Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 19

In came a man in a wheelchair. He was very handsome, with soft hair, half covering his pretty face.

Xu Xiyan's eyes are fixed on the wheelchair. He is surprised. Who is he?

Why do you feel familiar?

The man controls the remote control in this hand, and the electric wheelchair slowly approaches her. Xu Xiyan immediately gets embarrassed, pulls up the quilt to cover himself, and vigilantly asks, "you, who are you..."

"You don't remember who I am?"

The demon's cool voice first penetrated into Xu Xiyan's ears, and she stared at him with eyes full of water.

The man raised his head a little, showing a pair of deep eyes under his broken hair. Her thin red lips raised a gentle arc, leaving her to look at herself and look forward to her recognizing herself.

My God!

Too handsome!

The man in front of us is even better looking than the woman. Can we leave a way for the woman?

"You..." Xu Xiyan's beautiful eyes are full of surprises. He looks at him for a moment and mutters, "no way Why do you look so like a star? Like who? "

I can't remember for a moment.

Huo Yunshen: "..."

There is full suspicion that the goods have face blindness.

It was obvious that she had forgotten about him, and that night five years ago.

Xu Xiyan was trying to mobilize the brain nerves, and finally came to realize and cried, "ah, I remember."

Huo Yun's eyes brightened, expecting her to say the answer, but he heard her say, "you look very much like Elvis, and you look very similar from the side."

Well, she still forgot him.

The stars in Huo Yun's deep eyes dimmed, and he smiled, "ha ha, right?"

Xu Xiyan's brain is running at full speed. Look at his face carefully, then the wheelchair he is in, and the legs on the wheelchair.

Isn't it right? It's impossible for one person to be like another to such an extent that he can even use a wheelchair?

After thinking of some possibility, Xu Xiyan's whole feeling is not good. She asked with numbness on her scalp,

"you Don't tell me, are you Elvis? Did you have a car accident? "

“……” Huo Yunshen didn't speak, just returned her a indifferent and slightly sad smile, indicating default.

His accident is a fact. His spine is seriously damaged and he is seriously paralyzed.

He is the proud son of heaven, but he fell from a brilliant height to a low valley. No one knows how much despair and pain he has experienced. He is the only one who knows the taste.

He spent the most difficult three years in a wheelchair. His whole life was gloomy and desperate. After a long time of self abandonment, such as drowning people struggling in despair.

If not for Xu Xiyan holding a persistent to almost paranoid thoughts, he may not really support now.

"You are not only Elvis, you are also Huo Yunshen?"

Xu Xiyan looks suspicious and thinks he has hallucinations. "Are you really Huo Yunshen?"

Huo Yunshen's crooked lips asked, "don't I look like that?"

"Well, a little."

At least unlike the Elvis screen image she knows, it's not the same as the introduction of Huo Yunshen that she found on the Internet.

In the film, he often portrays the characters of tough guys. He is very good at man. Later, he became president of Yunhai entertainment. What he took was a hegemonic line of President Gao Leng.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Xu Xiyan took a breath of cold air.
