Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 14

Huo Yunshen, who has always been lonely and cold, seldom contacts with the opposite sex. Xu Xiyan is the first woman who accidentally enters his lonely world, which is the most special existence.

Five years ago, after that night, he was deeply in love with her. Later, when he was going to find her, he unexpectedly learned about her going abroad.

On his way to the airport, he suffered a car accident, spinal injury and severe paralysis, so he had to rely on a wheelchair.

In the most difficult and desperate life trough, if we don't rely on the paranoid miss of Xu Xiyan, we can't survive.

After so many years, he has never forgotten Xu Xiyan. He has been waiting for five years.

It turned out to be an empty shell with good news. You can imagine how hurt your heart should be.

"Forget it."

Huo Yun's deep black eyes flashed a trace of imperceptible loss. He pressed the remote control in his hand and left the VIP room with a wheelchair.

No one knows how much Huo Yunshen regrets at this moment. He regrets that he should be more active in that year. If he went to see her earlier, there might not be a car accident, and he could also circle her in his own sphere of influence.

No, let her fly out of his world, no more news.

What's more, his lovesickness is unforgettable and his days are like years.

Xu Xiyan, where are you?


Xu Xiyan's mother and daughter follow Fang Xiaocheng back to blueberry community.

With a temporary foothold, Xu Xiyan removes makeup and makes up for himself.

She plans to take her daughter to stay in Fang Xiaocheng's house for a while, and move away when she finds the house. After all, Fang Xiaocheng's boyfriend often comes here, and their mother and daughter are not suitable.

In the evening, Fang Xiaocheng and her boyfriend Wang Dazhi accompanied their mother and daughter to dinner. Their good friends met again after a long time. They were very happy and chatted while eating.

Fang Xiaocheng once studied in the Department of Chinese at Peking University like Xu Xiyan. He wanted to be a screenwriter after graduation, but he could only give up his ideal because of family reasons.

Home opened a flower shop to live, want to earn more money and Wang Dazhi together mortgage to buy a house, do marriage preparation.

Originally, the business was very good, but after there were two more flower shops in a street, the business was not very good.

When it comes to making money, Xu Xiyan has a good way of saying, "come live with us to have more meat, and make sure that you can get rid of poverty in one year and run to a well-off society in two years."

"How much meat is on the air?" Fang Xiaocheng didn't understand. She opened a florist's shop to understand what meat is, but what does live broadcast of meat mean?

When she learned Xu Xiyan's "live broadcasting is full of meat", she realized that she was talking about auction of succulent plants in live broadcasting.

It's said that the little cute girl around her is a little online red. Every day, the little guy auctions the succulent plants in the live broadcast, and receives rewards that are better than her florist's income.

Fang Xiaocheng almost found a big treasure. He hugged Yingbao and kissed him hard. "Xiaocherry, aunt orange will mix with you in the future!"

Yingbao is very generous to accept Fang Xiaocheng, "no problem, for the sake of aunt orange's treat me to have a big meal, the baby will cover you later."

"Ouch ~ ~ Yingbao is so righteous. Auntie can bear to talk to you."

In a short time, Fang Xiaocheng has completely fallen in love with this little Mengwa. She even has the impulse to turn Mengwa home.

Why is it so lovely?

After dinner, several people went to the bank counter and drank a lot of wine. They also had a good time.

After the event, Yingbao fell asleep. Fang Xiaocheng grabbed Yingbao and patted the child on the back. "Yan Yan, the child is asleep. Let's go back!"


Xu Xiyan and Fang Xiaocheng take Yingbao back together.

In the corridor, I happened to meet my old friend in a book.
