Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 182

182. Before he answers, Xu Xiyan stands up and goes to the kitchen, "say, what would you like to eat?"

"Face! I want some noodles. "

Huo Yun's deep eyes followed her back, and Xu Xiyan returned with a warm smile, "OK, wait for me for ten minutes."

In ten minutes, Xu Xiyan cooked a double portion of stewed meat noodles, and the two happily handled the dinner together.

It's really in line with the old saying, it's called feeling full of drinking water.

Huo Yunshen thinks that as long as he is with Xu Xiyan, it doesn't matter what he eats, even if he drinks water, he will feel sweet.

No acupuncture tonight, just a group of massage.

Good night to each other. Xu Xiyan returns to his residence and spends more time on the Internet to write novels.

One night off, Xu Xiyan rushes to the cast. On the way, he receives a call from Fang Xiaocheng. Fang Xiaocheng shouts at that end, "Yan Yan Yan! It's just that overnight, you're making headlines again! "

"What headline?"

Xu Xiyan hasn't had time to brush the news on Weibo.

"Wait and see for yourself! I don't want to say anything anymore. "

Fang Xiaocheng hung up directly. She was angry by the media.

Why do you always slander her family?

Why do you always splash dirty water on her?

Xu Xiyan arrived at the film and television base. After parking, he brushed his microblog and found that there were new words in the hot search.

#Ma Haodong's girlfriend's hidden rules are: what's the matter?

How did she become Ma Haodong's girlfriend?

How can we sneak into the rules and fall in love with the gold master?

Xu Xiyan opens the hot search news. He first sees a hazy picture with a style of Yan photo system. It shows a woman in a sexy Tulle lying on a hotel bed covered with rose petals.

Xu Xiyan knows her in this picture, which is the day when she went back to Xu's house and was knocked unconscious in the attic, and was offered as a gift by Xu Jinshan to Huo Yunshen.

Although the picture is not high-definition, it can still be identified as Xu Xiyan's face, because her facial features tend to be mixed, which is too stereoscopic and recognizable.

The content of the disclosure is more exaggerated, indicating that one day Jingxi and a man were dating at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The man's identity was not low, and he was a figure in the entertainment circle. They spent the night in the hotel.

Next, it points out that Jing Xi's entry into the production team of "tea tilting sky" has not been auditioned by audition, but is an airborne production team, implying that she entered the production team only through potential rules.

Entertainment circle is full of people. Netizens have guessed and replaced them with letters.

The scope can't be narrowed any more. There are two people in power of Yunhai entertainment, President Huo Yunshen and vice president Huo Jingtang.

Most people don't think about Huo Yunshen. Because of his special physical condition, most people guess it's Huo Jingtang.

Because it's related to Ma Haodong and may involve the two people with the highest status in the entertainment circle. As soon as the scandal came out, the microblog was about to burst, and many melon eating netizens left messages and swiped their screens.

[the new kid is so good! First, Ma Haodong and now the king. It's not easy! ]

[is the object of the appointment a cloud senior? HYS or hjt? ]

[can't be HYS, he can't do that, 80% is hjt! ]

[Ma Haodong, your hat is green! ]Don't hurt Ma Haodong, bitch! Roll it up! ]

[this girl has a deep mind. She is afraid of being broad and afraid of being broad in order to seek the upper position! ]

[it's a real watch! ]


Well behaved, these people scold people, do not ask the black and white, all one-sided denounce her.

After brushing the microblog, Xu Xiyan carefully ponders the context. Who will get her photos in the hotel?
