Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 144

144. When Jing huaduo saw a man in a wheelchair with a stiff smile on his face, was the boyfriend his granddaughter was looking for in a wheelchair?

"How do you do, Mr. Jing, young Huo Yunshen?"

Huo Yun said hello politely.

Jinghuaduo is not unfamiliar with the name "huoyunshen".

In Kaijing, Huo Yunshen, surnamed Huo and in a wheelchair, has and only has one. That's huoxun's grandson!

Jinghuo and jinghuo have never met each other in Kaijing. Jinghuaduo has no good feelings for the Huo family.

Because in those years, Huo xundou passed his childhood sweetheart Yunmeng. Although the past few decades have passed, it left a thorn in his heart.

Every time I think about it, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Now, huoxun's grandson has come to hook up with his granddaughter again. It's beautiful.

Jinghuaduo immediately said to Xu Xiyan, "Yan Yan, come out with me. Grandpa has something to say."

Xu Xiyan could not guess what grandpa was going to say, so she had to follow him out. When she went out, she made a sign to Huo Yunshen to let them wait for her in the room.

Outside the door, Jing huaduo asked, "what's the matter? What do you have to do with the hokes? "

Xu Xiyan replied truthfully, "it's just friendship!"

Jinghuaduo naturally thinks it's a relationship between men and women. He's more worried about his granddaughter. He tells her with a heart and a heart of his own,

"in words, Grandpa tells you what kind of boyfriend you are looking for, and grandpa doesn't object to it. But if you're looking for the Huos, you can't do it? "


Xu Xiyan can't help explaining the relationship between her and Huo Yunshen, just wondering why her grandfather has such a prejudice against the Huo family?

"Don't ask why. Just listen to Grandpa. Grandpa won't hurt you. Stay away from Huo's family, especially Huo Yunshen. He's in a wheelchair, life can't take care of itself. If you look for him, it's like jumping into a fire pit. "

When jinghuaduo stood outside the door to speak, the wall was not sound proof at all. All the words, word by word, were introduced into Huo Yunshen's ears.

You see, he just came to see a disease, but he turned to see his elders.

He really didn't expect that the old master of the Jing family had such a deep prejudice against the Huo family. Moreover, he was extremely dissatisfied with him and opposed his association with Xu Xiyan.

Knowing old Jing's attitude, Huo Yunshen has a little more psychological pressure.

There are thousands of mountains and rivers between him and Xu Xiyan. Now many elders oppose it. Even if he really wants to be with Xu Xiyan, it will not be easy.

Yi Xiao listens to those unheard words, and really wants to fight for his young master, but Huo Yunshen stops him from listening.

Xu Xiyan outside was afraid that Grandpa's words would be heard in the room. "Grandpa, keep your voice down."

"Why speak in a low voice? This is my hospital. I'm not afraid to be listened to when I say anything. "

Let him keep his voice down. Instead, jinghuaduo deliberately plays high notes.

Xu Xiyan really doesn't want Huo Yun to be hurt in the slightest. In order to protect him, the best way is to get rid of his relationship.

In this way, Grandpa will definitely not be embarrassed by Huo Yunshen any more.

"Grandpa, you misunderstood. Mr. Huo and I are not friends. We are just friends. It's because I introduced you to him. He wanted to come to see you. Please have a look. It doesn't mean anything else. "

"Oh? Is it true? "

"Of course it is. When did Yan Yan deceive you? "
