Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 155

155. When they entered the room, Fang Xiaocheng helped Xu Xiyan to sit on the sofa and rest, then went to help her pour water.

When Fang Xiaocheng returned to the living room with a glass of water, the door of Room 102 was opened, and Huo Yun, who was in a wheelchair, pushed the door in and met Fang Xiaocheng.

Huo Yunshen was obviously shocked. He didn't see Xu Xiyan come back after waiting for a whole night. Just now, he heard 102 open doors and thought that Xu Xiyan came back.

He was so anxious that he didn't even bother to knock on the door and opened it directly with the key. As a result, he didn't expect anyone else in the room.

At this time, it's too late for him to quit.

Fang Xiaocheng suddenly saw someone come in. Seeing that it was Huo Yunshen in a wheelchair, he was shocked. The cup fell to the ground and the water was spilled all over the ground.

Xu Xiyan on the sofa heard the noise and turned to look at Fang Xiaocheng. "What's wrong with the orange?"

Fang Xiaocheng motioned to her with his eyes to see the direction of the door. Xu Xiyan turned around and saw eyema. She jumped up from the sofa directly.

She is almost as excited and surprised as Xiao Cheng and Huo Yunshen. She and Huo Yunshen have been hiding things from Fang Xiaocheng.

Now Huo Yunshen suddenly appears, killing her by surprise.

"Ah ~ ~! Why is Mr. hohoho here? "

Xu Xiyan only felt his scalp numb. He could not describe how embarrassed he was. He hurried to meet him.

Huo Yunshen has seen the scandal between Xu Xiyan and Ma Haodong. He originally wanted to ask her, but now, it's obviously not the right time.

"I'm sorry, but I may have disturbed you. I'll go first. "

Huo Yunshen turns his wheelchair to leave, but Xu Xiyan holds his wheel and laughs, "Mr. Huo, you are here just in time. My best friend is here. I can introduce you."

Now that we have met, if we hide, it will cause misunderstanding. How about introducing them directly and generously?

Next, Xu Xiyan tries to introduce Fang Xiaocheng and Huo Yunshen to each other.

Huo Yunshen shows great bearing. The gentleman reaches out to Fang Xiaocheng and says, "Hello, Miss Fang."

Fang Xiaocheng has always been in a state of fantasy. Xu Xiyan's room suddenly appears the God of man. Now the God of man is so friendly to make friends with her.

My God, the sun is coming out to the West!

What a great honor it is to shake hands with Elvis?

Fang Xiaocheng is excited and about to fly. He wipes his hand on his clothes, and then reaches out to shake it with him.

"Hello, Mr. Huo, nice to meet you! I am your fan! I've seen all your films! "

"Ha ha, thank you! You are a friend of Jingxi, and then you will be my friend. "

Huo Yun had a deep and shallow smile. His eyes were shining and dimples appeared. The people he saw could not help but throb. The girl's heart was hooked by his smile.

After introducing each other, Huo Yunshen made an excuse to leave first.

After closing the door, Fang Xiaocheng presses Xu Xiyan on the sofa, "Yan!!!"!!!! You tell me the truth!!! What's the matter with him?! "

"I've already said that he and I are neighbors."

Xu Xiyan is a little guilty and his eyes are twinkling.

Fang Xiaocheng saw it at a glance, and the ghost picked up his eyebrows. "Don't fool me. How can I be a neighbor to the movie emperor? What kind of neighbor can enter the house without knocking at the door? "

She has already reflected that the girl who last had an affair with Huo Yunshen at the door of the hospital must be Xu Xiyan, who actually hid the goods and didn't tell her.
