Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 34

34. Xu Xi coughs softly, "well, it's going well. The role has been obtained. We'll be in next Wednesday. "

"Oh, Congratulations, I knew you could do it." Fang Xiaocheng is very optimistic about her.

Thinking of being Huo Yunshen's life assistant, it's necessary to explain it to Fang Xiaocheng, but she didn't dare to tell her the inside story. Instead, she said, "by the way, orange, I've found a place to live in, and I may move out in two days."

"What's the rush to find a house? It's hard to return home. I want you to stay for a while longer! Besides, I don't like our little cherries. "

Fang Xiaocheng kneads the small face of cherry treasure's flesh, and says with full heart.

"Don't you have great wisdom? How inconvenient it would be for you if we were here. "

Xu Xiyan has already planned. She moves to take care of Huo Yunshen alone. Yingbao can't show up for the time being. She plans to send Yingbao to Grandpa's house.

"What's that? I won't let Dazhi come, no way. "

Fang Xiaocheng is very loyal, Xu Xiyan is very grateful, but Huo Yunshen's side certainly can't allow her to delay too long, so he has to continue to lie.

"I know. But I've found a good place and paid the rent. It's a waste of living in the past. Even if I move away, we can still see each other often in the future. "

Fang Xiaocheng understands Xu Xiyan's personality and knows that she is a person who doesn't want to owe people, so she doesn't force her to do so.

"well, go ahead and prepare for it. Yingbao will be here for the time being. When you settle down there, you can pick up Yingbao!"

It seems that this arrangement is also good. Yingbao likes Fangxiao orange very much. She is familiar with Fangxiao orange. Fangxiao orange also likes Yingbao. She is willing to take care of her for a while. Xu Xi asks for it.

There was a knock at the door. Xu Xiyan went to open the door. Fang Xiaocheng's boyfriend Wang Dazhi came.

Wang Dazhi is still the same. He is a simple and honest it man. He and his friends opened a small network company a while ago.

He and Fang Xiaocheng are college students. From college, they have realized that they have been in love for seven years, and their relationship is as good as ever.

Wang Dazhi was sweating all over, standing outside the door panting. When he saw Xu Xiyan opening the door, he smiled at her with a simple smile, "Xu Xiyan, is the orange there?"

"Sure, boss Wang." Xu Xi said hello in a joking tone.

"What boss? Call me wisdom. "

Wang Dazhi smiled and touched the back of his head.

"Ha ha, OK, how can it be so hot? Come in. " Xu Xiyan opens the door and lets him in.

After Wang Dazhi entered the room, he rushed to Fang Xiaocheng for the first time like a loyal dog, and asked nervously, "orange, what's the matter? What happened? "

He received an emergency call from Fang Xiaocheng, immediately put down his work, and rode the battery car to rush here, fearing that Fang Xiaocheng might have some problems.

Fang is too laggy to see him sweating. He handed him a towel to wipe his sweat first. Then he said,

, "nothing much." this is my desktop computer. What a card, let me come over to fix it. Also, by the way, help me and Yingbao to install the live broadcast equipment. "

People are OK, Wang Dazhi relieved and said with a smile, "no problem, it's on me."

Unexpectedly, he ate a mouthful of dog food.

Xu Xiyan saw that Wang Dazhi and Fang Xiaocheng had such a good relationship. He really envied them and didn't want them.

Many times, Xu Xiyan especially envies her friend Fang Xiaocheng, who can find a man who always loves her as one in the complex pile of men.

Look at your love history, it's just a negative textbook.

When can she find a loyal dog ticket like Wang Dazhi?
