Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 36

It turns out that Yim's account was stolen, so it didn't go online or reply to his information.

Seeing Yim's head changed from gray to light again, Huo Yunshen's heart was speechless with excitement.


This person who once gave him countless encouragement and care in the valley of his despair has finally got in touch.

Huo Yun raised his lips and immediately replied to the editor's message: "teacher Yim, thank you for your news at last.". I am now very good, in addition to daily exercise, I have my own career and hobbies, and also found their own favorite girl, now I, life is very full. Thank you again for your encouragement and help when I was most helpless. ]

after waiting for a while, Mr. Yim returned another message: "bless you! I will always pray for you, you will be better and better, come on, Wing! ]

[thank you! :)]

put down his mobile phone, Huo Yunshen's heart felt inspired, and he could get in touch with Yim again, for example, in the lonely journey, he finally found a fellow traveler.

For a moment, Huo Yunshen had an idea that he wanted to meet Mr. Yim. How he hoped to meet this mentor in his lifetime.

He secretly thought that if he could stand up again, he would definitely meet him.


In Fang Xiaocheng's study, Xu Xiyan and Yingbao begin the first live broadcast after returning home.

Yingbao wears a cherry red skirt and a small cherry hairpin bought by Fang Xiaocheng. Xiaomengbao looks up and down at the big black eyes in front of the live camera.

The live room has begun to have fans to join in one after another, and many regular old fans are sending voice messages and gifts in "PIU ~ PIU ~".

[voice] [cherry cherry, momada, I haven't heard your voice for a long time! Miss me! ]

[gift] ┎ send 60 flowers over the years

[voice] [little cherry, where have you been? Is the live broadcast still done? ]What kind of meat does cherry sell today? ]

[voice] [I love cherry, sing a song to my sister! ]

[gift] discount the romance and send a Barbie doll

[gift] pure love and a chocolate from neodymium baby? Which city are you in? Later, my aunt will visit you and bring you delicious food! ]


Since the live video was opened, messages and gifts have never stopped.

After listening to the voice message, Sakura turned off the voice function, picked up the cartoon shaped microphone and faced the audience.

Xiaomeng Bao will put her pose. She will face the camera, adjust her best look, and say hello to everyone:

[nice to you, I'm a little girl selling long time, Cherry Baby! The baby has now returned to country Z, and the baby also wants to be cute! ]

[today, baby is happy and will do two live broadcasts after returning home. In the next phase, baby will introduce a new baby friend to nemeng! ]

Yingbao smiles at the camera, showing a pair of cute dimples on his cheek. But when it's so simple and cute, the following fans start to give presents.

[today, I would like to recommend a very beautiful long one to nemeng, which is the baby's hand! ]

little girl is not very accurate about the pronunciation of "meat". She can say "leisurely", but it sounds more like Kawaii.

She recommended a pot plant with a combination of succulent plants and said: "it has a very nice name, Alice sleepwalking, ha ha ha, it's my mommy's idea!"! My mommy is a talented woman and a beautiful woman! You all want to see her, don't you? Mummy -]