Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 113

113. After dinner, Xu Xiyan is going to wash dishes, but Huo Yunshen stops her and says, "don't wash. I'll send someone to install the dishwasher tomorrow, and then use the machine to wash."

He loves her, does not want to tired her, wants to let her go back to early rest.

"Well, I'll go back. Good night."

Xu Xiyan said goodbye to him and returned to Room 102.

The first thing is to turn on the mobile phone. After the mobile phone is turned on, there are many phone records and notifications on the screen, many of which are from Xu Jinshan, and the daughter Yingbao.

Yingbao can't reach her by phone. She sends her voice message and asks her mother to call her back. She is waiting.

Xu Xiyan immediately dials Yingbao's children's phone, which is connected with only one ring. It can be seen that xiaomengwa must have been guarding her cell phone, waiting for her call!

"Hi baby! Hee baby You finally called the baby back. The baby is about to die. Are you ok? "

There came the voice of xiaomengwa's milk voice. Hearing her daughter's voice, Xu Xiyan seemed to be filled with new strength immediately, and the fatigue accumulated in one day was swept away.

"Baby, hee baby is very good. I'm sorry I didn't call you until now. Did you sleep? "

Xu Xiyan sat down on the sofa and focused on talking to his daughter on the phone.

"Of course I didn't sleep! If the baby sleeps, how can he talk to you on the phone? "

"Oh, yes! How is our baby today? Are you happy? What did you do at Grandpa's house? "

Xu Xiyan lies on the sofa, grabs a thin blanket and covers himself with it, chatting comfortably with his daughter.

"I went to Grandpa's TCM hall in the daytime, and in the afternoon I dried herbs with Grandpa. Baby now knows a lot of herbs, such as ginseng tonic, licorice can clear fire, angelica can reduce blood pressure, are too foreign public education baby

Sakura is excited to tell her mother that she has learned a lot of interesting knowledge.

"Oh, our little baby is so good. He has learned so much!"

"Yes, when the baby grows up, he should be a great old Chinese doctor like Grandpa."

Yingbao doesn't want to worship his grandfather now. He likes to follow the old man's back. He is curious about everything and wants to learn everything.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Xiyan is amused by the child, and the mother and daughter talk for a while. Xiaomengwa remembers an important thing and tells him, "Oh, by the way, Xibao, my uncle and grandpa called back today.

"Ask us if we can go back to China. The baby told him that we are very well.

"And ye dada is also on the phone asking if you miss him. I will tell him directly that you don't want him.

"He said you have no conscience, he will come back to you to settle accounts.

"But don't be afraid of Xibao. He has already criticized him."


Xu Xiyan understood that it was her uncle Jing Zhan Nan who called home. As for Yingbao's "big leaves", as long as he thought about the evil ruffian's face, Xu Xiyan felt like he wanted to smoke him.

Fortunately, I'm back home. I can't care about her. Hahaha

Yingbao and her mother have been separated for several days. They miss her very much. Xu Xiyan agrees to take Yingbao to the amusement park with Fang Xiaocheng on Sunday.

It's said that she can go to play on Sunday. Xiaomengwa pouted and asked, "why is it Sunday? Can't hee baby accompany her on Saturday? "

"Baby, because I only have time on Sunday!"

Tomorrow is Saturday, but Xu Xiyan plans to accompany Huo Yunshen to the rehabilitation center of the first people's Hospital for rehabilitation. He can only postpone the time to accompany his daughter to Sunday.
