Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 123

123. Xu Xiyan thanks and sits down in the seat beside Huo Yunshen.

Huo Jingtang, on the opposite side, was also looking at her. When he recognized that the silver haired boy was Jing Xi, the girl he had met in the rehabilitation center before, he was very surprised. Unexpectedly, she would come to Huo's house disguised as a man.

It's really smart. It can save a lot of trouble.

After Huo Yunshen came back, her second aunt Lin Yuemei asked deliberately, "Yunshen must have prepared a gift for grandpa when he came back so late? What have you prepared? Take it out quickly so that you can open your eyes. "

After Lin Yuemei's selection, many people are curious about what gift Huo Yunshen will prepare for the old man.

"The eldest young master has sent eight million jade bracelets. I don't know what they will give to the old man. They will certainly not be worse than this jade bracelet."

"That's ten million at least!"

"Come out and let's open our eyes!"


Everyone is waiting for Huo Yunshen's gift. Huo Yunshen slowly opens the satin on the box in his arms. People open their eyes and see the box with exquisite carvings. The contents must be worth a lot of money.

Xu Xiyan helped to hold the box. Huo Yunshen opened the lid of the box and said, "Grandpa, you have a birthday today. Yunshen didn't prepare any valuable gifts, just a birthday cake for you."

Birthday cake?

No. 2 prepare a birthday cake for the old man?

This gift is so It's like dropping everyone's glasses.

Lin Yuemei can't help but cover her mouth and smile. She knows that Huo Yunshen won't please the old man at all. How much is a broken cake worth? Is it good to show it to the public?

For a while, the people nearby were laughing and even whispering that Huo Yunshen was too perfunctory and disrespectful to the old man.

"Well, it looks delicious. Grandpa must have a taste later."

Huoxun has not been affected in any way. He just loves Huo Yunshen's cool mind.

Although it's just a cake, it may not be worth much money, but it's in your heart.

Xu Xiyan listened to the jeers and ridicules of the people around him, and looked down upon those people in his heart. Did anyone stipulate that gifts must be measured by money?

Does she think that Huo Yunshen's Handmade cake is more thoughtful than Huo Jingtang's eight million hand strings?

The strange thing is Huo Yun's deep nature. He doesn't fight or rob, and he doesn't explain much.

He is such a sullen man that he can't even say a flattering word.

Mr. Huo, this cake is also called plant cake, which is made by master Yunshen himself for you. Considering that you always have high blood sugar and can't eat sweets, there's no white sugar in it. With xylitol, the materials are all natural and green. You can eat at ease. "

After Xu Xiyan's explanation, an ordinary cake seems to have become unusual.

"It's really hard for Yunshen. Grandpa likes it so much. Remember the last time I ate the cake you made, it was eight years ago! Today I finally have a chance to taste it again. No one of you is allowed to steal my cake later. " Huo Xun said happily.

Lin Yuemei beside is not very convinced. Her son spent more than 8 million yuan and the old man didn't like it very much. Why can Huo Yunshen get the old man's favor with a broken cake?

This is too eccentric!

Huo Jingtang stood beside his mother, watching the old man's preference for Huo Yunshen. He had a light smile on the surface, but in fact, he could not express his disgust and resentment.
