Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 17

17. She quietly turned off the recording of her mobile phone, put on a gentle and charming look, with a shy face, and deliberately scratched her finger on his chest, saying,

"Yuhe, we have been separated for a long time, I really miss you Do you want me? "

"Words, I......" Her eyes are so charming and her meaning is very simple. It's true that Chu Yuhe is about to have nosebleed.

"If you want, hurry up! Take it off! " Xu Xiyan urged.

"Oh, oh..."

Chu Yuhe was so happy that Xu Xiyan still loved him so much, and he would offer to be here with him. As long as brain mends what happens next, people can fly excitedly.

Without thinking much, he began to take off his coat and trousers three times, five times and two times.

When his pants just landed at his feet, he didn't think of a blow, and his eyes were heavily punched.

Then there was another fat beating, which hit him black and white.

"Ah ah..."

Chu Yuhe wanted to hide, but his feet tripped over his pants and fell to the ground.

Xu Xiyan's eyes burst with hate, holding hands, picking up a beer bottle on the table, breaking the bottom of the bottle, and stabbing Chu Yuhe with a sharp bottle.

"Die, scum!"

Xu Xiyan wanted him to die, but Chu Yuhe roared, "help! Killed people... "

If someone is in trouble, Xu Xiyan escapes from the scene in order to escape.

When she ran out, there happened to be two waiters who came here.

Chu Yuhe sees someone coming, cries for help loudly, and asks them to catch the woman who just ran out. The two boys immediately chase Xu Xiyan.

Xu Xiyan ran to the KTV outside the silver cabinet in one breath and heard someone coming after her. She kept on walking.

I saw a black RV parked by the side of the road. There was a driver in the van. She didn't even think about it. She pulled the door open and put the bloody bottle on the back of the driver's head. She ordered, "drive! Hurry up! "

The driver was startled. In the rearview mirror, he saw a fierce woman threatening him with a bottle of wine. He had to start the engine.

On the road, Xu Xiyan managed to get rid of the two people who chased her. Before he could relax, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and her people suddenly lost consciousness.

The man in the back of the RV, feeling the car moving, rang the bell and asked what was the matter. His assistant had not yet got on the car and he had not ordered to drive.

The door opened, and a report came from his staff, "Sir, someone just wanted to hijack the car, and now he has been subdued by us."


Huo Yun is curious about the courage of someone who even dares to rob his car.

"A woman."


Is it a woman who robbed the car?

Huo Yun is more curious.

The two men brought Xu Xiyan in and threw him on the ground.

Xu Xiyan lies on his side, his hair covers half of his cheek, and Huo Yun looks at him with deep inquiry. The more he looks, the more he doubts, "turn her over to me."

The two men did the same. They turned Xu Xiyan over and looked up. The hair that had just covered their cheeks also slipped down, revealing a beautiful and bright face.

When Huo Yunshen saw the face clearly, he took a breath of air-conditioning.


It's unbelievable!!!

Xu Xiyan!

It's Xu Xiyan!!!

He waited for the girl who disappeared for 5 years, and unexpectedly broke into his side by mistake. Is this a surprise arranged by God for him?
