Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 199

199. As soon as she saw Yi Xiaolai, Xu Xiyan guessed that Huo Yunshen would also come, but she didn't even think about it. She went straight to the ground and began to cry "ouch" and "ouch".

Wan Dou: "..."

Suddenly I can't understand it. What about the boss who is full of firepower and hard work?

Why is Xuelin's sister suddenly lying on the ground?

As expected, a wheelchair came in outside the door. The man in the wheelchair had a dark face and was full of pent up anger.

Those peach blossom eyes rolled up sharp cold and bright light, like sharp sword, needle people's skin.

Huo Yunshen moved the wheelchair in, the cold light swept through the mess box, and his eyes fell on the woman lying on the ground. His eyes narrowed a little when he was pupil, and his sword eyebrows frowned. He moved to the front at the first time.

"Jingxi! Jingxi...... "

He can't hide the anxiety and worry in his eyes. He reaches for Xu Xiyan's wrist and wants to help her up.

How can Xu Xiyan waste the opportunity to test the man's mind!

She sprang up to his knees and cried, "Mr. Huo, is it really you, Mr. Huo. You're here at last. I was bullied! Wuwuwu...... "

"It's them?"

Huo Yun glanced at several men who couldn't get up because of the pain on the ground.

Xu replied with a serious face, "well, if Wan Dou hadn't subdued these people, I would have been dead."

Wan Dou: "..."

Boss, how nice of you to be so modest!

I really didn't do anything!

It's the landlady who brought these people down. Hey!

"Any injuries? Does it hurt? "

Looking at Xu Xiyan's small face full of grievances, tears ripple, and Huo Yunshen's heart is breaking.

It's all because he came late and didn't protect his woman in the first place.

"It hurts! It hurts so much... Here! Here... And here It hurts! "

Xu Xiyan's fingers have many parts of his body, which is called pain.

In fact, if she was seriously injured, she would not tell Huo Yunshen, because she didn't want to cause him any trouble.

But if she's not hurt, or if she's just a little bit hurt like she is now, she'll take the opportunity to ask for comfort, to show a god of men's concern, to prove how much he cares about her.

Someone touched his sweetheart. Huo Yunshen was very angry and furious. He immediately ordered Yi Xiao to catch all of them.

"She's the one who brought you trouble?"

Huo Yun asked Song Jie, who was sitting on the ground with his deep fingers paralyzed.

When Wan Dou saw Lord boss, he felt confident and proud. He explained the situation quickly, "Mr. Huo, it's her! She attacked sister Jingxi. Not only want to teach sister Jingxi a lesson, but also say a lot of nasty things to insult her! "

"Oh! Is that right? " Huo Yun's lips were cold and deep, and he sneered, "who is so bold?"

At this time, as if Yi Xiao had installed a computer program, she told the details of sister song one by one,

"Ma Haodong's agent, song Xiangping, worked as an agent for five years. His parents were working class, including 80 year old grandfather, junior high school brother, and his boyfriend was a photographer of Huayin entertainment."

Huo Yun's eyes were full of demons, which burst out a cold light, and his tone was still light. "Song Xiangping, you said, how can I punish you?"

Until now, song sister had a feeling of being in hell. Her legs trembled and she had no strength to run. She fell down and sat on the ground.

Huo Yunshen, that's Huo Yunshen!

The iron blood president of Yunhai entertainment group, the master of the whole entertainment circle, controls the power of life and death. He is also the backstage of Jingxi?!
