back is straight, her back is strong enough to be invincible. Next, there is a war of words waiting for her!

She wants to see how some people in the Xu family gloat!?

Just a few hours after the incident, a scandal entitled "a rich family and men's Hotel, being caught and raped in bed by their father" has been flying all over the world.

The Internet, Weibo and netizens are all crazy about this news.

Although the words "a thousand gold" are only used in the news, the picture with it can clearly see that it is Xu Xiyan's side face.

With this highly recognizable face, enthusiastic netizens have speculated that she is very similar to the daughter of a director.

"Director's daughter and people" soon became a hot search. Xu Xiyan could easily brush his micro blog and see that he was scolded by an unknown netizen.

[it seems pure, but in fact, it's a watch. The identification is finished! ]

[your circle is really disordered. The daughter of the director's family has been hidden by the rules? It can't be true? ]For the sake of being famous, what dirty work are girls doing now? ]It's probably the director who is hyping for the sake of bad movies! ]How many soft girls do you want to sleep? ]


The public opinion is one-sided, and there are all kinds of ugly things to say. Once the expert sees it, he will know that some of them are deliberately guiding and manipulating the public opinion.

Xu Xiyan sneers. Xu xinrou's method is really poisonous. It's worthy of acting school White Lotus!

People are always in the trough, it is easy to see the warmth and coldness of human feelings. There is a lot of scolding outside. Only her best friend Fang Xiaocheng is really worried about her.

"Hello hello, Yan Yan, have you seen your news? You're in the headlines! What happened last night? How could you... "

Xu Xiyan was not affected by the incident at all. Instead, he was thankful, "orange, I have to thank you for this. If it wasn't for the Longtou friend you found for me to come to the rescue, I would have been really unlucky. "

Fang Xiaocheng did not know where she came from. He said gloomily, "Yan Yan, I'll tell you! Last night, I was in a hurry. I didn't contact my Longtou friend. I wanted to call you, but you shut down. If I knew that happened last night, I should have saved you myself... "


After hearing a lot from her friend Balabala, Xu Xiyan was really depressed.

Fang Xiaocheng's friend didn't come?

Who is that handsome guy in that hotel?

Did she sleep with a passer-by who could not even weigh a dragon suit?

Assie The plot reversed too fast!

Xu Xiyan has no time to figure out who the beautiful man was killed by her last night. The car has stopped outside Xu's gate. Guan Jiasu has just galloped in and informed the second miss that she is back.
