Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 169

169. The ingredients in the bottom of the pot are almost cooked. The oil and soup are boiling. Xu Xiyan greets everyone to eat. "Come here, everyone. You're welcome."

Fang Xiaocheng cooked a mushroom ball and dipped it in peanut butter. He asked Xiaomeng, "cherry, here's the ball. Dip it in peanut butter!"

"Orange Mommy, you can eat it yourself. Baby doesn't eat it."

Yingbao shakes his head, picks up a cow ball with a spoon and takes a big bite. He is very happy.

Xu added, "Oh, forget to tell you, Sakura can't eat peanut butter. She's allergic to peanut butter."

Allergic to peanut butter?

Hearing this, Huo Yunshen suddenly looks up at Xiaomeng. Is she allergic to peanut butter?

Just like him!

What a coincidence!

After dinner, Wang Dazhi and Fang Xiaocheng say goodbye. When they leave, Fang Xiaocheng says, "cherry, do you sleep with Xibao in the evening? Will orange Mommy pick you up tomorrow? "

"Good, good!"

Yingbao jumped up happily.

Send Fang Xiaocheng away. Xu Xiyan and Huo Yunshen play checkers with Yingbao for a while.

Looking at the scene that Huo Yunshen and Yingbao get along well, Xu Xiyan feels the warmth of a long lost family in his heart.

She couldn't help but think if If Huo Yunshen likes her, then Yingbao can live in a complete family.

I really want to ask him, Huo Yunshen, do you like me?

Why do you always think your heart is so deep?

Xu Xiyan has always been confident and insightful, but only in the face of Huo Yunshen, she can't understand, touch and guess what he thinks.

She heard some bad rumors from the outside. It's rumoured that Huo Yunshen never approached women, not because he had heterosexual communication disorder or car accident, but because he seemed to be a gay!

As for the night when she had a relationship with her five years ago, it was because she was drugged and actively entangled with him that later happened. Otherwise, he would never touch a woman.

He helped her over and over again, once making her think that he was attracted to her, but that time in the hotel she was almost translucent standing in front of him, he didn't even look at her.

So, Xu Xiyan always thought that it was true that he didn't like women.

When the game was nearly 10:30, Yingbao was sleepy, lying on Xu Xiyan's body and hugging her neck.

Xu Xiyan picked up the child and said, "the child is sleepy. I will help her take a bath and coax her to sleep. You can wait for me first. "


Huo Yunshen agrees.

Xu Xiyan takes a bath for Yingbao. After coaxing her to sleep, he comes out of the bedroom and finds huoyunshen still waiting in the living room.

"Haven't you left yet?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you."

Anyway, it's boring for him to go back alone. It's better to wait for her.

"How about that! How about staying in this room tonight? What can I do for you? "

Xu Xiyan is asking for his advice. The main reason for him to stay is to consider that massage and acupuncture take a long time. She is not sure if she puts Yingbao in the room.


It's hard to find such a good thing with a lantern. Huo Yun agrees happily.

In the guest room, Huo Yun lies on the bed, Xu Xiyan helps him to do body massage.

Huo Yunshen asked casually, "what are Yingbao's parents doing?"

He would like to know, what kind of parents can give birth to such clever children as Yingbao?
