Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 26

26. The young master's private apartment didn't even let him in. He said that the young master brought a female robber home for no reason, and he didn't believe it.

just finished Tucao, just saw their master and a girl coming out of the building together, Yi Xiao surprised eyes, I - rough, make complaints about it?

Young master and a girl really Why?

How does that woman look A little familiar?

Xu Xiyan?

Is that Xu Xiyan?

In recent years, for the sake of his own young master, Yi Xiao knows Xu's family and Xu Xiyan's affairs as well as his back.

Yi Xiao recognized Xu Xiyan at a glance. He was shocked and couldn't speak. Where did Xu Xiyan come from?

Young master used the whole JS group's power to find her, OK?

I've been looking for five years, Qingtian!

Why does this fairy sister suddenly appear on her own?

Don't tell him. She was the woman robber last night?

See Huo Yunshen and Xu Xiyan come to the car together, and Yi Xiao gets off the car to meet, "young master."

"Yi Xiao, send Miss Xu back."

It's really Xu Xiyan.

Thank goodness she finally showed up.

"Yes." Yi Xiao respectfully opens the door, and asks Xu Xiyan to get on.

Before departure, I took a sneak look at my young master, and found that his face was finally cold in winter, ushering in a warm spring.

Ah It's like opening up a new era.

Yi Xiao feels that they can finally live a few comfortable days in the sea of clouds.


Xu Xiyan asks Yi Xiao to send her to blueberry community.

Back to Fang Xiaocheng's house, Xu Xiyan is rushed up by Xiaomeng and hugs her thigh.

"Hi baby! Hey, where have you been? The baby is worried to death! Have you met any bad people? Have you been bullied? "

Xiaomengbao raised his face and asked many questions at a time. His voice was full of concern.

Xu Xiyan changed his slippers, picked up Yingbao and kissed him hard. "No! Xibao is invincible in the world. No one dares to bully me. "

Yingbao hugged her mother's neck tightly. "Where did you go last night? Why don't you come back till now? "

"Er..." Xu Xiyan couldn't explain why she spent the night with Baoda. He just said, "mom went to talk about the script with a big director last night."

As soon as Xu Xiyan's voice fell, Fang Xiaocheng came out of the room and took a look at her? Children worry about you now, you still cheat children. Can't you lie to little kids and make them? "

"I Where did I cheat the children? "

Xu Xiyan's small orange winks. Please don't tear down her platform!

She's a white lie do you understand?

Fang Xiaocheng doesn't care about her eyes at all. He holds Yingbao directly and says to the baby,

"cherry, aunt orange told you that Xibao didn't talk about the script last night, but went to fight with villains as Superman."

Xu Xiyan: "..."

Elder sister, are you really good at cheating children like this?

You won't let me lie. You're very happy!

Xiaomengbao believed Fang Xiaocheng's words, and asked with an innocent expression, "did the villain fight away?"

"Of course, I ran away. Hee baby has opened all the bad guys' arses

Fang Xiaocheng tells xiaomengwa with a positive face.

After hearing the adoration of her mother, Sakura Po rose to a new height and clapped her hands and said, "great, great! Hee baby is so good. I adore you so much

After the adoration, Xiao Meng gave Xu Xiyan a big kiss.

