Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2665

After hearing this, Qiao Ruoxi was more or less moved. The big family with the most glorious appearance had unknown bitterness and helplessness behind it. She could understand it, but she didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, Mr. Feng. I have a rest."

When the rest is over, Qiao Ruoxi is going to leave. Feng Yunan accompanies her downstairs.

Thinking of her younger sister's strong personality, Feng Yu Nan admonished, "my younger sister is not very good tempered, she was spoiled since she was young, so she will try to have less positive conflicts with her in the future."

Qiao Ruoxi had already seen that Ling Xuan was not such a talkative woman and asked, "I don't want to trouble her, but what if she comes to trouble me?"

"I will educate her!" Feng Yunan's voice just dropped. A mobile phone called in. "I'll take a call."

After the call, Feng Yunan glances at Qiao Ruoxi. Qiao Ruoxi's intuition is related to her, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing. Grandpa told us, because my sister returned home, let's go back to the old house for lunch. "

"Oh." When talking about going back to the old house, Qiao Ruoxi thought of Fubao, the big dog in the old house, and asked, "Mr. Feng, can I take Princess back? I want her to meet Fubao and see if they can be good friends. "

"Whatever." Feng Yunan then stared at her eyes for a few seconds and asked, "do you want to introduce Fubao's girlfriend?"

"Well Can't you? " Qiao Ruoxi just thinks that a prince dog is too lonely.

"Yes, take it with you. I just don't know if Fubao can accept princess."

Feng thinks it's impossible to pair two dogs. They introduced Fubao's girlfriend before, but Fubao bit each other half to death.

Since then, no one has looked for Fubao.

"Princess is very good, Fubao is also good, I think there is a play." Qiao Ruoxi said firmly.

Feng Yunan was amused. "I think you are very much like those parents who worry about their children's marriage."

"Are you praising me or damaging me?"

They chatted harmoniously, and just came out of the elevator, they met Gu Yunjin who came in a hurry.


Feng Yunan and Qiao Ruoxi looked up at Gu Yunjin at the same time, but they didn't speak.

"Talk to you! Your sister was beaten. Did you go to see her? "

Gu Yunjin receives a call from her daughter Ling Xuan and hurries to the hospital. She is very worried about her daughter's serious injury.

"She's fine."

Feng Yunan lightly explains, and then takes Qiao Ruoxi to leave.

Gu Yunjin looked back at the back of their departure, and was a little upset. Now her son only saw Qiao Ruoxi, even her sister.

In any case, lingxuan is her own daughter, and her mother must take care of her.

Gu Yunjin came to Ling Xuan's ward and saw her daughter with gauze on her head and bandages on her arms. She was very distressed

"Mom! You're here at last! I was bullied! Mom... " Ling Xuan saw her mother and cried and fell into Gu Yunjin's arms.

"You are not just back home. Who will bully you? You tell mom! Mom, go find him! " Gu Yunjin asked.

"Who else? Isn't it Qiao Ruoxi, the woman my brother is looking for! "

"Qiao Ruoxi beat you like this?"

Gu Yunjin is surprised to see Qiao Ruoxi just at the door of the elevator. Unexpectedly, she beat her daughter and left without fear. She knew that if she did, she should have caught her just now.

"Yes! Mom! That woman is so good! " Look what she's done to my head and my arm! " Ling Xuan began to add insult to injury.

Just then, the doctor who left before came back with the report, and saw another woman in the ward, "excuse me, is Miss Ling's family here?"

"Here I am, Ling Xuan's mother." Gu Yunjin said.

"OK, this is Miss Ling's physical examination report. She has no injuries. Now she can go home." The doctor handed the report to Gu Yunjin and turned away.

Gu Yunjin looks at the content of the report and finds that her daughter is fooling her. Angrily, she takes the report and beats Ling Xuan.

"You dead girl, even your mother! I asked you about your injury? You still pretend with me! "

"Mom, mom, stop fighting Stop fighting It's true that Qiao Ruoxi and I have conflicts, and the injury is fake. Otherwise, how can I make you believe that I was bullied by her? "

Gu Yunjin stopped and warned, "don't do this next time. If your brother knows you're packing, you'll have good fruit to eat."

"Yes, yes. My brother now has a daughter-in-law and forgets his sister. He doesn't care about me at all. "

Ling Xuan took off the gauze on her head and the bandage on her hand and jumped out of bed. Nothing happened to her.

Gu Yunjin's eyes turned white with rage, and sighed helplessly, "let's go. Hurry up. Your grandpa is waiting at home!"


Qiao Ruoxi and fengyunan went back to haizhige to take the big white dog prince with them.

Feng Yunan drives himself. Qiao Ruoxi and princess are injured in the back seat. Qiao Ruoxi hugs princess, smoothes her soft hair and says, "princess, today my sister will introduce you to a new friend. It's called Fubao. It's like you. If you see it, you must not be too fierce to it!"

Princess seemed to understand, licking Qiao Ruoxi's face.

The picture of Qiao Ruoxi's intimate relationship with the dog was captured by fengyunan from the rear-view mirror. I don't know why. Just looking at Qiao Ruoxi can make him feel extremely peaceful inside, even when the time slows down.

They went back to fengtianzhai. Fengyunan took Qiao Ruoxi to see Grandpa first, and then took princess to see Fubao.

Fubao hears someone coming from afar, and gets up from the ground to shout.

"Fubao!" After Feng Yunan called out his name, BMW Fu was lying on the fence and looked out.

When he saw the white mastiff held by his mistress, his eyes were straight.

If there is love at first sight between humans, there is such love at first sight among animals.

Now, for example, Fubao looks at Prince stupidly, and even forgets to please the host.

If people can talk, Fubao will say that it hasn't seen such a beautiful peer for many years. I wonder if it is male or female!

"Fubao, bring you a friend. It's called Princess. Do you want to know him?" Feng Yunan came to the kennel and asked Fubao.

Fubao could not hide the excitement and excitement. He called to Princess several times and licked the man's hand to show his willingness.

When princess heard Fubao's call, she stopped and dared not move forward. She had smelled the smell of the territory. She was a male dog.

It's afraid of being in other people's territory by mistake.