Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2

Floating and sinking one night, until the hotel room door was "banged" open.

The huge knock on the door woke Xu Xiyan.

She opened her eyes and saw Xu xinrou with her father Xu Jinshan in front of her.

The sleeping man on the bed only shows one side of his back, but the chaotic scene in front of him is enough to make Xu Jinshan furious! Shameless bitch! Look what you've done! I've lost all my old face! "

When Xu xinrou saw that Xu Xiyan was caught in bed, she was secretly pleased, but she comforted her face.

"Dad, don't be angry, my sister should be drunk before this happens! She didn't want to! Forgive her this time! "

"Excuse me? How can I have such a disgraceful daughter! "

Xu Jinshan was born as a director. He cared about his reputation most. Seeing his daughter and man fooling around, he really hated him.

In the face of her father and sister, Xu Xiyan did not panic at all. She covered her body with a quilt, hooked her lips and smiled,

"Dad! You have to ask yourself that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked! "

If asked - track, is also Xu Jinshan betrayal first.

At the age of six, less than a month after her mother died, her father took the woman from Suri and Xu xinrou, who was three years older than her, home.

From then on, Xu Jinshan's heroic father image in her mind collapsed completely.

In her mind, she had long dismissed him as a father.

Now knowing that he betrayed her for 50 million, she would not recognize him as a father.

He doesn't deserve to be a father.

A real father should at least know how to protect his children, but what about him?

Xu Jinshan choked on her words, "you You want to piss me off! "

Xu Xiyan smiled more brightly. "If you die, I will send you a big wreath next year to commemorate your immortality and infamy."


Xu Jinshan's blood pressure surged up. His daughter, who was always timid and cowardly in his eyes, suddenly became a person?

Xu xinrou holds Xu Jinshan in time and reconciles with her daughter in a filial manner! Apologize to Dad. Don't make dad angry again. "

Xu Xiyan sneers in his heart, Xu xinrou. No wonder you have to go to the theatre. It turns out that you are a born playwright when you step on a horse!

Self directing and self acting.

If you don't get a best actor award, are you all sorry for your lotus bitch face?

Want her to apologize?

No doors!

"Excuse me? What did I do wrong? We are all adults, OK? "

Xu Xiyan is 18 years old and has gone to university.

Originally with her talent and conditions, she will surely develop well on the way of performance.

But they don't want her to enter the entertainment circle and Xu xinrou to grab resources.

With her mother's death, she hated the entertainment world.

Therefore, Xu did not apply for the performance major of art school, but went to the Chinese Department of CUHK.

Xu xinrou continued to add insult to injury. "Dad, my sister may just want to make more pocket money, so she went to the extreme. It's not her fault. In the future, just give her more pocket money."

The image of Xu xinrou, a good sister of "Lotus bitch in the golden age", now looks disgusting.

"How much do you want, not at home? You... You sell yourself for money? You let me down. "

Xu Jinshan looks like he hates iron but not steel.

In fact, it's nothing more than acting with Xu xinrou in order to cover up the ugly behavior of their private transactions.

To impose charges and faults on her.

Black and white are reversed to confuse the public.

"Yes, how much money do you give me every month?" Xu Xiyan said deliberately, is it possible to say that the Xu family gives her living expenses?

Since steward Suri, her monthly living expenses can't compare with Xu xinrou's.

If she didn't work part-time in college, she would probably die of starvation on the street. Sometimes her daughter Xu Jiaer doesn't earn as much as the beggar on the street.

It's sad to think about it. If mom is still alive, she can't be bullied.

I really don't want to see that pair of hypocritical father and daughter acting again. Xu Xiyan looks askew at the back of the sleeping man.

Deliberately clinging to his shoulder, he said to the two people at the door, "if you don't want to make it all known, hurry up and don't disturb our sleep."

"Shameless things! When you come back, I will not break your leg! "

Xu Jinshan kicked the door first.

"Yan Yan, remember to go home early and give dad an explanation."

Xu xinrou's explanation of "kindness" and then left.

Although they left, Xu xinrou let the reporter in ambush at the door take the first-hand information.

Next, she has a big gift for her sister.
