Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 251

252. Just as they were eating happily, four or five vicious men came in outside the tent.

One of the first men wearing a vest, bare arms, two arms tattoos flying dragon, it seems very difficult to provoke.

When they came in, there was no space in the tent, but the two men of the tattooed man just drove away a table of diners and occupied the position, asking their boss to sit down.

The tattoo man sat down, and his eyes were glued to Xu Xiyan. He saw the girl at the first sight after entering the room. Now he was thinking about letting Xu Xiyan drink with him.

Tattoo man is the local ruffian overlord. He usually does all kinds of immoral things. At this moment, he just looks in the eye, and his several brothers surround Xu Xiyan.

One of them put his nose on his face and said, "Hey, this beautiful woman, our eldest brother, please come over and have a drink."

Huo Yunshen suddenly heard the voice and raised his head suddenly. He saw that there were several small ruffians looking for fault and frowned.

These people don't want to die. How dare they attack his woman?!

Xu Xiyan sees several people around her. She turns a deaf ear and continues to eat the spicy hot in her bowl.

"Hello, brother Qiang, please don't toast or not take the penalty wine!"

Seeing Xu Xiyan's indifference, the Yellow haired hoodlum reached for her.

Unfortunately, the hand has not yet met Xu Xiyan, a chopstick flew, directly pierced the little gangster's wrist.

"Ah..." The Yellow haired hoodlum holds his wrist and howls, "brother Qiang Brother Qiang, help... "

Another saw that the chopsticks thrown out by the man in the wheelchair hurt their brother, raised his eyebrows, scolded "you stepped on the horse", and threw his fist at Huo Yunshen's face door.

When the fist strikes, Huo Yunshen doesn't hide or flash. He directly reaches out and grabs the fist of the other party. With a strong twist, he only hears the sound of "click bar". The man's wrist bone is broken.

Another turn, the man's body turned 360 degrees out of the sky, fell on the ground severely, suddenly whimpered and rolled all over the ground in pain.

A tattooed man named brother Qiang, seeing a disabled man in a wheelchair, not only does harm to his good deeds, but also injures his two brothers. He really wants to die and doesn't look at the place.

"Step on the horse! How dare you move me! "

Brother Qiang stood up and shook his muscles. His face was full of flesh.

He stood with his eyes, stared at Huo Yunshen fiercely, and gave orders to his men behind him, "give me the cripple completely! Get me that girl again. "

Xu Xiyan didn't need to make a move at all when the two men rushed up together under the command of the leader. She was eating a string of food happily. When the two men rushed over, she quietly stretched out a leg and easily tripped one of them.

The man fell a dog and ate Shi. The whole man fell under the table. Xu Xiyan raised his foot and stepped on the man's head. The other side couldn't move.

Another person rushed to Huo Yunshen. He didn't know where to find a bottle of wine. He hit the other side's forehead with a bang. Suddenly, the gangster was bleeding and fell to the ground shaking.

Brother Qiang saw that all four of his subordinates were down, spat angrily, and scolded "Mama Ba Zi", holding up a wooden bench with both hands, ready to smash into Huo Yunshen.

Huo Yunshen didn't have any sharp tools. Seeing the tattooed man coming, he used his chopsticks as a sword and reached out to stab him.

Just when chopsticks touched the belly of the tattooed man, the tattooed man holding the bench suddenly stopped, as if he had been signed and pointed, frozen in place.

Huo Yun wondered that his chopsticks hadn't been put in yet!
