Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2678

"Is it Qiao Ruoxi again? What's the matter? You tell mom, what happened between her and Qiao Ruoxi? "

Gu Yunjin knew that there must be a reason for his son to become so cold-blooded and merciless.

Unexpectedly, it's because Qiao Ruoxi is making trouble in it!

"It's nothing to do with Ruoxi. I just want to tell you that the family is not suitable for you. You might as well take Ling Xuan to live abroad! Never come back! "

After Feng Yunan said this, he didn't go back.

If he can, he hopes Gu Yunjin won't come back in his life. He doesn't like to see them again!

Every time I think of my childhood, I think of the cruelty my mother treated him.

Later, his mother gave birth to Ling Xuan. He had a younger sister. His mother loved Ling Xuan so much that he envied and envied her.

He thought that as long as he was good to Ling Xuan, his mother might be good to him.

From then on, his feelings for lingxuan's sister were love and jealousy.

But who would have thought that Ling Xuan was not his father's own daughter?

For so many years, he couldn't think of one thing, that is, why is Gu Yunjin so kind to a daughter born with a man outside, but cruel to his son?

Why on earth?

She said that she loved his father Feng Sheng very much, so why hate him alone?

Isn't he also the child she gave birth to?

The son has made an expulsion order!

We need to drive her and Ling Xuan out of the country!

What a cold-blooded man!

Gu Yunjin's heart was filled with hatred at the moment. She came back to seek peace and wanted to start to be a good mother again, but he didn't give her a chance at all. Now, for a woman, she did this to her!

It's just unacceptable!

Even if we had to drive her away, she would not let him and Suhui's daughter have a good time!

After Feng Yunan left, Ling Xuan appeared behind him, crying, "Mom!"

Just now she heard everything. Isn't she really the daughter of the family?

Feng Yunan even drove them away?

"Xuanxuan, come here, mom will tell you..."

Tonight, Gu Yunjin really needs to tell her daughter all the past grudges and let her know that she is forced to give birth to her.

At the same time, I also want to tell my daughter that I can't go abroad just like this. As long as there is the name "Feng lingxuan" in the household register, there will be lingxuan and her share in the future when the father dies and the family heritage is sealed.

If you leave, you will get nothing!

They can't go!

They have to stay and change their tactics!

That night, lingxuan took the initiative to call fengyunan and apologized in tears.

Anyway, there is a blood relationship. Feng Yunan agreed to give her a chance to see her performance.

Ling Xuan went to ask him again, saying that she hoped to work in the design center of tireling, and Feng Yunan approved it, so she should be allowed to practice and test.

If she dare to be a demon again, Feng Yunan will not tolerate it.


Qiao Ruoxi stayed in the hospital for a few days, and was accompanied by Feng Yunan for two days. He didn't take her back to haizhige until her fetus was stable and she could be discharged from the hospital.

On the day of returning to the sea Pavilion, Feng Yunan specially took her mother and brother, and the family had a reunion dinner.

Originally, Qiao Ruoxi planned to go back to the flagship store and continue to work, but he was asked to stay at home for a while.

However, Qiao Ruoxi can only stay in the pavilion of the sea. She learned from her colleagues that the store manager at the flagship store has a new candidate. Before long, she received a notice of promotion from the design center of Tianfeng group.

Inform her to report to tireling on Monday.

Qiao Ruoxi is very happy. This should be her happiest day for a long time.

Her efforts paid off, and she was finally on the verge of becoming a real designer.

At the same time, there is good news from the hospital.

Her brother Qiao Rongjing's attending doctor said that he had found a suitable heart source for Rongjing, but the other side asked to see his family before deciding whether to donate.

Qiao Ruoxi immediately agreed to come down and let the attending doctor help to contact the meeting time.

According to the agreed time, Qiao Ruoxi came to benevolence hospital and walked into the meeting room. Qiao Ruoxi was shocked.

In the room stood a tall man's back. She could recognize at a glance that he was not someone else, but Muyun Li!

"Mr. mu?"

Qiao Ruoxi exclaimed in surprise.

Hearing this, muyunli turned around and saw her coming. He smiled and said, "girl, it's you!"

"I heard that you are the one who is willing to donate his heart?" Qiao Ruoxi came to him and wanted to know why and whose heart he was donating?

"Yes, it's me."

"But Mr. mu, you look alive... "

"I didn't say I wanted to donate my own heart." Muyunli took a deep breath and said in a relaxed tone, "it's actually my sister."

"Your sister? You have a sister? " Qiao Ruoxi never understood Muyun Li, let alone his sister's business.

"Can't I have a sister?"

"No, I don't mean that. I want to ask, what's wrong with your sister?"

Instead of answering, muyunli took her to the ward to see his sister.

In the ward, Qiao Ruoxi saw a skinny little girl lying on the bed. Her skin was pale, the whole person was weak, and there was no hair on her head.

"This is my sister, Mianmian. She doesn't have much time."

When muyunli said this, he looked at his sister with tender and moist eyes, full of love.

Since knowing muyunli for such a long time, what Qiao Ruoxi has seen of him is the look of hip-hop, which is the first time she has seen his sad appearance.

Her heart is also very bad, she can feel his kind of sad feeling, very want to comfort him, but nothing can be said.

Qiao Ruoxi finally patted him on the shoulder for comfort.

Muyunli turned around and said with a wry smile, "nothing, my sister is willing to donate her own organs. She said that she wants to continue to live in another way. So my family supports her. Since the recipient is your brother, it's better. "

From Mu Yunli's mouth, Qiao Ruoxi learned that his sister Mu Mianmian was suffering from cancer. Now the effect of chemotherapy is not very rational. The doctor has given a notice of danger.

Mumianmian wants to live in another way. She voluntarily donates organs, so Qiao Ruoxi's younger brother is so skillful, just matching Mumian.

"Thank you. I really want to thank you, but also cotton." Qiao Ruoxi can only wish Mian Mian in her heart, hoping that she will not suffer too much in the last period of time.

After visiting Mu Mianmian, Qiao Ruoxi and Mu Yunli came out of the hospital together, and mentioned design. Mu Yunli asked her, "last design competition, you won the championship. When do you plan to go abroad for further study? I can have it arranged for you at any time. "