Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 172

172. Xu Xiyan scolds people without a dirty word. He satirizes Zhao Ruiqi properly, but she has nothing to say.

This is her wisdom of being a human being. Anyone who wants to be cheap here, sorry, don't say he won't give you a chance.

Miss Zhao Ruiqi, and Xu Xiyan goes to Linda for makeup.

In the process of putting on makeup, Xu Xiyan listens to Linda about what happened on the set that day.

He said Ma Haodong rushed into the studio and scolded the director for her. He didn't want to be too handsome. He also said that director Huang put up the stall these two days.

Xu Xiyan is unbelievable, "Ma Haodong scolded Huang Dao?"

"Yes! Said Huang daocao Kan life

Linda is no longer aiming at Xu Xiyan. She can talk with her at ordinary times, "ha ha, I think Ma Haodong is really nervous about you. You can find a boyfriend like him and envy him to death. "

"Sister Linda, you misunderstood me. Ma Haodong and I are just good friends. Alas, he even scolded Huang Dao for me. "

Xu Xiyan is worried about Ma Haodong secretly. Does this guy want to stay in the circle?

Don't you know the consequences of offending the director?

Even if it's not a director of a production group, it can't be easily offended!

If Linda hadn't revealed that Xu Xiyan didn't know, there would have been so many things after she passed out.

Thinking about Huang Daotai's stall, Xu Xiyan asked gloomily, "do you think the cast almost stopped?"

Linda's expression of surprise on your face, "no, as soon as Huang daoren left, all of us were headless. If it wasn't for president Chu to invite him back in person later, I think it's very likely that the play will die young."

After hearing about this, Xu Xiyan couldn't help but admire Huang Guoqiang. As expected, he is a director with character and dare to challenge investors.

After that, he didn't rush to cover up the facts, but dared to challenge Chu Yuhe and leave.

Xu Xiyan felt that Huang Guoqiang was indeed a bloody and courageous director.

After dressing up, Xu Xiyan goes directly to Director Huang Guoqiang.

At this moment, when Huang Guoqiang was found in the crew, he was discussing with the screenwriter how to modify the script. Xu Xiyan came over and politely shouted, "Huang Dao."

Huang Guoqiang sees that she is coming, stops chatting with the screenwriter, and turns to her, "Oh, it's Jingxi! How are you? You were sent to the hospital to see you, but you have been discharged. "

"Thank you, director Huang. I'm all right."

Xu Xiyan smiled, then seriously bowed down to Huang Guoqiang and said, "I'm sorry, Huang Dao. I'm putting you and the crew in trouble this time. "

Huang Guoqiang's mind is clear. The responsibility for that can't be entirely on Xu Xiyan's head. You know this circle, that is, holding high and low, who has the final say.

Huang Guoqiang doesn't associate Xu Xiyan with Huo Yunshen, but thinks that Chu Yuhe's going to be the director of the drama group, in all likelihood, to revenge Xu xinrou for her.

"Well, I see."

Xu Xiyan humbly accepts the instruction.

In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, Huang Guoqiang once again taught, "as a new kid, you should be smart in the future, and don't touch eggs and stones. Play well! "

"OK, thank you, director Huang. I will do it well."

Xu Xiyan smiled, bowed and turned away.

Huang Guoqiang stared at her back, and was silent for a moment
